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Health tips (1 to 8)

Add colour to your life

Paint your bedroom wall a fresh green. Buy a fuchsia sweater. Scientists have found that vivid colours can boost your mood and really, who could possibly be blue when wearing fuchsia?

Assess your investment risk

Your investment risk appetite determines the kind of investment vehicles you should opt for and helps you decide how you should deploy your finances. When deciding on which vehicles work for you, speak with your financial advisor about how to match your risk profile to a product.

Avoid energy drinks

Tired? It may sound counter-intuitive, but avoid energy drinks. The high sugar content provide only a temporary rush, but result in quick crash in no time, leaving you feel more sapped. Opt for a long drink of water, some green tea or a quick shower.

Avoid touching your face

Germs can multiply easily in the warm, dark and wet confines of your mouth, eyes and nose. Avoid touching your face unless you've just washed your hands to prevent germs from getting into your system.

Add rosemary to your tea

Rosemary isn't only for roast chicken and potatoes! Steep some fresh or dried rosemary to improve circulation, fight rheumatism, and soothe indigestion. It's also a great natural remedy for relieving headaches and fever.

Avoid an asthma attack

Did you know that dust mites in your bed linen can actually trigger an asthma attack? Reduce the risk of attacks by using protective, air-tight mattress covers and pillow cases. You should also wash your bed linen in hot water once a week.

Avoid raw food and water when abroad

While food and water is likely to be safe in most places, food-borne illnesses and unclean water are always something to think about when you travel. Depending on your destination, buy your own bottle of water or grab a few energy bars or crackers for the little hunger along the way.

Avoid working in bed

Working in bed makes it harder to get to sleep as you start to associate the bed with a workplace. Not to mention, all that stress doesn't help. That said, enjoying a relaxing activity such as reading is just fine.

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