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Patrick Wong Liang Fatt

Patrick Wong Liang Fatt

Gender: Male
Years of service: Since 2017
Languages spoken: English, Malay, Mandarin

I have joined Great Eastern Life Brunei from 2017. Along my journey line, it has been meaningful where I am able to consult clients about the importance of insurance such as financial and life planning, the benefits of medical insurance, retirement planning and so forth.

I strongly hope to inculcate the essential insurance knowledge and provide the right recommendation to my clients with continuous assistance and support.

I am here to plan for your uncertainities so you will have a peace of mind!

BSc (Hons) in Biotechnology

Top Achievers Award - Top Rookie

Travelling, Brisk Walking and Coaching

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Great Eastern Holdings Ltd | The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited | Great Eastern General Insurance Ltd