1. For Life Insurance Medical Repricing queries, contact our Careline team at +603-48133928 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


2. For General Insurance Medical Repricing queries (Easi Health and Easi HealthCare), contact our Careline team at +603-42598900 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


3. As part of Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) ongoing efforts to ensure that all Insurance and Takaful industry players uphold their commitments and deliver services as outlined in their Customer Service Charter (CSC), both BNM and the Boards and Management Committees of the Associations (MTA/LIAM/PIAM) have approved the appointment of NielsenIQ Malaysia as the research agency to conduct the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) 2024/25. Please visit our Announcement page for more information.

What it costs to be ill

What it costs to be ill

Staying healthy is at the top of all our lists, but when you’re ill it gives you peace of mind to know that the costs are covered. Here are some key facts on the likely extent of medical expenses to make forward planning much easier.

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 What it costs to be ill

No-one wants to think about being ill, but medical care and hospitalisation may impose a significant financial burden if you’re not prepared.

Financial planning usually assumes your income remains constant or increases in the years to come. But this isn’t always the reality. For example, an injury or illness may sometimes affect your ability to work, or prevent you from working altogether.

These factors, coupled with rising medical and healthcare costs, make it important to plan for the possibility of large medical expenses. As the region has prospered economically, accompanying changes in lifestyle have led to the increased incidence of chronic illnesses. This leads to both more frequent claims and greater medical costs.

Public healthcare is cheaper in Malaysia than some other countries in Southeast Asia. But demand is growing fast, often resulting in the need to turn to the private medical sector. Here, 79 per cent of treatments are paid for by patients, directly from their own pockets, making them susceptible to rising medical costs. Medical inflation averages about 10 per cent each year in Malaysia. Use online calculators like the critical illness cover calculator to help you work out how much financial support you may need.

Unfortunately, the costs of being ill have risen steeply. But the silver lining is that costs are manageable if appropriate measures are taken in advance. Having comprehensive insurance coverage is the first step. Health insurance helps to reimburse the fees incurred during hospitalisation, and offset some of the outpatient treatment costs such as medication and consultancy charges. Some policies also provide an income replacement stream, if you’re not able to work.

Having the right health insurance helps you to take care of life’s uncertainties - allowing you to plan towards a secure, stress-free future.

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