Revision Notice (GEGM)

Dear Valued Customers,

Greetings from Great Eastern General Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad! We wish to inform you on the following list of revisions on product features, terms and conditions.

Section Existing
EFFECTIVE DATE OF INSURANCE shall mean the date on which the Company has accepted the Insured Person’s risk and received the initial first two (2) months’ premiums. Your Policy will take effect on the first (1st) day or the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the successful deduction of the premium from your credit or debit card. The first two (2) months’ premiums will be deducted in advance to ensure that there is continuity of payment in your premium. In the event premium deduction is unsuccessful, this Policy shall be deemed as void. In respect of an Insured Person who is a Child, the Effective Date of Insurance is the date the Child first becomes eligible under the Policy once issued, where applicable.

EFFECTIVE DATE OF INSURANCE shall mean the date on which the Company has accepted the Insured Person’s risk and received the initial first two (2) months’ premiums for premiums payable on a monthly basis or the full annual premium for premiums payable on an annual basis. Your Policy will take effect on the first (1st) day or the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the successful deduction of the premium from your credit or debit card. For premiums paid on a monthly basis, the first two (2) months’ premiums will be deducted in advance to ensure that there is continuity of payment in your premium. In the event premium deduction is unsuccessful, this Policy shall be deemed as void. In respect of an Insured Person who is a Child, the Effective Date of Insurance is the date the Child first becomes eligible under the Policy once issued, where applicable.

General Conditions Applying To Teafter.he Whole Policy
(1) PERIOD OF COVER This Policy shall become effective as at the date stated in the Policy Schedule. The Policy anniversary shall be one (1) year after the Effective Date of Insurance and annually ther

(1) PERIOD OF COVER AND RENEWAL This Policy shall become effective as at the date stated in the Policy Schedule. The Policy anniversary shall be one (1) year after the Effective Date of Insurance and annually thereafter. On each anniversary, this Policy is renewable at the premium rates in effect at that time as notified by the Company.

This Policy is renewable at the option of the Company. We will inform You of Our offer to renew the Policy before the Expiry Date by giving You 30 days’ prior notice.

General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy (2) PREMIUM PAYMENT Your premium is payable on a monthly basis and premium charged shall be in accordance with the plan You have selected and the Insured Person’s age next birthday. You must pay your premium when it is due. If your premium payments are not up to date your Policy will lapse. The premium shall be charged to Your credit card or debit card for the initial and subsequent monthly payments. If one or more monthly premiums have been paid in advance, non payment of any subsequent monthly premium shall only terminate this Policy as at the due date of such unpaid premium.
(2) PREMIUM PAYMENT Your premium is payable on a monthly basis or on an annual basis and premium charged shall be in accordance with the plan You have selected and the Insured Person’s age next birthday. You must pay your premium when it is due. If your premium payments are not up to date your Policy will lapse. The premium shall be charged to Your credit card or debit card for the initial and subsequent monthly payments or full annual payments. If one or more monthly premiums have been paid in advance, non payment of any subsequent monthly premium shall only terminate this Policy as at the due date of such unpaid premium.
General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy

(4) FULL PREMIUM DUE Notwithstanding the Premium Payment condition, if a claim is admitted and paid by Us during the Policy Year wherein the full annual premium payment for the particular year has not been fully paid, You shall continue to promptly pay your premium instalment failing which We shall be entitled to seek recovery for the default of the balance annual premium due.

(4) FULL PREMIUM DUE Notwithstanding the Premium Payment condition which is on a monthly basis, if a claim is admitted and paid by Us during the Policy Year wherein the full annual premium payment for the particular year has not been fully paid, You shall continue to promptly pay your premium instalment failing which We shall be entitled to seek recovery for the default of the balance annual premium due.

General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy

(6) RENEWAL This Policy is automatically renewable at the premium rates in effect at that time as notified by Us, subject to the terms and conditions of this Policy, unless otherwise instructed in writing by You to Us.Subject to the terms and conditions of this Policy and the premium rates in effect depending on the attained age next birthday of the Insured Person(s) on the anniversary of this Policy, this Policy will be automatically renewed for another Policy Year upon the Company’s receipt of payment of premium for the Renewal. No renewal documents will be issued to the Policyholder and the existing Policy Schedule issued to the Policyholder shall be evidence of valid cover.


General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy

(7) TERMINATION This Policy will be automatically terminated upon the occurrence of any of the following:(a)    non payment of premium by the premium due date;(b)    fraud or misrepresentation of material fact during the application for insurance cover under this Policy;(c)    on the effective date of cancellation of this Policy;(d)    in the event of the death of the Policyholder and his/her Spouse, where applicable, who are Insured Persons under the Policy;(e)    the Insured Person ceases to qualify as a Dependant based on the definition of the Policy;(f)     the Insured Person attains the maximum coverage age specified;(g)   termination of coverage for all policies in a certain market and the Company withdraws this Policy completely from the market in accordance with the Portfolio Withdrawal Condition; or(h)    at mid-night standard Malaysian time on the last day of the Policy Year.

(6) TERMINATION This Policy will be automatically terminated upon the occurrence of any of the following:

(a)  upon expiry of this Policy unless renewal premium has been fully paid and accepted by the Company;

(b)  fraud or misrepresentation of material fact during the application for insurance cover under this Policy;

(c)  on the effective date of cancellation of this Policy;

(d)  in the event of the death of the Policyholder and his/her Spouse, where applicable, who are Insured Persons under the Policy;

(e)  the Insured Person ceases to qualify as a Dependant based on the definition of the Policy;

(f)   the Insured Person attains the maximum coverage age specified;

(g) termination of coverage for all policies in a certain market and the Company withdraws this Policy completely from the market in accordance with the Portfolio Withdrawal Condition; or(h) 

(h) at mid-night standard Malaysian time on the last day of the Policy Year.



General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy

(9) CANCELLATION OF POLICY Other than circumstances provided under the Termination clause of this Policy, the Policy may be cancelled by You at any time by serving at least fourteen (14) days prior written notice to Us, and such cancellation shall become effective on the date Your next monthly premium is due. The Company reserves the right to cancel the Policy at any time by giving You a prior written notice to You at Your last known address, and such cancellation shall become effective on the date Your next monthly premium is due.

(8) CANCELLATION OF POLICY Other than circumstances provided under the Termination clause of this Policy, the Policy may be cancelled by You at any time by serving at least fourteen (14) days prior written notice to Us, and such cancellation shall become effective on the date Your next monthly premium is due for Policy on monthly premium payment basis or on the date of Us receiving of such cancellation request for Policy on annual premium payment basis.


For Policy on an annual premium payment basis and provided that no claim has been made during the current Policy year, upon cancellation, You shall be entitled to a refund of the premium as follows:-



Period of Insurance Not Exceeding

Refund of Annual Premium

15 days

90% - applicable for renewal only

1 month


2 months


3 months


4 months


5 months


6 months


7 months


8 months


9 months


10 months


11 months


Period exceeding 11 months

No refund

Section Existing

CANCER shall mean the uncontrollable growth and spread of malignant cells and the invasion and destruction of normal tissue for which major interventionist treatment or surgery (excluding endoscopic procedures alone) is considered necessary. The Cancer must be confirmed by histological evidence of malignancy. The following conditions are excluded:

(a) Carcinorma in situ including of the cervix;

(b Ductal Carcinorma in situ of the breast;

(c) Papillary Carcinorma of the bladder and Stage 1 Prostate Cancer;

(d) All skin Cancers except malignant melanoma;

(e) Stage 1 Hodgkin's disease;

(f) Tumours manifesting as complications of AIDS.

It is a specific condition of this benefit that notwithstanding the exclusion of Pre-existing Illness, this benefit will not be payable to any Insured Person and Dependant who had been diagnosed as a Cancer patient and/or was receiving Cancer treatment prior to the Effective Date of Insurance.

Special Provisions


To be eligible for this Policy, the following eligibility requirements must be met:

(a) the Policyholder must be aged between eighteen (18) years next birthday and sixty-five (65) years next birthday at the time of application and renewal up to eighty (80) years next birthday;

(b) the Policyholder’s Spouse must be aged between eighteen (18) years next birthday and sixty-five (65) years next birthday at the time of application and renewal up to eighty (80) years next birthday, unless legally separated from the Policyholder;

(c) the Policyholder’s Child must be aged between thirty (30) days to eighteen (18) years next birthday or twenty–three (23) years next birthday if attending tertiary education, who is unmarried, unemployed and wholly dependent on the Policyholder for support;

(d) the Insured Persons must be citizens of Malaysia or permanent residents of Malaysia;

(e) the Policyholder must be a retail customer of OCBC Bank.


To be eligible for this Policy, the following eligibility requirements must be met:-

(a) the Policyholder must be aged between nineteen (19) years next birthday and sixty-five (65) years next birthday at the time of application, which is renewable up to eighty (80) years next birthday;

(b) the Policyholder’s Spouse must be aged between nineteen (19) years next birthday and sixty-five (65) years next birthday at the time of application, which is renewable up to eighty (80) years next birthday, unless legally separated from the Policyholder;

(c) the Policyholder’s Child must be aged between thirty (30) days to eighteen (18) years next birthday or twenty–three (23) years next birthday if attending tertiary education, who is unmarried, unemployed and wholly dependent on the Policyholder for support;

(d) the Insured Persons must be citizens of Malaysia or permanent residents of Malaysia;(e)    the Policyholder must be a retail customer of OCBC Bank.

General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy This Policy, Policy Schedule and Annexures shall be read together as one contract and any words or expressions to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy, Policy Schedule or the Annexure shall bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear. This Policy and Policy Schedule shall be read together as one contract and any words or expressions to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy or Policy Schedule shall bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear. NA
General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy


Claims are not deemed complete and benefits are not payable unless all bills for such claims have been submitted and agreed upon by Us. Any variation or waiver of the foregoing shall be at the Company's discretion.


Claims are not deemed complete and benefits are not payable unless all bills for such claims have been submitted and agreed upon by Us.

General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy


The acceptance of such proof of loss shall be at Our discretion. After such grace period has expired, We will not accept, for any reason whatsoever, such written proof of loss.


After such grace period has expired, We will not accept, for any reason whatsoever, such written proof of loss.

Section Existing
Special Provisions


Persons eligible to be covered under this Policy are: -

(I) the Policyholder aged below sixty-five (65) years of age, renewable up to age hundred (100) years old;

(II) the Policyholder’s legal spouse aged below sixty-five (65) years of age, renewable up to one hundred (100) years old, unless legally separated from the Policyholder;

(III) the Policyholder’s unmarried children who are aged above thirty (30) days but under nineteen (19) years of age or twenty-three (23) years of age if still on fulltime higher education, and who are not gainfully employed;

(IV)  citizen of Malaysia or permanent residents of Malaysia.


Persons eligible to be covered under this Policy are: -

(I) the Policyholder aged between eighteen (18) years next birthday and sixty-five (65) years of age next birthday, which is renewable up to age hundred (100) years old next birthday;

(II) the Policyholder’s legal spouse aged up to sixty-five (65) years of age next birthday, which is renewable up to one hundred (100) years old next birthday, unless legally separated from the Policyholder;

(III) the Policyholder’s unmarried children who are aged above thirty (30) days but under nineteen (19) years of age next birthday or up to twenty-three (23) years of age next birthday if still on fulltime higher education, and who are not gainfully employed;

(IV) citizen of Malaysia or permanent residents of Malaysia.

Special Provisions


The Company may at its discretion to impose premium loading on the occupation, medical condition and etc. of an Insured Person.


The Company may impose premium loading on the occupation, medical condition and etc. of an Insured Person.

General Conditions This Policy, Policy Schedule and Annexures shall be read together as one contract and any words or expressions to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy, Policy Schedule or the Annexure shall bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear. This Policy and Policy Schedule shall be read together as one contract and any words or expressions to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy or Policy Schedule shall bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear. NA
General Conditions


Claims are not deemed complete and benefits are not payable unless all bills for such claims have been submitted and agreed upon by Us. Any variation or waiver of the foregoing shall be at the Company's discretion.


Claims are not deemed complete and benefits are not payable unless all bills for such claims have been submitted and agreed upon by Us.

General Conditions


The acceptance of such proof of loss shall be at Our discretion. After such grace period has expired, We will not accept, for any reason whatsoever, such written proof of loss.


After such grace period has expired, We will not accept, for any reason whatsoever, such written proof of loss.

Section Existing
Special Provisions


To be eligible for this Policy, the following eligibility requirements must be met:-

(a) the Policyholder must be aged between eighteen (18) years next birthday and below forty (40) years next birthday at the time of application and renewal up to eighty (80) years next birthday;

(b) the Policyholder’s Spouse must be aged between eighteen (18) years next birthday and below forty (40) years next birthday at the time of application and renewal up to eighty (80) years next birthday, unless legally separated from the Policyholder;

(c) the Policyholder’s Child must be aged between thirty (30) days to eighteen (18) years next birthday or twenty–three (23) years next birthday if attending tertiary education, who is unmarried, unemployed and wholly dependent on the Policyholder for support;

(d) the Insured Persons must be citizens of Malaysia or permanent residents of Malaysia.


To be eligible for this Policy, the following eligibility requirements must be met:-

(a) the Policyholder must be aged between eighteen (18) years next birthday and forty (40) years next birthday at the time of application, which is renewable up to eighty (80) years next birthday;

(b) the Policyholder’s Spouse must be aged between eighteen (18) years next birthday and forty (40) years next birthday at the time of application, which is renewable up to eighty (80) years next birthday, unless legally separated from the Policyholder;

(c) the Policyholder’s Child must be aged between thirty (30) days to eighteen (18) years next birthday or twenty–three (23) years next birthday if attending tertiary education, who is unmarried, unemployed and wholly dependent on the Policyholder for support;

(d) the Insured Persons must be citizens of Malaysia or permanent residents of Malaysia.

Special Provisions


We may at our discretion, impose premium loading based on the occupation, medical condition and etc. of an Insured Person.


We may impose premium loading based on the occupation, medical condition and etc. of an Insured Person.


General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy This Policy, Policy Schedule and Annexures shall be read together as one contract and any words or expressions to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy, Policy Schedule or the Annexure shall bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear. This Policy and Policy Schedule shall be read together as one contract and any words or expressions to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy or Policy Schedule shall bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear. NA
General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy


Claims are not deemed complete and benefits are not payable unless all bills for such claims have been submitted and agreed upon by Us. Any variation or waiver of the foregoing shall be at the Company's discretion.


Claims are not deemed complete and benefits are not payable unless all bills for such claims have been submitted and agreed upon by Us.

General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy


The acceptance of such proof of loss shall be at Our discretion. After such grace period has expired, We will not accept, for any reason whatsoever, such written proof of loss.


After such grace period has expired, We will not accept, for any reason whatsoever, such written proof of loss.

Section Existing
Special Provisions


Persons eligible to be covered under this Policy are: -

(I) the Policyholder aged below sixty-five (65) years of age, renewable up to age eighty-five (85).

(II) the Policyholder’s legal spouse aged below sixty-five (65) years of age, renewable up to eighty-five (85) years, unless legally separated from the Policyholder;

(III) the Policyholder’s unmarried children who are aged above 30 days but under 19 years of age or twenty-three (23) years of age if still on fulltime higher education, and who are not gainfully employed.

(IV) citizen of Malaysia or permanent residence of Malaysia.


Persons eligible to be covered under this Policy are: -

(I) the Policyholder aged up to (65) years of age next birthday, which is renewable up to eighty-five (85) years of age next birthday.

(II) the Policyholder’s legal spouse aged up to sixty-five (65) years of age next birthday, which is renewable up to eighty-five (85) years of age next birthday, unless legally separated from the Policyholder;

(III)  the Policyholder’s unmarried children who are aged above thirty (30) days but under nineteen (19) years of age next birthday or up to twenty-three (23) years of age next birthday if still on fulltime higher education, and who are not gainfully employed.

(IV)  citizen of Malaysia or permanent residence of Malaysia.

Special Provisions


The Company may at Our discretion, impose premium loading based on the occupation, medical condition and etc. of an Insured Person


The Company may impose premium loading based on the occupation, medical condition and etc. of an Insured Person.

General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy


Claims are not deemed complete and benefits are not payable unless all bills for such claims have been submitted and agreed upon by Us. Any variation or waiver of the foregoing shall be at the Company's discretion.


Claims are not deemed complete and benefits are not payable unless all bills for such claims have been submitted and agreed upon by Us.

General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy


The acceptance of such proof of loss shall be at Our discretion. After such grace period has expired, We will not accept, for any reason whatsoever, such written proof of loss.


After such grace period has expired, We will not accept, for any reason whatsoever, such written proof of loss.

Section Existing

4. “Child” shall mean any person who has attained the age of thirty (30) days and is an unmarried person, is financially dependent upon the Insured and is under the age of nineteen (19), or up to the age of twenty-three (23) for those registered as full time students at a recognized educational institution.

4. “Child” shall mean any person who has attained the age of thirty (30) days and is an unmarried person, is financially dependent upon the Insured and is under the age of nineteen (19) years age of next birthday, or up to the age of twenty-four (24) next birthday for those registered as full time students at a recognized educational institution.

Special Provisions

2. Persons Eligible

a) the Policyholder’s full-time permanent employees below sixty (60) years of age and renewable up to seventy (70) years of age at next birthday.       

b) the Employee’s Dependents

  1. Dependents may only be included in the Policy upon the date the employee becomes eligible.
  2. The spouse of a newly married employee becomes eligible on the date of his/ her marriage to the employee already covered.
  3. A new born child becomes eligible on the thirtieth (30th) day following the date of its birth.

2. Persons Eligible

a) the Policyholder’s full-time permanent employees not exceeding sixty (60) years of age next birthday and renewable up to seventy (70) years of age next birthday.

b) the Employee’s Dependents

  1. Dependents may only be included in the Policy upon the date the employee becomes eligible.
  2. The spouse of a newly married employee becomes eligible on the date of his/ her marriage to the employee already covered.
  3. A new born child becomes eligible on the thirtieth (30th) day following the date of its birth.
General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy


Claims are not deemed complete and benefits are not payable unless all bills for such claims have been submitted and agreed upon by Us. Any variation or waiver of the foregoing shall be at the Company's discretion.


Claims are not deemed complete and benefits are not payable unless all bills for such claims have been submitted and agreed upon by Us.

General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy


The acceptance of such proof of loss shall be at Our discretion. After such grace period has expired, We will not accept, for any reason whatsoever, such written proof of loss.


After such grace period has expired, We will not accept, for any reason whatsoever, such written proof of loss.

Section Existing

3 “Employee’s Dependents” shall mean:-
(a) a legally married spouse

(b) unmarried children over 30 days old but under nineteen (19) years of age or twenty-four (24) years of age if still on full-time higher education, and who are not gainfully employed.

4. “Child” shall mean any person who has attained the age of 30 days and is an unmarried person, is financially dependent upon the Insured and is under the age of 19, or up to the age of 23 for those registered as full time students at a recognized educational institution.

3. “Employee’s Dependents” shall mean:-
(a) a legally married spouse

(b) unmarried children over 30 days old but under nineteen (19) years of age next birthday or up to twenty-four (24) years of age next birthday if still on full-time higher education, and who are not gainfully employed.

4. “Child” shall mean any person who has attained the age of 30 days and is an unmarried person, is financially dependent upon the Insured and is under the age of 19 years next birthday, or up to the age of 24 years next birthday for those registered as full time students at a recognized educational institution.



All claims must be submitted to the Company within 30 days of completion of the events for which the claim is being made. Claims are not deemed complete and Eligible Benefits are not payable unless all bills for such claims have been submitted and agreed upon by the Company. Only actual costs incurred shall be considered for reimbursement. Any variation or waiver of the foregoing shall be at the Company's sole discretion.

All claims must be submitted to the Company within 30 days of completion of the events for which the claim is being made. Claims are not deemed complete and Eligible Benefits are not payable unless all bills for such claims have been submitted and agreed upon by the Company. Only actual costs incurred shall be considered for reimbursement.
General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy


No action at law or in equity shall be brought to recover on this Policy prior to expiration of sixty (60) days after written proof of loss has been furnished in accordance with the requirements of this Policy. If the Insured Person shall fail to supply the requisite proof of loss as stipulated by the terms, provisions and conditions of the Policy, the Insured Person may, within a grace period of one calendar year from the time that the written proof of loss to be furnished, submit the relevant proof of loss to the Company with cogent reason(s) for the failure to comply with the Policy terms, provisions and conditions. The acceptance of such proof of loss shall be at the sole and entire discretion of the Company. After such grace period has expired, the Company will not accept, for any reason whatsoever, such written proof of loss.


No action at law or in equity shall be brought to recover on this Policy prior to expiration of sixty (60) days after written proof of loss has been furnished in accordance with the requirements of this Policy. If the Insured Person shall fail to supply the requisite proof of loss as stipulated by the terms, provisions and conditions of the Policy, the Insured Person may, within a grace period of one calendar year from the time that the written proof of loss to be furnished, submit the relevant proof of loss to the Company with cogent reason(s) for the failure to comply with the Policy terms, provisions and conditions. After such grace period has expired, the Company will not accept, for any reason whatsoever, such written proof of loss.

Section Existing
Schedule of Benefits

Benefit 2- Admission Recuperation Allowance is payable for hospitalisation of more than three (3) consecutive days.

Benefit 2 – Admission Recuperation Allowance is payable for hospitalisation as an patient for a minimum of four (4) consecutive days or more for treatment of a covered injury, sickness or illness.

General Conditions Applying To The Whole Policy

Claims procedures –You shall within thirty (30) days of a Disability that incurs claimable expenses, give written notice to Us stating full particulars of such event, including all original bills and receipts, and a full Medical Practitioner’s report stipulating the diagnosis of the condition treated and the data the Disability commenced in the Medical Practitioner’s opinion and the Medical Practitioner’s summary of the cost of treatment including medicines and services rendered.

Claims procedures – You shall within thirty (30) days of a Disability that incurs claimable expenses, give written notice to Us stating full particulars of such event, including scanned or photocopy of all original bills and receipts, and a full Medical Practitioner’s report stipulating the diagnosis of the condition treated and the date the Disability commenced in the Medical Practitioner’s opinion and the Medical Practitioner’s summary of the cost of treatment including medicines and services rendered.   
Description of Benefits


Description of benefits – Day shall refer to the daily room and board charge by the Hospital for an overnight stay. Consecutive days shall mean days following one after the other without an interruption resulting from a discharge.

Section Before After
Explanatory Notes

What is covered?

3. Towing Costs (to a repairer or safe place)

What is covered?

3. Towing Costs (to an Approved Repairer or safe place of storage)

Do’s and Dont’s – after you have had an accident of theft

  • remove your car to a PIAM Approved Repairer or our approved panel repairer

Do’s and Dont’s – after you have had an accident or theft

  • move your car to an Approved Repairer
Section A: Loss or Damage to Your Own Car 

2: Basis of Settlement

a. If Your Car is Repairable
If in Our opinion Your Car is economical to repair, We have the option to:

  • arrange for Your Car to be repaired at Our approved Repairer and pay the cost of repairing Your Car to the condition which is as near as possible to the condition it was in before the loss happened;

2: Basis of Settlement

a. If Your Car is Repairable
If in Our opinion Your Car is economical to repair, We have the option to:

  • arrange for Your Car to be repaired at an Approved Repairer and pay the cost of repairing Your Car to the condition which is as near as possible to the condition it was in before the loss happened;

3: Towing Costs

If Your Car cannot be driven as a result of any damage to it that is covered by this Policy, We will pay up to a maximum of RM200 for the necessary and reasonable costs to remove Your Car to the nearest approved Repairer or to a safe place of storage while awaiting repair or disposal.

3: Towing Costs

If Your Car cannot be driven as a result of any damage to it that is covered by this Policy, We will pay up to a maximum of RM200 for the necessary and reasonable costs to move Your Car to the nearest Approved Repairer or to a safe place of storage while awaiting repair or disposal.

Section E: Conditions - These apply to the whole Policy

2. Accidents and Claims Procedures

If Your Car is involved in any Incident that could lead to a claim under this Policy, You must do the following:
e. Send Your Car to any of Our approved Repairer so that We can inspect Your Car before We give approval to proceed with repairs or take reasonable action to safeguard Your Car from further loss or damage. We can refuse to pay any claim under Section A of this Policy if You breach this condition.

2. Accidents and Claims Procedures

If Your Car is involved in any Incident that could lead to a claim under this Policy, You must do the following:
e. Send Your Car to an Approved Repairer so that We can inspect Your Car before We give approval to proceed with repairs or take reasonable action to safeguard Your Car from further loss or damage. We can refuse to pay any claim under Section A of this Policy if You breach this condition.

Section F: Definitions of words highlighted in the Policy

21. Repairer

This refers to motor repair workshops approved by Us or by Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) under the PIAM Approved Repairers Scheme (PARS) or any repairer that We have given You a special permission to use, for a claim.

Section F: Definitions of words highlighted in the Policy

21. Approved Repairer
This refers to any of the following:

a. motor repair workshops which are on Our panel of approved workshops; or
b. motor repair workshops approved by
Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) under the PIAM Approved Repairers   Scheme (PARS); or
c. any other repairer that We have given You special permission to use. The circumstances under which a special permission may be granted by Us includes:
(i) no Approved Repairer described in (a) and (b) above is available at the location  of Your Car, and We are unable to assist You in accessing the nearest workshop on Our panel or the nearest workshop approved by PIAM under PARS;
(ii) repairs that require special expertise from specific repairers which cannot be provided by an Approved Repairer; and
(iii) franchise repairers

Section E: Conditions - These apply to the whole Policy

5. Subrogation

We are entitled to take over all rights and remedies that You may have against any third party who caused the loss. We shall have the absolute discretion in the conduct of any proceedings, at Our own costs, against the third party and in the settlement of any such claim and You shall give Us such information and assistance as We may require from time to time including assigning all rights to take action in Your name. You must however give Us Your full cooperation to protect these rights and provide all assistance and take such steps as We require.

5. Subrogation

We are entitled to take over all rights and remedies that You may have against any third party who caused the loss. We shall have the rights in the conduct of any proceedings, at Our own costs, against the third party and in the settlement of any such claim and You shall give Us such information and assistance as We may require from time to time including assigning all rights to take action in Your name. You must however give Us Your full cooperation to protect these rights and provide all assistance and take such steps as We require.

8. Prevalent Policy Wording

For avoidance of doubt, the English version of this Policy wording will prevail over the Bahasa Malaysia version at all times.

Car Assistance Programme All services to be rendered by Asia Assistance Network (M) Sdn. Bhd.(AAN) Helpline number 03 7628 3722 / 1523 as specified in the following except Item (i) (b) below shall be organised on a referral arrangement basis only. AAN shall not be responsible for any other Third Party Provider charges incurred in connection with the rendering of such services to the Member. Apart from the benefits mentioned in Item (i) 1(b) hereunder, AAN shall not bear any responsibility on the Third Party Provider charges incurred in connection to the services required hereunder. All such costs and expenses incurred shall be borne by the Member.

All services to be rendered as specified in the following by Asia Assistance Network (M) Sdn. Bhd. (AAN) Helpline number 03 7628 3722 / 1523 or by GREAT Auto Assist app which can be downloaded via the QR codes in this link:

AAN shall not be responsible for any other Third Party Provider charges incurred in connection with the rendering of such services to the Member. Apart from the benefits mentioned in Item (i) 1(b) hereunder, AAN shall not bear any responsibility on the Third Party Provider charges incurred in connection to the services required hereunder. All such costs and expenses incurred shall be borne by the Member.

Important Notes


At the sole discretion of the Company, the Company shall not be deemed to provide cover and shall not receive any payment(s) under the policy; or be liable to pay any sums (including but not limited to payment of claims, refund of premiums, surrender or cancellation payments); or provide any benefit under the policy; to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such sum or provision of such benefit would expose the Company to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under any laws and/or regulations, administered by any governmental, regulatory or competent authority, or any law enforcement in any country.


The Company shall not be deemed to provide cover and shall not receive any payment(s) under the policy; or be liable to pay any sums (including but not limited to payment of claims, refund of premiums, surrender or cancellation payments); or provide any benefit under the policy; to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such sum or provision of such benefit would expose the Company to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under any laws and/or regulations, administered by any governmental, regulatory or competent authority, or any law enforcement in any country.