Easi-Golf | Sports Insurance

Be in your fullest ability when golfing while we handle your worries.

Easi-Golf ensures you’re able to fully enjoy the experience and concentrate on the game without worrying about any unexpected event. Especially, you will get protected against injuries, damage caused by you and even any accidental damage on your precious belongings.

Key benefits

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    Public liability

    Get covered againts legal liability while golfing for any accidental bodily injury, death or damage to porperty caused by you, up to RM500,000.

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    Hole-in-one expenses

    Celebrate your great shot with worry-free as we wll cover the expenses you incur on treating other participants.

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    Damage or Loss to Golfing Equipment

    We will compesate you, up to RM2,500 if your golfing equipment is lost or damaged by accident while you're at golf club or driving range.

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    Personal accident

    Playing the game while getting protected up to RM50,000 againts accidental death, permanent disablement or bodily injury.

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    Personal effects

    Receive compesation up to RM1,500 if your personal effects are lost or damaged by accident at any golf course or driving range.

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    Breakage of clubs

    Get compensated if your golf clubs suffer accidental breakage or damage during play or practice.

How Easi-Golf works

Easi Golf Insurance table Easi Golf Insurance table Easi Golf Insurance table Easi Golf Insurance table Easi Golf Insurance table

Understand the details before buying

1) Please note that under Section 1 (Public Liability), We will not pay compensation for :

    •judgements which are not delivered by or obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction within Malaysia.

    •liability which You have assumed by agreement or contract unless the liability would have existed without such agreement or contract.

    •bodily injurty to or death of any person who is a member of Your family or who is under a contract of service or apprenticeship with you.

    •loss of or damage to Your property or to property in Your charge, custody or control.

    •liability arising from Your use or ownership of any mechanically or electronically propelled vehicle other than a golf buggy.

    •liability due to Your deliberate act or omission.

    •fines or penalties, or for punitive, aggravated or exemplary damages.

2) Under Section 2 (Personal Accident):                                                                                                        

    •You must not be under the age of 16 years or over 65 years at the time of the Accident.

    •You must obtain and comply with proper medical advice from a qualified medical practitioner within forty-ight (48) hours after the   accident before We can pay the Benefits.

    •We will only pay Benefit 3 upon Your presentation of the original bills and receipts.

    •We will not pay for more than one of the Benefits 1 and 2(a) to (h) in respect of any one Accident.

    •The aggregate of all claims payable under Benefits 1 and 2 in respect of any one polity policy year shall not exceed RM50,000. If We have paid a total of RM50,000, this Section shall automatically be terminated.

This Section does not cover You against death, disablement or bodily injurty directly or indierectly caused by or resulting from:

    •HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and/or any HIV related illness including AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and/or any mutant of its derivatives or variations.

    •any pre-existing physical or mental defect, diseases or sickness of any kind, parasitic or viral infection, preganancy, childbirth or miscarriage or any of their complications.

    •the effect of intoxicants, illegal or criminal acts.

    •intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide while sane or insane.

3) Exclusions Applying to Section 4 (Personal Effect), 5 (Golfing Equipment) and 6 (Breakage of Clubs) :

    •wear and tear, gradual deterioration, depreciation, denting, scratching, rot, fungus, moth, insects or vermin.

    •golf balls in play

    •golfing equipment and/or personal effects in the custody of an airline or other carrier unless the loss or damage is reported in writing to the airline or other carrier within 24 hours of discovery

    •theft of your golfing equipment and/or personal effects from an unattended motor vehicle unless

    •the doors and windows and luggage boot of the vehicle are securely locked and there is evidence of forced damage to the vehicle.

    •the vehicle is stolen at the same time.

4) General Exclusions :

    •Radioactive contamination

    •War risks

    •Terrorism risks

    •Act of authorities

This page is for general information only. It is not a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet for detailed imporant features and benefits of the plan before purchasing the plan. For further information, reference shall be made to terms and conditions specified in the Policy Contract issued by GEGM.

The terms "GEGM" and "We" shall refer to Great Eastern General Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

Great Eastern General Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad (102249-P) is licensed under the Financial Services Act 2013 and is regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.

Should you require any further product information, you may call us at 1300-1300 88 (press “2” for General Insurance).

Alternately, you may email us at gicare-my@greateasterngeneral.com.