1. For Life Insurance Medical Repricing queries, contact our Careline team at +603-48133928 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


2. For General Insurance Medical Repricing queries (Easi Health and Easi HealthCare), contact our Careline team at +603-42598900 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


3. As part of Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) ongoing efforts to ensure that all Insurance and Takaful industry players uphold their commitments and deliver services as outlined in their Customer Service Charter (CSC), both BNM and the Boards and Management Committees of the Associations (MTA/LIAM/PIAM) have approved the appointment of NielsenIQ Malaysia as the research agency to conduct the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) 2024/25. Please visit our Announcement page for more information.

10 easy ways to lose weight

10 easy ways to lose weight

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10 easy ways to lose weight
Lose weight with our ten top weight loss tips

If your New Year's resolution is to lose weight – but you don't know how or where to start, click here for five great ways to moving.

1. Do it now

A plate of calorie-laden Hokkien mee at the kopitiam may be sinfully delicious, but you can still enjoy it when you exercise portion control. Weight loss is not about what you "should" or "want" to do. Losing weight effectively happens because you make the decision to change, so act now!

2. Design an action plan

If your goal is to climb the stairs to your floor without getting breathless, start with a six-week plan to walk up those stairs twice every day. If you need to pause to catch your breath, that's fine – just keep going and you'll reach your goal. Plus, you might meet some new neighbours along the way.

3. Set realistic goals

When it comes to losing weight, remaining focused is your best bet. Most people aim too high and give up when they don't see immediate success. Set realistic objectives today and break them down into long- and short-term goals.

4. Put a personal trainer in your pocket

Tracking your weight and fitness regime has been proven to make your weight management more effective. You can use apps like Weightbot or Calorie Counter to track your food intake and physical activity.

5. Follow your idol

Get your idol's help to tone up and slim down, be it Chen Romeo or Maya Karin. Fix their picture on the fridge door so the sight of that toned physique will help discourage you from late-night snacking, which will sabotage your healthy diet.

6. Start walking

No one wants to arrive at work sweaty. But on the way home you can alight a few bus stops earlier and walk the rest of the way – there's a cold shower waiting for you at home. Every little bit of exercise helps.

7. Take up a new sport

Make 2014 the year you challenge yourself with a new activity, like zumba or muay Thai (shopping and eating don't count!). Doing an exercise you enjoy – especially if it's a team sport or activity – helps to keep you motivated. Getting a work out buddy will ensure that you keep at it!

8. Cut out the extras

If you need to lose a couple of pounds, start by cutting out the little extras. For example, swap your daily kopi-C (120 calories) to unsweetened kopi-O (40 calories).

9. Make the changes fun

Treat your special someone to a healthy home-cooked meal. You might not be able to bake them, but you'll definitely get brownie points. Experiment with different spices like ginger and five-spice powder. They add flavour to dishes, but without the calories.

10. Reward yourself

If you have been sticking to your weight-loss promise – reward yourself. It could be buying new gym clothing or going to see the latest blockbuster with your movie kaki. The important thing is you've earned it!

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