Success Stories

Be inspired by our Life Planning Advisors as they share their passion and commitment in their journey to attain great success.

Dato Irene Gan - Success is Achieving Lifetime Goals

Dato Irene Gan - Success is Achieving Lifetime Goals

This career has been a fantastic journey in helping me accomplish my lifetime goals! I have financial freedom, unlimited earning power and the flexibility of deciding my own working hours so I can Live Great! With all the effort & hard work I've put in, I can help others & at the same time be rewarded handsomely for my efforts.

Tan Yee Von
Tan Yee Von - Success is A Better Life

Tan Yee Von - Success is A Better Life

I was an engineer for 10 years before becoming a Life Planning Advisor. I wanted a career that would allow me more quality time with my family while providing for my children's education. Great Eastern Life was my choice as it had over 100 years of history and is the leading company in its industry. Now, my family enjoys a much better lifestyle. Most importantly, my two boys now have a better environment to grow up in. I only wished I could have joined Great Eastern Life right after I graduated, then I wouldn't have delayed living the life I have now.

Angeline Teh Lye Theng
Angeline Teh Lye Theng - Success is Healthier Work-Life Balance

Angeline Teh Lye Theng - Success is Healthier Work-Life Balance

I was a manager in an MNC for a decade and wanted a healthier work-life balance, so I became a Life Planning Advisor. It was challenging at first, but I drew inspiration and support from the people around me. Four years later, I now have more time for my family and my work is much more fulfilling. My friends especially realise the importance of insurance, as they now know that friends and family can only help so much if you've been hospitalised. Insurance helps pay the bills and lessens everyone’s financial burdens.

Low Kee Wei
Low Kee Wei - Success Is Living Life Great My Way

Low Kee Wei - Success Is Living Life Great My Way

I started working when I was 18, doing everything from direct selling to selling pots and pans. At 25, I was riddled with debt. Then I met a young and dynamic insurance agent who was living the life I wanted. I decided to take a leap of faith and joined the industry. Today, I'm living the life I want. Every year I get to travel to different countries and help my family. The only regret I have is that I didn't know about this sooner, so I could have made the most of my time earlier.

Lee Yet Ling
Lee Yet Ling - Success is A Fulfilling Career

Lee Yet Ling - Success is A Fulfilling Career

After being a banker for 3 years, I felt that my career growth and exposure was progressing slowly. I took the opportunity to switch careers by joining the Life Planning Advisor Programme. Since then, I've improved the skills and techniques needed to analyse my customers' needs and financial goals. My life has certainly changed for the better after I became a Life Planning Advisor.

Lakshman Apparao
Lakshman Apparao - Success Is Achieving My Life Goals

Lakshman Apparao - Success Is Achieving My Life Goals

I was in many industries prior to joining Great Eastern Life’s Great MDRT Achievers Program (GMAP). No matter how much hard work I put into the job at my previous company, I didn’t see my life goals being met. After joining GMAP, I gained a new sense of confidence. Not only did I gain financial freedom, but my lifestyle changed the way I wanted it to. I've achieved most of my life goals and look forward to achieving more with Great Eastern Life.

Jesslyn Teo Mei Ling
Jesslyn Teo Mei Ling - Success Is Making A Difference

Jesslyn Teo Mei Ling - Success Is Making A Difference

I became a Life Planning Advisor because I wanted to have better work-life balance. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine where my journey would take me. I have more time for my family and for doing what I love. I have met many people from all walks of life, learning much from them. A client who was undergoing heart bypass surgery that was covered by Great Eastern Life said to me, "You are really the Angel sent from God, I rejected you so many times when you first approached me, but you never give up. Thank you for everything you have done for my family." This gave me the determination to continue.

Tee Siew Siew
Tee Siew Siew - Success is Recognition and Family

Tee Siew Siew - Success is Recognition and Family

Years in the beauty industry as a beautician left me with very little time for my family. Despite putting in the hours and doing more than what was required, my hard work went unappreciated. There was very little room for career advancement. Joining the Life Planning Advisor Programme changed my life. It improved my financial planning knowledge and skills, allowing me to help my clients to meet their needs and goals. Now I have a more fulfilling life and better career prospects.


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