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Change up your life with a macrobiotic diet

Change up your life with a macrobiotic diet

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Change up your life with a macrobiotic diet

A macrobiotic diet is so much more than just another variation on a vegetarian diet, though it might look the same at first. While a macrobiotic diet is generally vegetarian in nature, it consists of whole grains, cereals, cooked vegetables and just a touch of meat and fish. Think of it as a heart-healthy Japanese diet – without the tempura!

Adherents of the macrobiotic diet prefer locally-grown, natural, organic foods prepared and eaten in simple ways, such as baking, boiling and steaming. Chemically processed foods are not allowed – this includes items such as coffee, chocolate, refined flour and preservatives. 

The essential aim of a macrobiotic diet is to balance the yin and yang in one’s diet, so spicy foods or other stimulating/concentrated foods that might upset nature’s delicate balance (such as alcohol) are not allowed. Brown rice and grains such as barley, millet, oats and quinoa are considered to be very “balanced”, and play a large role in a macrobiotic diet. Vegetables from the nightshade family, however, including tomatoes, eggplant, avocados, peppers, potatoes, are considered extremely yin. Thus, they are often excluded or used sparingly. 

How does it work?

The emphasis on unprocessed foods, as well as fruit and vegetables, mean that a macrobiotic diet can be excellent for your health, especially when it comes to your heart. The macrobiotic diet is low in saturated fats and bad cholesterol, thus lowering your risk of heart disease.

Can it cure cancer?

Some followers of a macrobiotic diet claim that the diet is effective in treating cancer. There is no scientific proof that it can do so, but low-fat, high-fibre diets that consist mainly of plant products are thought to reduce the risk of disease and some forms of cancer. In fact, the link is so strong that the National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the US has funded a pilot study to determine whether a macrobiotic diet may prevent cancer.

I’d like to give it a try ...

Because processed foods are frowned upon, vitamin and mineral supplements are not allowed within a macrobiotic diet. Nutritionists recommend that you seek advice before embarking on a macrobiotic diet to ensure you balance both the yin-yang and nutritional elements of your diet to avoid vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

To get started, try incorporating these 10 top macrobiotic superfoods into your regular meals:

  1. Seaweed
    It’s rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, low in calories. Try agar, wakame, hijiki or kombu.
  2. Berries
    These are loaded with vitamin C, folate, fibre and anti-oxidants. Try raspberries, blueberries, cherries or blackberries.
  3. Leafy, green vegetables
    These are full of vitamins A, C, iron, calcium and more. Try kale, collard greens, watercress or arugula.
  4. Pickles
    Raw, fermented vegetables play a huge role in the macrobiotic diet – they are thought to protect against infection and stimulate your digestion. Try sauerkraut, kimchi or umeboshi.
  5. Soy products
    These are high in protein and nutrients, and are linked with heart-protective effects. Try tempeh, miso or tofu.
  6. Oily fish
    These are packed with omega-3 fatty acids and are rich in calcium and iron. Try sardines, salon or mackerel.
  7. Green tea
    Not only does this taste great, it’s rich is catechin polyphenols which are a power anti-oxidant. 
  8. Beans
    High in fibre and low in fat, beans are a great source of complex carbohydrates in a macrobiotic diet. Try black beans, adzuki beans or chickpeas. 
  9. Mushrooms
    Heart-healthy mushrooms are also thought to balance blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation. Try enoki, maitake or shiitake. 
  10. Nuts
    Nuts are an excellent source of protein and unsaturated fat, which is good for your heart. Try walnuts, macadamias, Brazilnuts or pistachios.

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