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Terms & Conditions
Client Charter (GELM)
Client Charter (GEGM)
PDP Notice GEGM (EN)
PDP Notice GEGM (BM)
Unregistered users
PDP Notice GELM (EN & BM) Customers

PDP Notice GELM (EN & BM) Agents

PDP Notice GELM (EN & BM) Master Policyholders

The statements and descriptions contained in this website are strictly to be read and construed as general information for quick reference and illustration purposes only and shall not in any event to be treated as a binding contract in anyway whatsoever.

Viewers are advised to contact Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad or its agents for further and better particulars of information on the products offered by us.

The descriptions contained herein are not intended to be complete descriptions of all terms, exclusions and conditions of the products available and shall be relied upon by any potential viewers as such.

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad shall not be responsible for any damages whatsoever arising out of, or related to the user of this website.

Use of this computing service is governed by the Company's policy. Activities on this computer system are monitored and recorded. Unauthorised Access, Misuse and/or Abuse of computer information and facility are treated as serious violations which would be subjected to legal and/or disciplinary actions including termination of employment/contract.

The data that is acquired through this service may contain Privileged/Confidential information which is strictly for use by authorised party only.

General line: (603) 4259 8888
Customer Service Care line: 1-300-1-300-88.
Email :


At Great Eastern, we are committed to continuously improve our customer services, as you are at the heart of all we do. We have helped to make it easy for millions of Malaysian to enjoy lifestyle security and achieve greater financial freedom. We believe in building lifelong relationships by consistently providing deliberate & differentiated customer experience and caring for the community through our corporate responsibility programs. Customer Service Charter below is supported by four pillars:

Pillar Description Expected Outcome
Pillar 1:
Insurance Made Accessible
Offer an active engagement model wherein a customer is aware of:
  • Multi-channel options and accessibility for purchase and enquiry
  • Where and how to provide feedback, suggestions and to complain.
Better engagement and improved services
Pillar 2:
Know Your Customer
To understand a customer profile adequately which enables insurers to:
  • Know and anticipate the customer’s needs and preference
  • Ask for requisite information and documents to best advise the customer
  • Offer suitable products and services
Build trust
Pillar 3:
Timely, Transparent and Efficient Service
Deliver a seamless service wherein customers are aware of:
  • Insurers’ responsibilities towards customers
  • Expected service standard and time taken to deliver these services, i.e. time taken to answer enquiries / resolve complaints
  • Where to obtain information required, i.e. product features and costs.
Customer satisfaction
Pillar 4:
Fair, Timely & Transparent Claims Settlement Process
Deliver a seamless claims processing and settlement experience wherein customers are aware of:
  • Procedures, documentation and steps including various options (if any) for first notification of loss in an event of a claim
  • Expected service standard for claims processing and specific time taken for each step within the claims processing stages
  • Various redress mechanisms for unsatisfactory claims payment
Provide peace of mind to customers

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Pillar 1: Insurance Made Accessible

No.  Commitment Service Level
1.1 We will make insurance products easily accessible via various channels, physically and virtually, to obtain information, purchase or make enquiries.
  1. We offer an active engagement model wherein customers are aware of:

  2. Multi-channel options and accessibility for making purchases and enquiries.

  3. Where and how to provide feedback, suggestions and complaints.

  4. We reinforce that insurance is easily accessible via various channels, physically and virtually:

    1. Customers are kept informed on the physical and engagement channels available for them to purchase products or to make enquiries

    2. Specifically, customers should have access to the following:

      Insurance  Agent Locator

      Corporate Website

      Customer Care Email

      Customer Web Portal

      Customer Care Line
      1300-1300 88

  5. Channel availability may vary from time to time, and customers will be informed accordingly
1.2 We will actively seek feedback, suggestions or complaints on how insurers can serve customers better.
  1. Customers are provided with available channels to provide feedback and suggestions via:

    Corporate Website

    Customer Care Email

    Customer Web Portal

    Customer Care Line
    1300-1300 88

    Branch Locator

    Feedback Email

    Mailing Address
    Customer Service Centre (Head Office)
    Mezzanine Floor,
    Menara Great Eastern,
    303, Jalan Ampang,
    50450 Kuala Lumpur

    Complaint Handling Unit
    Mailing Address:
    Great Eastern Life Assurance (M) Berhad Complaint Handling Unit
    Menara Great Eastern
    303, Jalan Ampang,
    50450 Kuala Lumpur

    Telephone No.: + 603 4813 3738

  2. Insurers will conduct periodic customer satisfaction feedback/surveys to ensure that customers’ needs are fulfilled.

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Pillar 2: Know Your Customer

No.  Commitment Service Level
2.1 We will strive to help customers find the right product to suit their needs.
  1. Knowledgeable and ethical staff and agents are available to serve customers.

  2. Training

    1. Ensure employees and intermediaries are properly trained on products and services offered.

    2. Training must be provided any time a new product is launched and regularly as refresher courses on existing products.
  3. Understanding customers' needs

    In order to understand customers’ profile adequately, insurers including their agents shall:

    1. Listen attentively to the customers.

    2. Acknowledge and properly understand the customers’ needs and preferences.

    3. Ask for requisite information and documents to advise the customers accordingly and in accordance with the Industry’s Code of Practice on Personal Data Protection Act 2010.

    4. Offer options of suitable products and services to meet the customers’ needs and wants.
  4. Any options provided to the customers shall be explained and on an “op-in-basis”, e.g. riders, sharing/using customer information for marketing and research purposes
Note: Handling of customer information is governed by Bank Negara Malaysia’s Policy Document on Management of Customer Information and Permitted Disclosures and insurers shall operate accordingly.

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Pillar 3: Timely, Transparent and Efficient Service

No. Commitment Service Level
3.1 We will set clear responsibilities towards customers and uphold it. A standard commitment on clear responsibilities to be a mandatory write up on all client charters should cover the following guiding principles:
  1. A clear and concise objective of the Charter

  2. Mission

  3. Values to be provided to the customer, e.g. fairness, transparency, integrity, ethics, professionalism, timeliness

  4. Efficient / effective communication channels.
3.2 We will set clear expectation on time taken for various services. To include a clear expectation on time taken for various services:
  1. Delivery of Services

    Information on turnaround time on delivery of services must be made available in the Clients Charter through various channels (head offices / branches / brochures / call centre / website).

  2. Standards to be adopted

    Serve walk-in customer promptly.

    1. Customer waiting time: within 10 minutes
3.3a We will ensure efficient policy servicing and provide relevant documentation in a timely manner.
  1. Customers shall be informed of each step and documentation required to alter, renew, surrender or cancel a policy, e.g. what happens when there are changes on the policy, notice on renewal, etc. as well as consequence arising from any of these actions.
    (not applicable for yearly renewable medical plan – Health Protector, Great HealthCare, Supreme HealthCare Benefit and MediLife Saver)

  2. Customers are to be reminded in the renewal notice to inform the insurance company of any changes in the risk before renewal.

  3. The standard operating procedure on dealings with customer must be clearly complied with
3.3b We will ensure efficient policy servicing and provide relevant documentation in a timely manner.

(Life & Health)

  1. Policy Turnaround Time (from receipt of full documentation, information and payment of premium):

    1. Policy Issuance (upon acceptance in the policy system).

      New and Existing Customer:

      1. Standard cases – within 5 working days.

      2. Additional information required / pre-existing medical condition / complex cases – within 10 working days.
        (applicable for individuals only, not applicable to group).
    2. Change of Policy Account Details (endorsement).

      1. Policy changes (non-financial) – within 3 working days.

      2. Policy changes (financial).
        • Standard cases – within 5 working days.
        • Non-standard cases – within 10 working days.
      3. Reinstatement – within 10 working days (with payment & complete documentation).
  2. Renewal Notice Issuance:

    1. For policy with guaranteed renewal, premium due notice will be issued not less than 30 calendar days before the next premium due date.

    2. Notification of Revised Premium to renewable basic term policy / term riders will be issued not less than 30 calendar days before the expiry of existing policy / rider.
      (not applicable for yearly renewable medical plan – Health Protector and MediLife Saver benefit)
  3. Cancellation / surrendering of policy – within 10 working days upon receipt of full documents (to also include processing of refund of premium).
    (applicable for individuals only, not applicable to group)

  4. Issuance of medical / hospitalization card for individuals – within the same business day of policy issuance.

    Note: The timelines above do not take into account onboarding process – insurers have their own onboarding process / introduction to its product and services.
3.4 We will be open and transparent in our dealings. The following information shall be easily accessible and made available through the various channels of communication such as branches / brochures / call centres /  website:
  1. Product related details, i.e. product features, product disclosure sheets, terms and conditions, key facts and exclusions will be shared at the point of sale.

  2. Fees, charges (other than premiums), and interest (if any) as well as obligations in the use of a product or service (e.g. when premium needs to be paid and explaining payment before cover warranty).

  3. Anti-fraud statement and key points to remember, i.e. confidentiality of customer information, free look period of not less than 15 calendar days to reject or accept applications.

  4. All the above information shall be explained and stated using simple words and in an easy to understand manner.
3.5 We will follow through and provide the requisite answers / updates to customers’ queries & complaints promptly
  1. Phone

    1. Where no follow-up is required – immediate such as first call resolution

    2. Where follow-up is required – within 3 working days form the date of the first call

  2. Written (Email, fax, written letter & social media)

    1. For email / social media

      1. Provide acknowledgement response within 1 calendar day

      2. Acknowledgement to include expected timeline and any other relevant information

      3. Non-complex enquiry – response within 3 working days from date of receipt

      4. For letter / fax

      5. Enquiries will be replied within 3 working days from the date of receipt on non-complex enquiries

  3. Counter / Branches

    1. Where no follow-up is required, insurers will endeavour to provide first touch point resolution immediately

    2. Where follow-up is required – within 5 working days from the date of first visit

Note: Where enquiry is complex, insurers will provide a reasonable timeframe and keep customer updated accordingly.

3.6 We will ensure consistent and thorough complaints handling.
  1. Customers shall be informed of the various options for submitting a complaint through available channels, depending on the insurers channel presence and whichever applicable, i.e. provide complaints unit contact details (telephone number and address), website, social media, etc.

  2. A verification process has to be performed on the policyholders / participants.

  3. Communicate clearly on the issue and gather adequate information for an informed resolution.

  4. Address the issue in an equitable, objective and timely manner by informing the complainants on insurers’ decision, no later than 14 calendar days from the date of the receipt of the complaints.

  5. If the case is complicated or requires further investigation, insurers shall inform the complainant accordingly and update progress every 14 calendar days. If not resolved, to update within another 14 calendar days. Thereafter, after every 30 calendar days.

  6. If you are not satisfied with the response or decision of our company, you may refer to Ombudsman for Financial Services (OFS) within 6 months from the date of our final decision based on the following guidelines:

    1. Step 1 – Refer your dispute to your Financial Services Provider (FSP). Before you lodge any dispute with OFS, you must first refer your dispute to your FSP concerned with a view to finding an amicable settlement

    2. Step 2 – Lodge a dispute with OFS, OFS will consider disputes that fall within the following limits:

      1. RM250,000.00 for a dispute involving financial services or products other than a dispute in (ii) and (iii) below;

      2. RM10,000.00 for a dispute in motor third party property damage insurance claims; and

      3. RM25,000.00 for a dispute on an unauthorised transaction through the use of a designated payment instrument or a payment channel such as internal banking, mobile banking, telephone banking or an unauthorised use of cheque.

Disputes which are outside the scope of OFS are set in Terms of Reference. Please visit the website at

Ombudsman for Financial Services
(Formally known as Financial Mediation Bureau)

Level 14, Main Block,
Menara Takaful Malaysia
No. 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman,
50000 Kuala Lumpur

Telephone No.
603 2272 2811

Fax No.
603 2272 1577



For cases above the stated limit or other matters relating to the quality of service and unfair claim handling, you may alternately refer to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).

Laman Informasi Nasihat and Khidmat (BNMLINK)

Customer Service Centre
Ground Floor, Block D,
Jalan Dato’ Onn,
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Contact Centre
1-300-88-5465 (Local)
603 2174 1717 (Overseas)

Mailing Address
Corporate Communications Department
Bank Negara Malaysia
P.O. Box 10922
50929 Kuala Lumpur

Fax No.
603 2272 1577


Note: Complaints handling and timelines is governed by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)’s Guidelines on Complaint Handling and insurers shall operate accordingly

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Pillar 4: Fair, Timely & Transparent Claims Settlement Process

No.  Commitment Service Level
4.1 We will set clear timeline for claims settlement process and strive to settle claims within these prescribed timeline and in a transparent manner.


To set clear timeline for claims settlement process and strive to settle claims within these prescribed timeline and in a transparent manner by adopting the following procedures:

  1. Customers will be informed of the estimated time taken for claims settlement process and expected service standard.

    This information shall be made available through various channels (i.e. branches / brochures / call centres / website).

  2. Customers shall be informed on the acknowledgement of their claim within 7 working days from receipt of claims notification.

  3. All claims notification through agents must reach the insurers within 3 working days, except for crime related claims which should be notified within 24 hours from time of loss.

  4. If documentation / information is incomplete, customers shall be informed within 14 working days from acknowledgement of the claim by the Claims department.

  5. To state key claims procedures and assign timelines to it, i.e. appointment of adjuster, claims assessment, etc.

  6. Customers shall be informed on the expected date for claims progress update or decision.

  7. In the event of catastrophe / disaster, e.g. large number of claims may be received, as such meeting timelines stipulated may not be possible, the insurers will strive to update every 20 working days on the progress.







We will inform customer of the next level of escalation if the claims settlement / rejection is not to his / her satisfaction.






  1. Customers shall be provided with available channels to appeal on a decision / raise disputes (i.e. branch / brochures / call centre / website).

  2. Any letter of rejection / repudiation of any element of a claim and dispute on quantum which is within the purview of the Financial Ombudsman Scheme must contain the following statement prominently:

    “Any person who is not satisfied with the decision of the Insurer, should refer to the procedure for appeal as stated in the leaflet issued by the Financial Ombudsman Scheme, entitled:…”

Note: For the policy owners who made a claim / report involving claims settlement / rejection which is not to his / her satisfaction.

We will actively seek feedback, suggestions or complaints on how insurers can serve customers better.
We will actively seek feedback, suggestions or complaints on how insurers can serve customers better.
We will ensure consistent and thorough complaints handling.
+603 2272 2811

1300-88 5465 (Local)

+603 2174 1717 (Overseas)

1300-88 5465 (Local)

+603 2174 1717 (Overseas)

+603 2174 1515
+603 2174 1515
+603 2174 1515


We are committed to making life great by providing our customer's experience with honest, fair and efficient customer service.

Our Client Charter reiterates our commitment to:
  • Deliver better engagement and improved services with our active engagement model wherein the customer is aware of multi-channel accessibility for purchase, enquiry, feedbacks, suggestions and to complain.
  • Build the trust by knowing our customers’ needs by obtaining requisite information and documents in order to offer suitable products and services.
  • Uphold customer satisfaction by delivering a seamless service wherein customers are aware of our product benefits, Insurers responsibilities, the expected service standards and our turnaround time.
  • Ensure provide peace of mind to customers during claims processing and settlement.


At Great Eastern General Insurance, we provide the convenience of direct after-sales servicing via the following touch points:

Customer Service Centre

  • Head Office:
    Level 18, Menara Great Eastern,
    303 Jalan Ampang
    50450 Kuala Lumpur

  • Branches

Customer Service Hotline

Toll free no. : 1300-1300 88 (Press 2 for General Insurance)
General no. : +603 4259 8888 (Calling from Overseas)
Fax : +603 4813 0055

Claims Service Hotline 

Toll free no. : 1300-13-1088
Fax : +603 2786 1028


We welcome and encourage all feedbacks and complaints as opportunities to understand the insurance needs of individuals and business better.

You may address all feedbacks, concerns or complaints by contacting or write to:

Complaints Handling Unit

Tel No.  : +603 4259 7828
Fax No.  : +603 4813 0055
CS Toll-free No : 1300 1300 88 (Press 2 for General Insurance)



We are committed at all times towards providing reliable and quality services to our customers, agents and business partners. We will ensure that all personnel and staff involved in providing these services have the necessary expertise, training and skills. We will endeavor to offer services that are tailored to your needs. We will achieve this by fully understanding your goals and objectives while ensuring service standards that are consistent and efficient.


In order to understand the customers’ profile adequately, we as well our agents shall listen attentively to our customers. Acknowledge and properly understand our customers’ needs and preferences. Ask for requisite information and documents to advise our customers accordingly and in accordance with the Industry’s Code of Practice on the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. Always offer options of suitable products and services to meet the customers’ needs and wants.


We respect every individual's right to privacy. Our business relationship with you is most valuable and is the very basis of our name and reputation. Whether you are our policyholder, agent, registered user or a visitor to the secured area of our Website, we understand the importance you place on the privacy and security of information that personally identifies you. We refer to and treat this information as "personal information". We extend the following privacy policy to you. Information We Collect & How The Information Is Used.


When you sign up for a new policy or register for our services, we ask you for your personal particulars via various modes of communication (e.g. electronic form transmission, hardcopy form filling, etc.) such as your contact details, amongst other information. Whenever we collect this personal information from you, we will make a reference to this policy. We limit the collection and use of personal information to what is necessary to administer our business, to offer the best possible range of financial plans, products and /or to deliver superior service to you.


We have adopted strict security measures to prevent unauthorized access which could result in the alteration, destruction, theft of data or compromise the confidentiality of our customer, or agent or business partner's data. Our web utilizes commercially proven security hardware and software products in our system, network and application infrastructure. These security products include routers, firewalls, secured operating system, authentication processes, encryption technology, etc. Please note that you play a part in system security as well. Although we exercise every reasonable effort to provide a variety of safe, secure and reliable system, we do not have control over the computer, computer software, systems and other incidentals used by you to access the system and your action to transmit your data over the internet to other website cannot be guaranteed, warranted or represented to be absolutely secured by our company.


We will not disclose your personal information to others unless we have obtained your prior authorization. We do reserve the right to disclose or report personal information in limited circumstances where we believe in good faith that disclosure is required under any law, regulation, guidelines or directives (whether or not having the force of law), to cooperate with regulators, law enforcement authorities or any authority having jurisdiction over us, or to enforce and protect our rights or property.

To ensure that you benefit from the full range of insurance plans, products and/or services as well as other opportunities, we may from time to time share your personal information with our agents, affiliated or member companies within our Group and/or other business partners. In such circumstances, we protect that personal information with a confidentiality agreement and these entities must conform to our privacy standards so that confidentiality of the information is always upheld.


Counter / Branches :-

  • Customer Waiting Time: Within 10 minutes.
  • Where no follow up is required – we will endeavor to provide first touch point resolution immediately.
  • Where follow-up is required – we will respond within 5 working days from the date of the first visit.

Call-in Customer :-

  • Where no follow up is required – Immediate such as first call resolution.
  • Where follow up is required – Within 3 working days from the date of the first call.

Written (Email, Fax, Letter & Social Media) :-

  • For Email/Social media;
    • Acknowledgement will be responded within 1 calendar day. 
    • Non-complex enquiry – will be responded within 3 working days from date of receipt.
  • For letter or fax ;
    • Enquiries will be replied within 3 working days from the date of receipt on non-complex enquiries.

Note: Where enquiry is complex, we will provide a reasonable timeframe and keep the customer updated accordingly.


Policy Issuance for New and Existing Customer :-

  • Motor
    • E-policy Immediately
    • Manual: 5 working days (with the exception of new vehicles to be registered with JPJ)
  • Non-Motor – within 10 working days (applicable for individuals only)

Change of Policy Details / Reissuance Upon Lapse / Endorsement :-

  • Motor - within 3 working days
  • Non-Motor - within 5 working days

Renewal Notice Issuance :-

  • 30 calendar days before expiry of existing policy.

Cancellation/ Surrendering of Policy (Including Refund of Premium):-

  • Motor - within 5 working days
  • Non-Motor - within 7 working days



  • All complaints / feedbacks received are recorded in the Customer Feedback System and a reference number is allocated to each complaint.


  • For non-complicated cases, will resolve the issue in an equitable, objective and timely manner by informing the complainants on decision no later than 14 calendar days from the date of the receipt of the complaints.
  • For complicated cases, we shall inform the complainant accordingly and update progress every 14 calendar days.  If not resolved, to update within another 14 calendar days.  Thereafter, after every 30 calendar days.
  • Complaints via e-mail or fax will be lodged on the same day with the Complaints Unit for acknowledgement by the Complaints Unit. We will respond to the customer on such complaints between 2 to 14 working days upon receipt of the complaint depending on the case severity.
  • If enquiry is complex, we will provide a reasonable timeframe and keep the customer updated accordingly.


If you are not satisfied with the response or the decision of our Company, you may submit your complaint either to the Ombudsman for Financial Services (OFS) ~formerly known as Financial Mediation Bureau (FMB), within 6 months from the date of our Company's final decision or to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).

Should you need further clarifications on the proper avenue to refer your complaint in regards to OFS or BNM, you may contact our Complaint Handling Unit.

The following are the contact details for OFS and BNM.

Ombudsman for Financial Services 
(Formerly known as Financial Mediation Bureau)

Level 14, Main Block, Menara Takaful Malaysia, No4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, 50000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : +603 2272 2811
Fax : +603 2272 1577
Email :
Website :

Bank Negara Malaysia

Laman Informasi Nasihat dan Khidmat (BNMLINK)

Walk-in Customer Service Centre
Ground Floor, D Block,
Jalan Dato’ Onn,
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Contact Centre (BNMTELELINK)

Bank Negara Malaysia
P.O. Box 10922
50929 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 1300-88 5465 (Overseas: +603 2174 1717)
Fax : +603 2174 1515
Email :


  • Customers will be informed on the acknowledgment of their claim within 7 working days from receipt of claims notification.
  • Claims Registration will be done within 7days from the date of notification.
  • All claims notifications through agents will reach the claims operators within 3 working days, except for crime related claims which will be notified within 24 hours from time of loss.
  • If documentation/information is incomplete, customers will be informed within 14 working days from acknowledgement of the claim by the Claims Department.
  • We will state key claims procedures and assign timelines to it, (i.e. appointment of adjuster, claims assessment, etc.)
  • Customers will be updated on the progress / decision every 14 working days.
  • Offer to Insured will be done within 7 days from the date of receipt of the completed documents.
  • We will strive to update every 20 working days on the progress for claims related to catastrophe / disaster, e.g. large number of claims.
  • Settlement Payments-14days from the date of receipt of the acceptance of offer/ discharge voucher.


  • It is our aim to settle justified claims promptly according to your policy benefits and standardized procedures in claims administration. To facilitate your claims, you need to submit sufficient documentation.
  • If you are not satisfied with our claim decision, you may submit your appeal in writing to our Customer Service Centre or the nearest branch office.
  • If your appeal is declined and you are not satisfied with the decision, you may refer to the Ombudsman for Financial Services (OFS) or Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) as mentioned earlier.


Great Eastern General Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad (GEGM) is committed to delivering excellent service that is responsive to the needs of our customers. In an organization with the mission of making life great by providing financial security, and promoting good health and meaningful relationships, fair dealing towards our customers and treating them fairly should feature strongly in the way we do business.

The Chairman, The board and Senior Management are committed to deliver good financial consumer outcomes to our customers. We believe in building long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with our customers. This Charter specifies our commitment to provide the highest standards of fairness in all our dealings with our customers.

To protect the interests and financial well-being of our financial consumers following the 6 Principles as below:

Principle 1:

The Board and Senior Management must set clear expectations on Fair Treatment of Financial Consumer (“FTFC”) and ensure that this is embedded in the FSP’s corporate culture and core values.

  • We will set minimum standards on fair business practices in all dealings with our financial consumers. This includes providing financial services or products suitable to our consumers’ financial circumstances and preserving the confidentiality of our financial consumers’ information;
  • We will train all our staff to provide quality advice and recommendation to financial consumers.

Principle 2:

FSP must ensure that financial consumers are provided with fair terms in contracts with financial consumers.

  • We will ensure that the terms in our contracts or agreements are fair, transparent, and well communicated to financial consumers;
  • We will ensure that terms and conditions set out the respective rights, liabilities and obligations clearly and as far as possible in plain language;
  • We will ensure that the terms and conditions in contracts or agreements are not altered without prior notification to financial consumers.

Principle 3:

FSP must provide financial consumers with clear, relevant and timely information on financial services and products.

  • We will ensure that promotional materials are clear and not misleading (whether by statement or omission) as financial consumers often rely on information in promotional materials when making decisions.
  • We will disclose key product features, fees and charges, risks and benefits in a clear and concise manner;
  • We will ensure critical terms are brought to financial consumers’ attention and explained to them.
  • All information delivered contains financial consumers’ financial information, should be adequately protected.

Principle 4:

FSP must ensure that our staff, representatives and agents exercise due care, skill and diligence when dealing with financial consumers.  

  • We will conduct sales, advertising and marketing of our financial services and products with integrity and will not make false or exaggerated claims;
  • We will avoid or clearly disclose actual or potential conflicts of interest;
  • We will ensure staff remuneration takes into consideration whether key performance indicators relating to fair treatment of financial consumers have been achieved.
  • Before appointing representatives and agents to market or sell financial services or products or to recover payment from financial consumers, we shall conduct proper due diligence on the representatives and agents.

Principle 5:

FSP must take reasonable care to ensure the suitability of advice and recommendations provided to financial consumers.

  • Our Staff, representatives and agents must ensure that any advice or recommendation on a financial service or product provided to financial consumers have a reasonable basis and are provided in the best interests of financial consumers.     
  • We have controls in place to ensure that our staff, representatives and agents preserve the confidentiality of the information disclosed by financial consumers. The information shall only be used for purposes of providing advice on or recommending a financial service or product to the financial consumers.
  • Our Staff, representatives and agents shall also highlight to financial consumers that any inaccurate information provided by the financial consumers would affect the suitability of the recommendation or advice.

Principle 6:

FSP must handle financial consumer complaints and claims promptly, fairly and effectively.

  • We have proper processes in placed and well-documented procedures for complaints and claims handling, including clearly identified contact points for the proper handling of complaints and claims from financial consumers. The procedures shall be clear, easily understood and readily accessible by financial consumers.
  • We will create an environment where complaints are seen as valuable feedback to help improve business performance and help staff recognise the importance of resolving complaints and handling claims in a fair and effective manner.
  • We shall ensure that there are effective and timely communications with the complainants or claimants throughout the complaints and claims handling process.
  • We will inform financial consumers of the availability of the Ombudsman for Financial Services, should the financial consumer decide to continue pursuing a case which the FSP considers as either resolved or closed.

1.  Personal Information

By interacting with Great Eastern General Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad (“Company”), submitting information to the Company, enrolling or signing up for any products or services offered by the Company, you are providing personal information to the Company.

“Personal information” means any information which relates to you and which has been or will be provided by you to the Company, including but not limited to your name, bio-data or personal profile, National Registration Identity Card number, passport number, address, telephone number, email address, images, your personal preferences, particulars of any third party insured person or beneficiary, financial and banking account information and any information which may identify you, any insured person, assignee, trustee or beneficiary, that has been or may be collected, stored, used and processed by the Company from time to time. The term “personal information” also includes sensitive personal information which means any personal information consisting of information as to physical or mental health or condition, political opinions, religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature, the commission or alleged commission of any offence.

By providing personal information to the Company, you consent (and where required, explicitly consent) to such use of your personal information including sensitive personal information, in the manner set out in this Notice. Such consent and authorisation herein shall extend to any information obtained from any of the insurance policy(ies) presently provided to you, any new application to the Company for insurance, and claim processing, such historical financial or credit records, data or information whether or not provided personally.

As a general rule, if you are under the age of 18 years, the Company will obtain the consent from your parent, guardian or person who has parental responsibility you. However, if you have attained the age of 16 years and wish to effect a policy on your own life or on another life in which you have an insurable interest, you are deemed to have the capacity to give your own consent in relation to that life policy. 

2.  Collection of Personal Information

The Company may collect your personal information in the following manner, which includes but not limited to: 

  1. when you submit any form, including but not limited to application, proposal and/or claims forms;

  2. when you enter into any agreement or provide other documentation or information in respect of your interactions and transactions with the Company, or when you use the Company's services;

  3. when you interact with Company's staff, including the Company's customer services officers, e.g. via telephone calls (which may be recorded), letters, facsmile transmission, face-to-face meetings, digital platforms (including social media) and email;

  4. when you use some of the Company's services provided through online and other technology platforms, e.g. websites and applications including when you establish any online accounts with the Company;

  5. when you request the Company to contact you, be included in an email or other mailing list, or when you respond to the Company's request for additional personal information or the Company's promotions and/or other initiatives;

  6. when you are contacted by, and respond to, the Company's authorised representatives and other service providers;

  7. when the Company receives references from business partners and third parties, e.g. where you have been referred by them;

  8. when your images are captured by the Company via CCTV cameras while you are within the Company's premises, or via photographs or videos taken by the Company or its authorised representatives when you attend events hosted by the Company;

The Company may also collect and/or verify your personal information from third parties, such as a policyholder who has taken up a policy on you or for your benefit, agents, brokers, business or strategic partners of the Company and third parties from whom you have been referred to the Company, or third parties from whom the Company seeks or receives information on you in connection with your policy, which includes your policy applications, or claims, e.g., from any of the Great Eastern group of companies, other insurers or takaful providers, insurance associations and takaful associations, hospitals, clinics, motor workshops and the relevant authorities.

If you provide the Company with any personal information relating to a third party, including where you have named them as an insured person, assignee, trustee or beneficiary, or where you refer a third party to the Company for the purposes of offering the Company’s products and/or services to that third party, you represent to the Company that you have obtained the consent of the third party for you to provide the Company with their personal information for the purposes set out herein. References to “your personal information” shall include the personal information of third parties provided by you.

3.  Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

Your personal information may be used, recorded, stored, archived, disclosed or otherwise processed by or on behalf of the Company (and its successors in title) for the following purposes:

  1. to carry on insurance business, as may be applicable and to carry out any activity or duty as an insurer, including but not limited to any operational or internal management purposes;

  2. to assess or process any proposals or applications made for any of the Company’s products and services, including any future underwriting;

  3. any claim or investigation or analysis of such claim, including to ascertain your claims history in order to improve claims processing and prevent fraudulent claims, including any future claims assessment;

  4. to manage and service the Company’s relationship with you and to provide you with improved customer service;

  5. to match and update any personal information held by the Company and the Great Eastern group of companies (“Great Eastern”) relating to you from time to time (for more information on Great Eastern, log on to;

  6. to offer and/or process any alterations, variations, cancellation or renewal of products or services by the Company or by Great Eastern;

  7. for direct marketing and general marketing of insurance and takaful products and services of the Company and Great Eastern, or third party, that may be of interest to you. Please be assured that marketing information in respect of third party products and services will only be sent to you if you have expressly consented to the same;

  8. for research and audit including but not limited to historical and statistical purposes;

  9. to exercise any right of subrogation or recovery;

  10. to prevent, investigate, or report any actual or suspected money laundering, terrorist financing, bribery, corruption, actual or suspected fraud including but not limited to insurance fraud, evasion of tax or of economic or trade sanctions, and other criminal or unlawful activities;

  11. for reinsurance;

  12. for litigation or potential litigation; and

  13. if required by law or in good faith, if such action is necessary:

o   to comply with any law enforcement, court orders or legal process, and/or

o   to protect and defend the rights or property of the Company and Great Eastern (for information, log on to

The information that you have provided to the Company is necessary. If you do not provide the Company with such information, the Company may not be able to provide you with the insurance coverage and/or respond to any claim.

4.  Disclosure of Personal Information
The Company may disclose and/or provide your personal information to the following parties (within and outside Malaysia) for the purposes stated above:

  1. the authorised representatives of the Company;

  2. in relation to third party policies, the policy owner and/or insured person;

  3. in relation to group policies, the policyholder and/or its brokers;

  4. third party service providers (who provide administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment, data processing or storage, other services to the Company in connection with the operation of our business) to fulfil the Company's obligations to you;

  5. banks and financial institutions;

  6. insurers or takaful providers, fraud detection and prevention services, reinsurance companies, insurance associations or takaful associations and insurance industry regulatory authorities;

  7. any credit reference agencies or, in the event of default, any debt collection agencies;

  8. any insurance rating organisations that collect information about credit history, accident fault, injury description and amounts paid and share it with other insurance companies or takaful operators and others entitled to see it;

  9. any person, who is under a duty of confidentiality and has undertaken to keep such data confidential, which the Company has engaged to fulfil its obligations to you;

  10. any actual or proposed assignee, transferee, participant or sub-participant of the Company’s rights or business;

  11. any person to whom the Company is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law, rules, regulations, codes of practice or guidelines binding on the Company including, without limitation, any applicable regulators, governmental bodies, or insurance associations, and where otherwise required by law;

  12. other companies in Great Eastern, and the Company’s affiliates; and

  13. any business or strategic partners.

5.  Security Measures on Your Personal Information

The Company will take reasonable efforts to protect personal information in its possession or control by making reasonable security arrangements to prevent unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks. However, the Company cannot completely guarantee the security of any personal information the Company may have collected from or about you, or that e.g. no harmful code will enter the Company’s website (e.g. viruses, bugs, trojan horses, spyware or adware). You should be aware of the risks associated with using websites.

While the Company strives to protect your personal information, the Company cannot ensure the security of the information you transmit to the Company via the Internet, and the Company urges you to take every precaution to protect your personal information when you are on the Internet. The Company recommends that you change your passwords often, use a combination of letters and numbers, and ensure that you use a secure browser.

If applicable, you undertake to keep your username and password secure and confidential and shall not disclose or permit it to be disclosed to any unauthorised person, and to inform the Company as soon as reasonably practicable if you know or suspect that someone else knows your username and password or believe the confidentiality of your username and password has been lost, stolen or compromised in any way or that actual or possible unauthorised transactions have taken place. The Company is not liable for any damages resulting from any security breaches related to unauthorised and/or fraudulent use of your username and password.

6.  Retention of Personal Information

The Company may retain your personal information for such time as deemed to be necessary for the purpose of fulfilling any operational, audit, investigation, legal, regulatory, tax or accounting requirements, including but not limited to any potential litigation, and future underwriting and claims assessment purposes.

7.  Use of Cookies and Related Technologies

The Company’s websites and platforms use cookies and other technologies. Cookies are small text files stored in your computing or other electronic devices when you visit the Company’s website and platforms for record keeping purposes. Cookies are stored in your browser’s file directory, and the next time you visit the website or platform, your browser will read the cookie and relay the information back to the website, platform or element that originally set the cookie. Depending on the type of cookie it is, cookies may store user preferences and other information.

Web beacons (also known as pixel tags and clear GIFs) involve graphics that are not apparent to the user. Tracking links and/or similar technologies consist of a few lines of programming code and can be embedded in the Company’s websites or platforms. Web beacons are usually used in conjunction with cookies and primarily used for statistical analysis purposes. This technology can also be used for tracking traffic patterns on websites and platforms, as well as finding out if an e-mail has been received and opened and to see if there has been any response.

The Company may employ cookies and other technologies as follows:

  1. tracking information such as the number of visitors and their frequency of use, profiles of visitors and their preferred sites;

  2. making the Company’s websites and platforms easier to use e.g., cookies may be used to help speed up your future interactions with the Company’s websites and platforms;

  3. to better tailor the Company’s products and services to your interests and needs e.g., cookies information may be identified and disclosed to the Company’s service providers and business partners to generate consumer insights;

  4. collating information on a user’s search and browsing history;

  5. when you interact with the Company on the Company’s websites and platforms, the Company may automatically receive and record information on its server logs from your browser. The Company may collect for the purposes of analysis, statistical and site-related information including, without limitation, information relating to how a visitor arrived at the website or platform, the browser used by a visitor, the operating system a visitor is using, a visitor's IP address, and a visitor's click stream information and time stamp (which may include e.g., information about which pages they have viewed, the time the pages were accessed and the time spent per web page);

  6. using such information to understand how people use the Company’s websites and platforms, and to help the Company improves its structure and contents;

  7. using cookies that are necessary in order to enable the Company’s websites and platforms to operate e.g., cookies that enable you to log onto secure parts of the Company’s websites and platforms; and/or

  8. personalising the website and platform for you, including delivering advertisements which may be of particular interest to you and using cookie related information to allow the Company to understand the effectiveness of the Company’s advertisements.

Some cookies the Company uses are from third party companies to provide the Company with web analytics and intelligence about the Company’s websites and platforms. These companies collect information about your interaction with the Company’s websites and platforms. The Company uses such information to compile statistics about visitors who interact with the websites, platforms and other online content related to the Company, to gauge the effectiveness of the Company’s communications, and to provide more pertinent information to its visitors.

If you do not agree to such use of cookies, you can adjust your browser settings. Unless you have adjusted your browser settings to block cookies, the Company’s system will issue cookies as soon as you visit the Company’s site or click on a link in a targeted email that was sent to you, even if you have previously deleted the cookies.

The way which cookies can be managed depends on your browser. For more information on how to configure or disable cookies, please refer to the 'Help' option of your internet browser.

If you do not agree to the Company’s use of cookies and other technologies as set out in this Notice, you should delete or disable the cookies associated with the Company’s websites and platforms by changing the settings on your browser accordingly. However, you may not be able to enter certain part(s) of the Company’s websites or platforms. This may also impact your user experience while on the Company’s websites or platforms.

Data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning may be used for some of the purposes stated above.

8.  Your Rights on Your Personal Information

You may access certain personal information held by the Company based on the applicable data protection laws of Malaysia. 

You may access your personal information at any time by calling the Company’s Customer Service Care or visiting the Customer Portal. If you have any inquiry such as limiting the processing of certain information, including the withdrawal of consent to receive marketing information, you may contact the Company’s Customer Service Care, or write to the Company.

The Company may charge a reasonable fee for access. If you can show that the personal information held by the Company is not accurate, complete and up to date, the Company will take reasonable steps to ensure it is accurate, complete and up to date upon receiving your verification or feedback.

If you have any complaints in respect of your personal information, you may contact the Company’s Privacy Officer.

For more information on how the Company processes your personal information, please log on to the Company’s website and read the Client Charter and Privacy Policy, as set out below:


Great Eastern General Insurance Malaysia
Customer Portal
Customer Service Care 1300 1300 88
(Press 2 for General Insurance)
Privacy Officer +603 2786 1162


The Company may review and update this Notice from time to time to reflect changes in the law, changes in the business practices, procedures and structure of the Company and Great Eastern, and changes in the community's privacy expectations. It is not generally feasible to notify you of changes to this Notice and as such, you can log on to the Company’s website to obtain the latest version of the Notice at any time.

In the event of any inconsistencies between the English version and the Bahasa Malaysia version of this notice, the English version shall prevail.

Last Reviewed: 26 August 2022


"[tick-box] I would like to receive updates and information about products, services, promotions, charitable causes or other marketing information about, and from, the affiliates, business and strategic partners of the Company."



1.  Maklumat Peribadi

Dengan berinteraksi bersama Great Eastern General Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad (“Syarikat”), menyerahkan maklumat kepada Syarikat, mendaftar untuk sebarang produk atau perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan Syarikat, anda memberikan maklumat peribadi kepada Syarikat.

"Maklumat peribadi" bermaksud sebarang maklumat yang berkaitan dengan anda dan yang anda telah berikan kepada Syarikat, atau akan diberikan kepada Syarikat, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada nama anda, biodata atau maklumat peribadi, nombor Kad Pengenalan, nombor pasport, alamat, nombor telefon, alamat e-mel, imej,  pilihan peribadi, maklumat berkenaan hayat yang diasuranskan pihak ketiga atau benefisiari, dan maklumat akaun kewangan dan perbankan dan sebarang maklumat yang boleh mengenal pasti anda, mana-mana hayat yang diasuranskan, pemegang amanah atau benefisiari, pemegang serah hak yang telah atau mungkin dikumpulkan, disimpan, digunakan dan diproses oleh Syarikat dari semasa ke semasa. Istilah "maklumat peribadi" juga merangkumi maklumat peribadi sensitif yang bermaksud sebarang maklumat peribadi yang mengandungi maklumat tentang kesihatan atau keadaan fizikal atau mental, pendapat politik, kepercayaan agama atau kepercayaan lain yang bersifat seumpamanya, dan pelakuan atau pengataan pelakuan yang mendakwa anda bagi sebarang kesalahan. 

Dengan memberikan maklumat peribadi kepada Syarikat, anda mengizinkan (dan jika perlu, secara ekplisit bersetuju) terhadap penggunaan maklumat peribadi anda termasuk maklumat peribadi sensitif, mengikut cara yang dinyatakan dalam Notis ini.  Keizinan dan kebenaran yang tersebut di sini akan meliputi sebarang maklumat yang diperolehi daripada mana-mana polisi insurans yang diberikan kepada anda pada masa ini, sebarang permohonan baharu kepada Syarikat untuk insurans, dan pemprosesan tuntutan, rekod kewangan atau sejarah kredit, data atau maklumat sama ada diberikan secara peribadi atau tidak.

Sebagai peraturan am, jika anda berumur di bawah 18 tahun, Syarikat akan mendapatkan kebenaran daripada ibu bapa, penjaga atau orang yang mempunyai tanggungjawab ibu bapa terhadap anda. Walau bagaimanapun, jika anda telah mencapai umur 16 tahun dan ingin menyertai polisi insurans atas kehidupan anda sendiri atau dalam kehidupan lain di mana anda mempunyai kepentingan untuk diinsurkan, anda dianggap mempunyai keupayaan untuk memberikan kebenaran anda sendiri berkenaan polisi insurans tersebut.

2.  Pengumpulan Maklumat Peribadi

Syarikat mungkin mengumpul maklumat peribadi anda menerusi, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada, cara berikut: 

  1. Apabila anda menghantar sebarang borang seperti, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada, borang permohonan, cadangan, dan/atau tuntutan;

  2. Apabila anda membuat sebarang perjanjian, memberi dokumen atau maklumat berkaitan dengan interaksi transaksi anda dengan Syarikat, atau menggunakan perkhidmatan yang disediakan oleh Syarikat;

  3. Apabila anda berhubung dengan kakitangan Syarikat seperti pegawai perkhidmatan pelanggan menerusi panggilan telefon (yang mungkin dirakam), surat, faksmile, perjumpaan bersemuka, platform digital (termasuk media sosial), dan email;

  4. Apabila anda menggunakan perkhidmatan disediakan oleh Syarikat menerusi dalam talian atau platform teknologi lain, seperti laman sesawang dan aplikasi termasuk semasa anda mendaftar sebarang akaun dalam talian dengan Syarikat;

  5. Apabila anda meminta Syarikat untuk menghubungi anda, disertakan ke dalam email atau senarai mel lain, membalas permintaan Syarikat bagi maklumat peribadi tambahan, atau tawaran dan/atau inisiatif disediakan oleh Syarikat;

  6. Apabila anda telah dihubungi oleh, atau membalas kepada, wakil yang dibenarkan oleh Syarikat atau penyedia perkhidmatan lain lain;

  7. Apabila Syarikat menerima rujukan daripada rakan kongsi perniagaan dan pihak ketiga, sebagai contoh, di mana anda telah dirujuk oleh mereka;

  8. Apabila imej anda ditangkap oleh Syarikat melalui kamera CCTV semasa anda berada di dalam premis Syarikat, atau melalui gambar atau video yang diambil oleh Syarikat atau wakil yang dibenarkan apabila anda menghadiri acara yang dihoskan oleh Syarikat;
Syarikat mungkin mengumpul dan/atau mengesahkan maklumat peribadi anda daripada pihak ketiga, seperti seseorang pemegang polisi yang mempunyai polisi ke atas diri anda atau untuk faedah anda, ejen, broker, rakan niaga dan pihak ketiga yang anda telah dirujuk kepada pihak Syarikat atau pihak ketiga yang telah Syarikat peroleh atau terima maklumat berkenaan anda berkaitan dengan polisi, permohonan polisi atau tuntutan anda, sebagai contoh, dari mana-mana kumpulan syarikat Great Eastern, penanggung insurans atau pengendali takaful lain, persatuan insurans dan takaful, hospital, klinik, bengkel motor serta pihak berkuasa yang berkaitan.
Sekiranya anda memberikan Syarikat maklumat peribadi yang berkaitan dengan pihak ketiga, termasuklah apabila anda telah menamakan mereka sebagai hayat yang diasuranskan, pemegang amanah atau benefisiari, atau apabila anda merujuk pihak ketiga kepada Syarikat bagi tujuan menawarkan produk dan/atau perkhidmatan Syarikat kepada pihak ketiga tersebut, anda telah menyatakan kepada Syarikat bahawa anda telah memperoleh persetujuan daripada pihak ketiga berkenaan bahawa anda akan memberikan Syarikat maklumat peribadi mereka bagi tujuan yang dinyatakan di sini. Rujukan bagi "maklumat peribadi anda" akan merangkumi maklumat peribadi pihak ketiga yang telah anda berikan.
3.  Tujuan Pengumpulan dan Penggunaan Maklumat Peribadi
Maklumat peribadi anda mungkin digunakan, direkodkan, disimpan, diarkibkan, dizahirkan atau diproses oleh atau bagi pihak Syarikat (dan penggantinya) untuk tujuan berikut:
  1. untuk penyediaan perkhidmatan insurans, yang mungkin berkenaan dan untuk menjalankan sebarang kegiatan atau kewajipan sebagai penanggung insurans, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad pada sebarang tujuan operasi dan pengurusan dalaman;

  2. untuk menilai atau memproses sebarang cadangan atau permohonan yang dibuat untuk mana-mana produk dan perkhidmatan Syarikat, termasuk sebarang pengunderaitan pada masa hadapan;   

  3. sebarang tuntutan atau penyiasatan atau analisis terhadap tuntutan tersebut, termasuklah memastikan sejarah tuntutan anda bagi memperbaiki proses tuntutan dan mencegah tuntutan palsu, termasuk sebarang penilaian tuntutan pada masa hadapan;

  4. untuk menguruskan dan mengendalikan hubungan Syarikat dengan anda serta memberi perkhidmatan pelanggan yang dipertingkatkan;

  5. untuk memadankan dan mengemaskini sebarang maklumat peribadi yang dipegang oleh Syarikat dan kumpulan Syarikat Great Eastern ("Great Eastern") yang berkaitan dengan anda dari semasa ke semasa (untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari;

  6. untuk menawarkan dan/atau memproses sebarang pindaan, perubahan, pembatalan atau pembaharuan sebarang produk atau perkhidmatan oleh Syarikat atau Great Eastern;

  7. untuk pemasaran langsung dan pemasaran umum bagi produk insurans dan takaful serta perkhidmatan Syarikat dan Great Eastern, atau pihak ketiga, yang mungkin menarik minat anda. Syarikat akan memastikan maklumat pemasaran berkenaan dengan produk dan perkhidmatan daripada pihak ketiga hanya akan dihantar kepada anda jika anda telah memberi kebenaran dengan jelas untuk perkara tersebut;

  8. untuk penyelidikan dan audit termasuk tetapi tidak terhad bagi tujuan sejarah dan statistik;

  9. untuk menjalankan sebarang hak subrogasi atau tuntutan pemulihan;

  10. untuk mencegah, menyiasat, atau melaporkan sebarang pengubahan wang haram yang berlaku atau yang disyaki berlaku, pembiayaan keganasan, rasuah, sogokan, penipuan yang berlaku atau yang disyaki berlaku termasuk tetapi tidak terhad pada penipuan insurans, pengelakan cukai atau sekatan ekonomi atau perdagangan, dan jenayah lain atau aktiviti lain yang menyalahi undang-undang;

  11. untuk insurans semula;

  12. untuk tindakan undang-undang atau potensi untuk tindakan undang-undang; dan

  13. jika dikehendaki dari segi undang-undang atau dengan niat baik, sekiranya tindakan itu diperlukan:

o   untuk mematuhi sebarang penguatkuatkuasaan undang-undang, perintah mahkamah atau proses undang-undang, dan / atau

o   untuk melindungi dan membela hak atau harta Syarikat dan Great Eastern (untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari

Maklumat yang anda beri kepada Syarikat adalah perlu. Sekiranya anda tidak memberikan maklumat tersebut kepada Syarikat, Syarikat mungkin tidak dapat memberikan perlindungan insurans kepada anda atau memberi maklum balas ke atas sebarang tuntutan. 

4.  Pendedahan Maklumat Peribadi

Syarikat mungkin menzahirkan dan/atau memberi maklumat peribadi anda kepada pihak-pihak berikut (di dalam dan di luar Malaysia) bagi tujuan yang dinyatakan di atas:

  1. wakil-wakil yang diberi kuasa oleh Syarikat;

  2. bagi polisi pihak ketiga, pemilik polisi, dan/ atau hayat yang diansuranskan;

  3. bagi polisi kumpulan, pemegang polisi dan/atau brokernya;

  4. pembekal perkhidmatan pihak ketiga (yang menjalankan pentadbiran, telekomunikasi, komputer, pembayaran, pemprosesan atau penyimpanan data, atau perkhidmatan lain untuk Syarikat serta berkaitan dengan operasi perniagaan Syarikat) bagi memenuhi tanggungjawab Syarikat kepada anda;

  5. bank dan institusi kewangan;

  6. penanggung insurans atau pengendali takaful, perkhidmatan pengesanan dan pencegahan penipuan insurans, syarikat insurans semula, persatuan insurans atau takaful dan pihak berkuasa bagi pengawalan industri insurans;

  7. mana-mana agensi rujukan kredit atau sekiranya berlaku kegagalan membuat pembayaran kredit, sebarang agensi pemungut hutang;

  8. mana-mana organisasi perkadaran insurans yang mengumpul maklumat berkenaan sejarah kredit, punca kemalangan, maklumat kecederaan dan jumlah yang dibayar serta berkongsi maklumat dengan syarikat insurans dan pengendali-pengendali takaful lain dari pihak lain yang berhak melihatnya;

  9. mana-mana individu yang bertanggungjawab menjaga hal sulit dan telah bersetuju untuk tidak menzahirkan sebarang data sulit, yang telah dilantik oleh Syarikat untuk menunaikan kewajipannya kepada anda;

  10. mana-mana penerima serah hak atau yang dicadangkan, penerima pindahan, peserta atau peserta bersama terhadap hak atau perniagaan Syarikat;

  11. mana-mana individu yang Syarikat bertanggungjawab membuat penzahiran mengikut keperluan sebarang undang-undang, peraturan, pengawalan, tata amalan atau garis panduan yang mengikat Syarikat, termasuk dan tidak terhad kepada mana-mana badan pengawalan, badan kerajaan, atau persatuan insurans dan selainnya apabila diperlukan undang-undang;

  12. syarikat-syarikat lain yang bernaung di bawah Great Eastern dan rakan sekutu Syarikat; dan

  13. mana-mana rakan kongsi perniagaan atau strategik.

5. Langkah Keselamatan pada Maklumat Peribadi Anda

Syarikat akan mengambil usaha yang munasabah untuk melindungi maklumat peribadi dalam milikan atau kawalan Syarikat dengan membuat pengaturan keselamatan yang munasabah untuk menghalang akses tanpa kebenaran, pengumpulan, penggunaan, pendedahan, penyalinan, pengubahsuaian, pelupusan atau risiko serupa. Walau bagaimanapun, Syarikat tidak dapat menjamin sepenuhnya keselamatan sebarang maklumat peribadi yang mungkin Syarikat kumpulkan daripada atau tentang anda, atau sebagai contoh tiada kod berbahaya akan memasuki tapak web Syarikat (sebagai contoh virus, pepijat, kuda trojan, perisian pengintip atau perisian iklan). Anda harus sedar tentang risiko yang berkaitan dengan menggunakan tapak web.

Walaupun Syarikat berusaha untuk melindungi maklumat peribadi anda, Syarikat tidak dapat memastikan keselamatan maklumat yang anda hantar kepada Syarikat melalui Internet, dan Syarikat menyarankan anda untuk mengambil setiap langkah berjaga-jaga untuk melindungi maklumat peribadi anda apabila anda berada di Internet. Syarikat mengesyorkan agar anda menukar kata laluan anda dengan kerap, menggunakan gabungan huruf dan nombor, dan pastikan anda menggunakan penyemak imbas yang selamat.

Di mana berkenaan, anda berjanji untuk memastikan nama pengguna dan kata laluan anda selamat dan sulit serta tidak akan mendedahkan atau membenarkan ia didedahkan kepada mana-mana orang yang tiada kebenaran, dan memaklumkan Syarikat secepat mungkin jika anda mengetahui atau mengesyaki bahawa orang lain mengetahui nama pengguna anda serta kata laluan atau percaya kerahsiaan nama pengguna dan kata laluan anda telah hilang, dicuri atau dikompromi dalam apa jua cara atau bahawa transaksi sebenar atau kemungkinan transaksi tanpa kebenaran telah berlaku. Syarikat tidak bertanggungjawab untuk sebarang kerosakan akibat daripada sebarang pelanggaran keselamatan yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan nama pengguna dan kata laluan anda tanpa kebenaran dan/atau penipuan.

6. Pengekalan Maklumat Peribadi

Syarikat mungkin menyimpan maklumat peribadi anda pada jangka masa yang dianggap perlu bagi tujuan memenuhi sebarang keperluan operasi, audit, penyiasatan, perundangan, kawal selia, cukai atau perakaunan, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada sebarang litigasi yang berpotensi, dan pengunderaitan dan untuk tujuan penilaian tuntutan masa hadapan.

7. Penggunaan Kuki dan Teknologi Berkaitan

Laman web dan platform Syarikat menggunakan kuki dan teknologi lain. Kuki ialah fail teks kecil yang disimpan dalam pengkomputeran anda atau peranti elektronik lain apabila anda melawati tapak web dan platform Syarikat untuk tujuan penyimpanan rekod. Kuki disimpan dalam direktori fail penyemak imbas anda, dan pada kali seterusnya anda melawati tapak web atau platform, penyemak imbas anda akan membaca kuki dan menyampaikan kembali maklumat ke tapak web, platform atau elemen yang pada asalnya menetapkan kuki. Bergantung pada jenis kuki itu, kuki mungkin menyimpan pilihan pengguna dan maklumat lain.

Suar web (juga dikenali sebagai tag piksel dan GIF jelas) melibatkan grafik yang tidak nyata kepada pengguna. Pautan penjejakan dan/atau teknologi serupa terdiri daripada beberapa baris kod pengaturcaraan dan boleh dibenamkan dalam tapak web atau platform Syarikat. Suar web biasanya digunakan bersama dengan kuki dan digunakan terutamanya untuk tujuan analisis statistik. Teknologi ini juga boleh digunakan untuk menjejaki corak trafik pada tapak web dan platform, serta mengetahui sama ada e-mel telah diterima dan dibuka dan untuk melihat sama ada terdapat sebarang respons.

Syarikat mungkin menggunakan kuki dan teknologi lain seperti berikut:

  1. maklumat penjejakan seperti bilangan pelawat dan kekerapan penggunaan mereka, profil pelawat dan tapak pilihan mereka;

  2. menjadikan tapak web dan platform Syarikat lebih mudah digunakan. Sebagai contoh, kuki boleh digunakan untuk membantu mempercepatkan interaksi masa depan anda dengan tapak web dan platform Syarikat;

  3. untuk menyesuaikan produk dan perkhidmatan Syarikat dengan lebih baik mengikut minat dan keperluan anda. Sebagai contoh, maklumat kuki mungkin dikenal pasti dan didedahkan kepada vendor dan rakan kongsi perniagaan Syarikat untuk menjana pandangan pengguna;

  4. mengumpul maklumat tentang carian dan sejarah penyemakan imbas pengguna;

  5. apabila anda berinteraksi dengan Syarikat di tapak web dan platform Syarikat, Syarikat mungkin menerima dan merekod maklumat secara automatik pada log pelayan Syarikat daripada penyemak imbas anda. Syarikat mungkin mengumpul untuk tujuan analisis, statistik dan maklumat berkaitan tapak termasuk, tanpa had, maklumat yang berkaitan dengan cara pelawat tiba di tapak web atau platform, pelayar yang digunakan oleh pelawat, sistem pengendalian yang digunakan pelawat, Alamat IP pelawat, dan maklumat strim klik pelawat dan cap masa (yang mungkin termasuk sebagai contoh, maklumat tentang halaman yang mereka telah lihat, masa halaman itu diakses dan masa yang dihabiskan untuk setiap halaman web);

  6. menggunakan maklumat sedemikian untuk memahami cara orang menggunakan tapak web dan platform Syarikat, dan untuk membantu Syarikat menambah baik struktur dan kandungan mereka;

  7. menggunakan kuki yang diperlukan untuk membolehkan tapak web dan platform Syarikat beroperasi, sebagai contoh, kuki yang membolehkan anda log masuk ke bahagian selamat tapak web dan platform Syarikat; dan/atau

  8. memperibadikan laman web dan platform untuk anda, termasuk menyampaikan iklan yang mungkin menarik minat anda dan menggunakan maklumat berkaitan kuki untuk membolehkan Syarikat memahami keberkesanan iklan Syarikat.

Beberapa kuki yang Syarikat gunakan adalah daripada syarikat pihak ketiga untuk memberikan Syarikat analisis web dan risikan tentang tapak web dan platform Syarikat. Syarikat-syarikat ini mengumpulkan maklumat tentang interaksi anda dengan tapak web dan platform Syarikat. Syarikat menggunakan maklumat sedemikian untuk menyusun statistik tentang pelawat yang berinteraksi dengan tapak web, platform dan kandungan dalam talian Syarikat yang lain, untuk mengukur keberkesanan komunikasi Syarikat, dan untuk memberikan maklumat yang lebih berkaitan kepada pelawat.

Jika anda tidak bersetuju dengan penggunaan kuki tersebut, anda boleh melaraskan tetapan penyemak imbas anda. Melainkan anda telah melaraskan tetapan penyemak imbas anda untuk menyekat kuki, sistem Syarikat akan mengeluarkan kuki sebaik sahaja anda melawat tapak Syarikat atau mengklik pada pautan dalam e-mel sasaran yang telah Syarikat hantar kepada anda, walaupun anda telah memadamkan kuki sebelum ini.

Cara kuki boleh diuruskan bergantung pada penyemak imbas anda. Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang cara mengkonfigurasi atau melumpuhkan kuki, sila rujuk pilihan 'Bantuan' pelayar internet anda.

Jika anda tidak bersetuju dengan penggunaan kuki dan teknologi lain oleh Syarikat seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Notis ini, anda harus memadam atau melumpuhkan kuki yang dikaitkan dengan tapak web dan platform Syarikat dengan menukar tetapan pada penyemak imbas anda dengan sewajarnya. Walau bagaimanapun, anda mungkin tidak dapat memasuki bahagian tertentu tapak web atau platform Syarikat. Ini juga boleh memberi kesan kepada pengalaman pengguna anda semasa berada di tapak web atau platform Syarikat.

Analisis data, kecerdasan buatan dan pembelajaran mesin boleh digunakan untuk beberapa tujuan yang dinyatakan dalam perenggan di atas.

8. Hak Anda pada Maklumat Peribadi Anda

Anda boleh mengakses maklumat peribadi tertentu yang disimpan oleh Syarikat berdasarkan undang-undang perlindungan data yang berkaitan di Malaysia.

Anda boleh mengakses maklumat peribadi anda pada bila-bila masa dengan menghubungi Pusat Perkhidmatan Pelanggan “Customer Service Care” atau melayari Portal Pelanggan Syarikat. Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan seperti menghadkan pemprosesan maklumat tertentu, termasuk membatalkan persetujuan untuk menerima maklumat pemasaran, anda boleh menghubungi Pusat Perkhidmatan Pelanggan kami, atau menulis kepada Syarikat.

Syarikat boleh mengenakan bayaran yang berpatutan untuk pemberian akses. Jika anda boleh menunjukkan bahawa maklumat peribadi yang disimpan oleh Syarikat adalah tidak tepat, tidak lengkap dan tidak dikemaskini, Syarikat akan mengambil langkah yang sewajarnya untuk memastikan maklumat adalah tepat, lengkap dan dikemaskini setelah menerima pengesahan atau maklum balas daripada anda.

Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang aduan berkenaan maklumat peribadi anda, anda boleh menghubungi Pegawai Privasi kami.

Untuk keterangan lanjut bagaimana Syarikat menggunakan maklumat peribadi anda, sila layari laman sesawang Syarikat dan baca Piagam Pelanggan Syarikat dan Dasar Polisi Privasi seperti yang dinyatakan dibawah:


Great Eastern General Insurance Malaysia
Laman Sesawang
Portal Pelanggan
Pusat Perkhidmatan Pelanggan 1300 1300 88
(Pilih 2 untuk Insurans Am)
Pegawai Privasi +603 2786 1162

Syarikat boleh menyemak semula dan mengemaskinikan Notis ini dari semasa ke semasa mengikut pindaan undang-undang, pindaan amalan perniagaan, prosedur dan struktur Syarikat serta Great Eastern, dan pindaan mengikut tahap jangkaan privasi oleh masyarakat. Secara amnya, Syarikat mungkin tidak dapat memaklumkan anda bagi setiap perubahan ke atas Notis ini, oleh itu, anda boleh melayari laman sesawang Syarikat untuk mendapatkan versi terbaharu Notis pada bila-bila masa.

Sekiranya terdapat sebarang percanggahan antara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan versi Bahasa Malaysia pada notis ini, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan digunakan

Terakhir dikemaskini pada: 26 Ogos 2022


“(tick box) Saya ingin mendapatkan maklumat terkini dan penerangan tentang produk, perkhidmatan, promosi, perihal kebajikan atau maklumat pemasaran lain mengenai dan daripada rakan sekutu dan rakan kongsi perniagaan dan strategik Syarikat.” 

These terms and conditions cover unregistered users.


  1. Intellectual Property
    1.1. Except as otherwise expressly stated herein, the information and materials located or hosted on, or linked to, this Website and/or Service ("Contents") are protected by copyright, trademark and other forms of intellectual property or proprietary rights. Such Contents include but are not limited to trademarks, trade names, service marks, product marks, logos, insignias, devices, illustrations, images, graphics, designs, text, sound recordings, downloadable files or links are the property of Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad ("Great Eastern") and/or Great Eastern Holdings Limited and/or its subsidiaries and/or the subsidiaries of Great Eastern Holdings Limited (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Great Eastern Group") and/or the respective third party proprietors.

    1.2 You may not reproduce, transmit, publish, perform, broadcast, store, modify, adapt, alter, translate, distribute, disseminate, display, creative derivative works of, decompile, reverse-engineer, disassemble, license, sell, rent, lease hyperlink or otherwise transfer any of the Contents in whole or in part in any manner without the prior written consent of Great Eastern Group and/or the respective third party proprietors.

    All trademarks, trade names, service marks, product marks, logos, insignias and devices used in this Service are the property of Great Eastern Group and/or the respective third party proprietors identified in this Service. No licence or right is granted and your access to and use of this Service should not be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use (include use as a hyperlink) any trademarks, service marks, product marks, logos, insignias and devices appearing on the Service without the prior written consent of Great Eastern Group or the relevant third party proprietor thereof.

  2. Access and Use of This Website and/or Service
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    2.2 You acknowledge and agree that, as a condition of your access and use of this Website and/or Service, you will not use the Contents of this Website and/or Service, or this Website and/or Service, for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by this Terms and Conditions. You may not use this Website and/or Service in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair any Great Eastern Group server, or the networks connected to any Great Eastern Group server, or interfere with any other party’s access and use of this Website and/or Service. You may not attempt to gain unauthorised access to this Website and/or Service through hacking, password mining or any other means. You may not obtain, or attempt to obtain, any Contents through any means not intentionally made available on or through this Website and/or Service.

  3. Links
    3.1. Unless otherwise stated, you may not link (including, but not limited to, hyperlink, in-line link or deep-link) (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Link”), mirror or frame this Website and/or Service or any part thereof to any other content. Except with our prior written permission, no trademark, trade name, service mark, product name, logo, insignia or device may be used as a Link or to mark any Link to this Website and/or Service or any part thereof.

    3.2. You may not Link, mirror or frame this Website and/or Service or any part thereof to any content which contains materials or information which is inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent, vulgar, harassing, privacy invading, abusive, threatening, harmful, tortious, objectionable, unlawful or violates any applicable intellectual property or proprietary rights.

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    3.4 For your convenience, Great Eastern Group may include Links to contents that are owned or operated by third parties. Great Eastern Group has not developed or reviewed, and is not responsible for the contents of or the consequences of accessing the Linked contents. We make no guarantee, representation or warranty as to, and have no liability for, any content at those websites, including, but not limited to, guarantees, representations and warranties regarding the truth, adequacy, originality, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, reasonableness, non- infringement, suitability, satisfactory quality, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or any representations or warranties arising from usage, custom or trade or by operation of law, of those content.

    3.5 In no circumstances will Great Eastern Group be considered to be associated or affiliated in whatever manner with any trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos, insignia or other devices used or appearing on contents that are Linked to this Website and/or Service or any part thereof. The Links provided in this Website and/or Service shall not be considered or construed as an endorsement or verification of such Linked contents therein by Great Eastern Group.

    3.6 Linked contents are not under the control of Great Eastern Group and Great Eastern Group cannot accept responsibility for the contents of or the consequences of accessing any content that Links, mirrors or frames this Website and/or Service or any part thereof or any link contained in a Linked content or any Links provided on this Website and/or Service. You agree that your access to and use of such Linked contents is entirely at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of access and use contained therein.

  4. Disclaimer
    4.1 The Contents are of a general nature which have not been verified, considered or assessed by any member of Great Eastern Group. Such Contents are provided for general information only and you should seek professional advice at all times and obtain independent verification of the Contents contained herein before making any decision based on any such information or materials. The Contents are not intended to replace professional medical care or attention by a qualified practitioner. The Contents in the Website and/or Service cannot and should not be used as a basis for diagnosis or choice of treatment. The Contents are not exhaustive, and the Website and/or Service may not reflect the most recent research in all areas of medicine. Contents on the Website and/or Service presents the more commonly found aspects of medical conditions which are likely to be of general interest, and for editorial reasons may not include certain substantive and commonly found phenomena. Your use of the Contents is at your own risk.

    4.2 Great Eastern Group strongly advises all users with health problems to consult a doctor, who will be trained in observation and interpretation of symptoms and will be able to provide a proper diagnosis based on a knowledge and understanding of all aspects of your condition and your medical history. Some of the Contents available on the Website and/or Service are provided by third parties and Great Eastern Group is not in a position to verify such Content provided by third parties.

    4.3 Great Eastern Group does not guarantee, represent or warrant that this Website and/or Service is free of malicious software, including, but not limited to, viruses, malicious code, computer worms, Trojan horses, spyware or other harmful components (“Malicious Software”). Great Eastern Group accepts no liability for any loss, damage, claim, liability, expense or costs that may result from any transmission of such Malicious Software via this Website and/or Service (including, but not limited to, files downloaded from this Service).

    4.4 The Contents are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without warranties of any kind. Great Eastern Group make no guarantee, representation or warranty as to, and have no liability for, any Content, including, but not limited to, guarantees, representations and warranties of any kind, implied, express or statutory regarding the truth, adequacy, originality, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, reasonableness, freedom from computer virus and other Malicious Software, non-infringement, suitability, satisfactory quality, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or any representations or warranties arising from usage, custom or trade or by operation of law and Great Eastern Group expressly disclaims liability for any errors in, or omissions from, such Contents.

    4.5 Under no circumstances shall Great Eastern Group be liable regardless of the form of action for any failure of performance, system, server or connection failure, error, omission, interruption, breach of security, corruption, delay in operation or transmission, transmission error or unavailability of access in connection with your access and use of this Website and/or Service even if Great Eastern Group had been advised as to the possibility.

    4.6 In no event shall Great Eastern Group be liable to you or any other party for any damages, losses, claim, liability, expenses or costs (including legal costs) whatsoever or howsoever (including without limitation, any direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental or consequential damages, loss of profits or loss opportunity) arising in connection with:

    1. your access and use of this Website and/or Service;
    2. reliance on any Contents provided at this Service and/or Website, regardless of the form of action and even if Great Eastern Group had been advised as to the possibility of such damages;
    3. any loss, theft or unauthorised use of your Username and/or password(if any); and/or
    4. any disclosure of any particulars or information to third parties arising as a result of your negligence or failure to keep Username and/or password (if any) confidential.

    4.7 Nothing in this Agreement excludes the liability of either Party in respect of:

    1. death or personal injury caused by its negligence; and
    2. liability which may not otherwise be limited or excluded under applicable law.

    4.8 You hereby agree that any information provided by you on this Website and/or through this Service is on a voluntary basis and is only for the purpose of this Website and/or Service. You also agree that the information provided by you on this Website and/or through this Service does not constitute disclosure of information for the purposes of an insurance policy contract between Great Eastern and you. Notwithstanding the information provided by you on this Website and/or through this Service you are still obliged to disclose all relevant and material information in any proposal form for the purchase of an insurance policy sold by Great Eastern.

    4.9 Please note that the material (including without limitation workout and exercise tips, and information contained in applications and video clips), provided on any of our web properties, communication channels and social media (e.g. our Facebook pages), is provided by way of information only. It is not and does not purport to be, or it is not a substitute for, nor does it replace, medical or other professional advice, or treatment of health conditions. Whilst we, Great Eastern (including its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates), endeavour to ensure that the contents of the material are accurate, errors or omissions may occur and we do not accept any liability in respect of them. Any third party links provided by us on any of our web properties, communication channels and social media (e.g. our Facebook pages) are provided for your convenience – their inclusion does not imply any approval or endorsement by us. We have no control over the content of those sites and accept no responsibility or liability in respect of them. 

    Please also note that there are all sorts of workout and exercise; some are rigorous whereas some are slow-paced. As each workout or exercise is of different intensity, it is important to try the workout according to your fitness level. If you are unsure about proceeding with the suggested workouts, please consult your physician or other healthcare professional before beginning or changing any fitness program to make sure that it is appropriate for your needs, especially if you are pregnant or have a history of any of the following:

    • High blood pressure (you or your family)
    • Heart disease (you or your family)
    • Chest pain when exercising
    • Chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity
    • Smoking
    • Have high cholesterol
    • Obesity
    • Bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity

    In addition, if you ever start to feel unwell or have discomfort or experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time after trying the workout or exercise, stop immediately and seek further advice from your healthcare professionals. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your healthcare professional because of what you may have read on any of our web properties, communication channels and social media (e.g. our Facebook pages). Current health and fitness research may exist that could impact the information provided by us, and any tips may not be based on the most recent findings or developments. Therefore, the use of any information provided by us is solely at your own risk. We will not be held responsible for any injuries and/or damages that may result from your participation in or engagement of the workout or exercise or any health and wellness programme, of which the information has been provided to or shared with you on any of our web properties, communication channels and social media (e.g. our Facebook pages).

  5. Indemnity
    You hereby agree to indemnify and save Great Eastern Group harmless against all damages, losses, claims, liability, expenses and costs (including legal costs) whatsoever or howsoever suffered or incurred by Great Eastern Group in connection with or arising from (1) your access and use of this Website and/or Service, or (2) any other party’s access and use of this Website and/or Service using your username and/or login password (if any), or (3) your breach of any of this Terms and Conditions, or (4) any other party’s breach of any of this Terms and Conditions where such party was able to access and use this Website and/or Service by using your username and/or login password (if any).

  6. Written Notice for Collection and Use of personal information/Notis bertulis untuk pengumpulan dan pendedahan maklumat peribadi
    6.1 Great Eastern is collecting your personal information to enable you to use the Website and/or Service. You may at any time access your personal information and correct your personal information by using the Website and/or Service. You can make a complaint in relation to your personal information by contacting Great Eastern at tel: 03-48133738 or writing to:

    Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad
    Complaints Handling Unit
    Menara Great Eastern
    303 Jalan Ampang
    50450 Kuala Lumpur
    Fax: 03-4259 8397

    The personal information which you have provided [which we ask you to provide] is necessary in order for us to provide you with the Website and/or Service. If you do not provide us with the information, you will not be able to use the Website and/or Service. Great Eastern will not disclose your personal information to any third party before obtaining your consent.

    6.2 Great Eastern mengumpul maklumat peribadi anda untuk membolehkan anda menggunakan Perkhidmatan tersebut. Anda pada bila-bila masa boleh mengakses maklumat peribadi anda dan membetulkan maklumat peribadi anda dengan menggunakan Perkhidmatan tersebut. Anda boleh membuat aduan berhubung dengan maklumat peribadi anda dengan menghubungi Great Eastern di talian: 03-48133738 atau bertulis kepada:

    Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad
    Unit Pengendalian Aduan
    Menara Great Eastern
    303 Jalan Ampang
    50450 Kuala Lumpur
    Fax: 03-4259 8397

    Maklumat peribadi yang anda berikan [yang kami meminta anda untuk menyediakan] adalah diperlukan bagi kami untuk menyediakan anda dengan Perkhidmatan tersebut. Jika anda tidak menyediakan kami dengan maklumat, anda tidak akan dapat menggunakan Perkhidmatan tersebut. Great Eastern tidak akan mendedahkan maklumat peribadi anda kepada mana-mana pihak ketiga sebelum mendapat persetujuan anda.

  7. Miscellaneous
    7.1 The Contents including the Terms of Use herein are subject to change (including, without limitation, modification, deletion or replacement thereof) without notice. By continuing to access and use this Website and/or Service, you will be conclusively presumed to have notice of and have agreed to be bound by the most recent Terms of Use as modified from time to time and available on this website. If you do not agree to be bound by the changes to the Terms of Use, you must immediately discontinue your access and use of this website and Service.

    7.2 This Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and us with respect to your access and use of this Website and/or Service and supersede and replace all prior and contemporaneous agreements on the subject, if any.

    7.3 Unless you inform us otherwise, you agree that Great Eastern shall be entitled from time to time to contact you via electronic transmission (including, but not limited to email communication, telex, fax), short messaging services, or via telephone correspondence, and any other means of exchange communication in respect of, but not limited to these Terms of Use, including without limitation, offers, promotional and marketing material. Unless you inform us otherwise, you agree that Great Eastern shall be entitled to send you offers, promotional and marketing materials from time to time.

    7.4 Great Eastern Group may terminate your access and use of this Website and/or Service at any time without notice and without assigning any reason thereof.

  8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    Nothing herein shall be construed as a representation by Great Eastern Group that the Contents are appropriate or available for use in geographic areas or jurisdictions other than Malaysia. By accessing and using this Website and/or Service, you agree that such access and use, as well as this Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Malaysia courts.


1. Personal Information

By interacting with Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (“Company”), submitting information to the Company, enrolling or signing up for any products or services offered by the Company, you are providing personal information to the Company.

Personal information” means any information which relates to you and which has been or will be provided by you to the Company, including but not limited to your name, bio-data or personal profile, National Registration Identity Card number, passport number, address, telephone number, email address, images, your personal preferences, particulars of any third party life assured or beneficiary, financial and banking account information, and any information which may identify you, any life assured, trustee or beneficiary, that has been or may be collected, stored, used and processed by the Company from time to time. The term “personal information” also includes sensitive personal information which means any personal information consisting of information as to physical or mental health or condition, political opinions, religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature, the commission or alleged commission of any offence.

By providing personal information to the Company, you consent (and where required, explicitly consent) to such use of your personal information including sensitive personal information, in the manner set out in this Notice. Such consent and authorisation herein shall extend to any information obtained from any of the insurance policy(ies) presently provided to you, any new application to the Company for insurance, and claim processing, such historical financial or credit records, data or information whether or not provided personally.

As a general rule, if you are under the age of 18 years, the Company will obtain the consent from your parent, guardian or person who has parental responsibility for you. However, if you have attained the age of 16 years and wish to effect a policy on your own life or on another life in which you have an insurable interest, you are deemed to have the capacity to give your own consent in relation to that life policy.

2. Collection of Personal Information

The Company may collect your personal information in the following manner, which includes but not limited to:

a. when you submit any form, including but not limited to application, proposal and/or claim forms;

b. when you enter into any agreement or provide other documentation or information in respect of your interactions and transactions with the Company, or when you use the Company’s services;

c. when you interact with the Company’s staff, including the Company’s customer service officers, e.g. via telephone calls (which may be recorded), letters, facsimile transmission, face-to-face meetings, digital platforms (including social media) and email;

d. when you use some of the Company’s services provided through online and other technology platforms, eg. websites and applications including when you establish any online accounts with the Company;

e. when you request the Company to contact you, be included in an email or other mailing list, or when you respond to the Company’s request for additional personal information or, the Company’s promotions and/or other initiatives;

f. when you are contacted by, and respond to, the Company’s authorised representatives and other service providers;

g. when the Company receives references from business partners and third parties, e.g., where you have been referred by them;

h. when your images are captured by the Company via CCTV cameras while you are within the Company’s premises, or via photographs or videos taken by the Company or its authorised representatives when you attend events hosted by the Company;

The Company may also collect and/or verify your personal information from third parties, such as a policyholder who has taken up a policy on you or for your benefit, agents, brokers, business partners or strategic partners of the Company and third parties from whom you have been referred to the Company, or third parties from whom the Company seeks or receives information on you in connection with your policy, which includes your policy applications, or claims, e.g., from any of the Great Eastern group of companies, other insurers or takaful providers, insurance associations and takaful associations, hospitals, clinics, and the relevant authorities.

If you provide the Company with any personal information relating to a third party, including where you have named them as a life assured, trustee or beneficiary, or where you refer a third party to the Company for the purposes of offering the Company’s products and/or services to that third party, you represent to the Company that you have obtained the consent of the third party for you to provide the Company with their personal information for the purposes set out herein. References to “your personal information” shall include the personal information of third parties provided by you.

3. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

Your personal information may be used, recorded, stored, archived, disclosed or otherwise processed by or on behalf of the Company (and its successors in title) for the following purposes:

a. to carry on insurance business, as may be applicable and to carry out any activity or duty as an insurer, including but not limited to any operational or internal management purposes;

b. to assess or process any proposals or applications submitted on any of the Company’s products and services, including any future underwriting;

c. any claim or investigation or analysis of such claim, including to ascertain your claims history in order to improve claims processing and prevent fraudulent claims, including any future claims assessment;

d. to manage and service the Company’s relationship with you and to provide you with improved customer service;

e. to match and update any personal information held by the Company and the Great Eastern group of companies (“Great Eastern”) relating to you from time to time (for more information on Great Eastern, log on to;

f. to offer and/or process any alterations, variations, cancellation or renewal of products or services by the Company or by Great Eastern;

g. for direct marketing and general marketing of insurance and takaful products and services of the Company and Great Eastern, or third party, that may be of interest to you. Please be assured that marketing information in respect of third party products and services will only be sent to you if you have expressly consented to the same;

h. for research and audit including but not limited to historical and statistical purposes;

i. to exercise any right of subrogation or recovery;

j. to prevent, investigate, or report any actual or suspected money laundering, terrorist financing, bribery, corruption, actual or suspected fraud including but not limited to insurance fraud, evasion of tax or of economic or trade sanctions, and other criminal or unlawful activities;

k. for reinsurance;

l. for litigation or potential litigation; and

m. if required by law or in good faith, if such action is necessary:

  • to comply with any law enforcement, court orders or legal process, and/or
  • to protect and defend the rights or property of the Company and Great Eastern (for information, log on to

The information that you have provided to the Company is necessary. If you do not provide the Company with such information, the Company may not be able to provide you with insurance and/or respond to any claim.

4. Disclosure of Personal Information

The Company may disclose and/or provide your personal information to the following parties (within and outside Malaysia) for the purposes stated above:

a. the authorised representatives of the Company;

b. in relation to third party policies, the policy owner, and/or life assured;

c. in relation to group policies, the policyholder and/or its brokers;

d. third party service providers (who provide administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment, data processing or storage, or other services to the Company in connection with the operation of our business) to fulfil the Company’s obligations to you;

e. banks and financial institutions;

f. insurers or takaful providers, fraud detection and prevention services, reinsurance companies, insurance associations or takaful associations, and insurance industry regulatory authorities;

g. any credit reference agencies or, in the event of default, any debt collection agencies;

h. any insurance rating organisations that collect information about credit history, accident fault, injury description and amounts paid and share it with other insurance companies or takaful operators and others entitled to see it;

i. any person, who is under a duty of confidentiality and has undertaken to keep such data confidential, which the Company has engaged to fulfil its obligations to you;

j. any actual or proposed assignee, transferee, participant or sub-participant of the Company’s rights or business;

k. any person to whom the Company is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law, rules, regulations, codes of practice or guidelines binding on the Company including, without limitation, any applicable regulators, governmental bodies, or insurance associations, and where otherwise required by law;

l. other companies in Great Eastern, and the Company’s affiliates; and

m. any business or strategic partners.

5. Security Measures on Your Personal Information

The Company will take reasonable efforts to protect personal information in its possession or control by making reasonable security arrangements to prevent unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks. However, the Company cannot completely guarantee the security of any personal information the Company may have collected from or about you, or that e.g. no harmful code will enter the Company’s website (e.g. viruses, bugs, trojan horses, spyware or adware). You should be aware of the risks associated with using websites.

While the Company strives to protect your personal information, the Company cannot ensure the security of the information you transmit to the Company via the Internet, and the Company urges you to take every precaution to protect your personal information when you are on the Internet. The Company recommends that you change your passwords often, use a combination of letters and numbers, and ensure that you use a secure browser.

If applicable, you undertake to keep your username and password secure and confidential and shall not disclose or permit it to be disclosed to any unauthorised person, and to inform the Company as soon as reasonably practicable if you know or suspect that someone else knows your username and password or believe the confidentiality of your username and password has been lost, stolen or compromised in any way or that actual or possible unauthorised transactions have taken place. The Company is not liable for any damages resulting from any security breaches related to unauthorised and/or fraudulent use of your username and password.

6. Retention of Personal Information

The Company may retain your personal information for such time as deemed to be necessary for the purpose of fulfilling any operational, audit, investigation, legal, regulatory, tax or accounting requirements, including but not limited to any potential litigation, and future underwriting and claims assessment purposes.

7. Use of Cookies and Related Technologies

The Company’s websites and platforms use cookies and other technologies. Cookies are small text files stored in your computing or other electronic devices when you visit the Company’s websites and platforms for record keeping purposes. Cookies are stored in your browser’s file directory, and the next time you visit the website or platform, your browser will read the cookie and relay the information back to the website, platform or element that originally set the cookie. Depending on the type of cookie it is, cookies may store user preferences and other information.

Web beacons (also known as pixel tags and clear GIFs) involve graphics that are not apparent to the user. Tracking links and/or similar technologies consist of a few lines of programming code and can be embedded in the Company’s websites or platforms. Web beacons are usually used in conjunction with cookies and primarily used for statistical analysis purposes. This technology can also be used for tracking traffic patterns on websites and platforms, as well as finding out if an e-mail has been received and opened and to see if there has been any response.

The Company may deploy cookies and other technologies as follows:

a. tracking information such as the number of visitors and their frequency of use, profiles of visitors and their preferred sites;

b. making the Company’s websites and platforms easier to use e.g., cookies may be used to help speed up your future interactions with the Company’s websites and platforms;

c. to better tailor the Company’s products and services to your interests and needs e.g., cookies information may be identified and disclosed to the Company’s service providers and business partners to generate consumer insights;

d. collating information on a user’s search and browsing history;

e. when you interact with the Company on the Company’s websites and platforms, the Company may automatically receive and record information on its server logs from your browser. The Company may collect for the purposes of analysis, statistical and site-related information including, without limitation, information relating to how a visitor arrived at the website or platform, the browser used by a visitor, the operating system a visitor is using, a visitor's IP address, and a visitor's click stream information and time stamp (which may include for e.g., information about which pages they have viewed, the time the pages were accessed and the time spent per web page);

f. using such information to understand how people use the Company’s websites and platforms, and to help the Company improves its structure and contents;

g. using cookies that are necessary in order to enable the Company’s websites and platforms to operate e.g., Cookies that enable you to log onto secure parts of the Company’s websites and platforms; and/or

h. personalising the website and platform for you, including delivering advertisements which may be of particular interest to you and using cookie related information to allow the Company to understand the effectiveness of the Company’s advertisements.

Some cookies the Company uses are from third party companies to provide the Company with web analytics and intelligence about the Company’s websites and platforms. These companies collect information about your interaction with the Company’s websites and platforms. The Company uses such information to compile statistics about visitors who interact with the websites, platforms and other online content related to the Company, to gauge the effectiveness of the Company’s communications, and to provide more pertinent information to its visitors.

If you do not agree to such use of cookies, you can adjust your browser settings. Unless you have adjusted your browser settings to block cookies, the Company’s system will issue cookies as soon as you visit the Company’s site or click on a link in a targeted email that was sent to you, even if you have previously deleted the cookies.

The way which cookies can be managed depends on your browser. For more information on how to configure or disable cookies, please refer to the 'Help' option of your internet browser.

If you do not agree to the Company’s use of cookies and other technologies as set out in this Notice, you should delete or disable the cookies associated with the Company’s websites and platforms by changing the settings on your browser accordingly. However, you may not be able to enter certain part(s) of the Company’s websites or platforms. This may also impact your user experience while on the Company’s websites or platforms.

Data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning may be used for some of the purposes stated above.

8. Your Rights on Your Personal Information

You may access certain personal information held by the Company based on the applicable data protection laws of Malaysia.

You may access your personal information at any time by calling the Company’s Customer Service Care or visiting the Customer Portal. If you have any inquiry such as limiting the processing of certain information, including the withdrawal of consent to receive marketing information, you may contact the Company’s Customer Service Care, or write to the Company.

The Company may charge a reasonable fee for access. If you can show that the personal information held by the Company is not accurate, complete and up to date, the Company will take reasonable steps to ensure it is accurate, complete and up to date upon receiving your verification or feedback.

If you have any complaints in respect of your personal information, you may contact the Company’s Privacy Officer.

For more information on how the Company processes your personal information, please log on to the Company’s website and read the Client Charter and Privacy Policy, as set out below:

Great Eastern Life Malaysia  
Customer Portal
Customer Service Careline 1300 1300 88
Email Address
Privacy Officer +603 - 4813 3796

The Company may review and update this Notice from time to time to reflect changes in the law, changes in the business practices, procedures and structure of the Company and Great Eastern, and changes in the community's privacy expectations. It is not generally feasible to notify you of changes to this Notice and as such, you can log on to the Company’s website to obtain the latest version of the Notice at any time.

In the event of any inconsistencies between the English version and the Bahasa Malaysia version of this Notice, the English version shall prevail.

Last Reviewed: 26 August 2022


1. Maklumat Peribadi

Dengan berinteraksi bersama Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (“Syarikat”), menyerahkan maklumat kepada Syarikat, mendaftar untuk sebarang produk atau perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan Syarikat, anda memberikan maklumat peribadi kepada Syarikat.

"Maklumat peribadi" bermaksud sebarang maklumat yang berkaitan dengan anda dan yang anda telah berikan kepada Syarikat atau akan berikan kepada Syarikat, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada nama anda, biodata atau maklumat peribadi, nombor Kad Pengenalan, nombor pasport, alamat, nombor telefon, alamat e-mel, imej, pilihan peribadi anda, maklumat berkenaan hayat yang diasuranskan pihak ketiga atau benefisiari, dan maklumat akaun kewangan dan perbankan dan sebarang maklumat yang mungkin boleh mengenal pasti anda, mana-mana hayat yang diasuranskan, pemegang amanah atau benefisiari, yang telah atau mungkin dikumpulkan, disimpan, digunakan dan diproses oleh Syarikat dari semasa ke semasa. Istilah "maklumat peribadi" juga merangkumi maklumat peribadi sensitif yang bermaksud sebarang maklumat peribadi yang mengandungi maklumat tentang kesihatan atau keadaan fizikal atau mental, pendapat politik, kepercayaan agama atau kepercayaan lain yang bersifat seumpamanya, dan pelakuan atau pengataan pelakuan yang mendakwa anda bagi sebarang kesalahan.

Dengan memberikan maklumat peribadi kepada Syarikat, anda mengizinkan (dan jika perlu, secara ekplisit bersetuju) terhadap penggunaan maklumat peribadi anda termasuk maklumat peribadi sensitif, mengikut cara yang dinyatakan dalam Notis ini. Keizinan dan kebenaran yang tersebut di sini akan meliputi sebarang maklumat yang diperolehi daripada mana-mana polisi insurans yang diberikan kepada anda pada masa ini, sebarang permohonan baharu kepada Syarikat untuk insurans, dan pemprosesan tuntutan, rekod kewangan atau sejarah kredit, data atau maklumat sama ada diberikan secara peribadi atau tidak.

Sebagai peraturan am, jika anda berumur di bawah 18 tahun, Syarikat akan mendapatkan kebenaran daripada ibu bapa, penjaga atau orang yang mempunyai tanggungjawab ibu bapa terhadap anda. Walau bagaimanapun, jika anda telah mencapai umur 16 tahun dan ingin menyertai polisi insurans atas kehidupan anda sendiri atau dalam kehidupan lain di mana anda mempunyai kepentingan untuk diinsurkan, anda dianggap mempunyai keupayaan untuk memberikan kebenaran anda sendiri berkenaan polisi insurans tersebut.

2. Pengumpulan Maklumat Peribadi

Syarikat mungkin mengumpul maklumat peribadi anda menerusi, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada, cara berikut:

a. Apabila anda menghantar sebarang borang seperti, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada, borang permohonan, cadangan, dan/atau tuntutan;

b. Apabila anda membuat sebarang perjanjian, memberi dokumen atau maklumat berkaitan dengan interaksi dan transaksi anda dengan Syarikat, atau menggunakan perkhidmatan yang disediakan oleh Syarikat.

c. Apabila anda berhubung dengan kakitangan Syarikat seperti pegawat perkhidmatan pelanggan menerusi panggilan telefon (yang mungkin dirakam), surat, faksimile, perjumpaan bersemuka, platform digital (termasuk media sosial), dan email;

d. Apabila anda menggunakan perkhidmatan disediakan oleh Syarikat menerusi dalam talian atau platform teknologi lain, seperti laman sesawang dan aplikasi termasuk semasa anda mendaftar sebarang akaun dalam talian dengan Syarikat;

e. Apabila anda meminta Syarikat untuk menghubungi anda, disertakan ke dalam email atau senarai mel lain, membalas permintaan Syarikat bagi maklumat peribadi tambahan, atau tawaran dan/atau inisiatif disediakan oleh Syarikat;

f. Apabila anda telah dihubungi oleh, atau membalas kepada, wakil yang dibenarkan oleh Syarikat atau penyedia perkhidmatan lain lain;

g. Apabila Syarikat menerima rujukan daripada rakan kongsi perniagaan dan pihak ketiga, sebagai contoh, di mana anda telah dirujuk oleh mereka;

h. Apabila imej anda ditangkap oleh Syarikat melalui kamera CCTV semasa anda berada di dalam premis Syarikat, atau melalui gambar atau video yang diambil oleh Syarikat atau wakil yang dibenarkan apabila anda menghadiri acara yang dihoskan oleh Syarikat;

Syarikat mungkin mengumpul dan/atau mengesahkan maklumat peribadi anda daripada pihak ketiga, seperti seseorang pemegang polisi yang mempunyai polisi ke atas diri anda atau untuk faedah anda, ejen, broker, rakan niaga dan pihak ketiga yang anda telah dirujuk kepada pihak Syarikat atau pihak ketiga yang telah Syarikat peroleh atau terima maklumat berkenaan anda berkaitan dengan polisi, permohonan polisi atau tuntutan anda, sebagai contoh, dari mana-mana kumpulan syarikat Great Eastern, penanggung insurans atau pengendali takaful lain, persatuan insurans dan takaful, hospital, klinik serta pihak berkuasa yang berkaitan;

Sekiranya anda memberikan Syarikat maklumat peribadi yang berkaitan dengan pihak ketiga, termasuklah apabila anda telah menamakan mereka sebagai hayat yang diasuranskan, pemegang amanah atau benefisiari, atau pemegang serah hak atau apabila anda merujuk pihak ketiga kepada Syarikat bagi tujuan menawarkan produk dan/atau perkhidmatan Syarikat kepada pihak ketiga tersebut, anda telah menyatakan kepada Syarikat bahawa anda telah memperoleh persetujuan daripada pihak ketiga berkenaan bahawa anda akan memberikan Syarikat maklumat peribadi mereka bagi tujuan yang dinyatakan di sini. Rujukan bagi "maklumat peribadi anda" akan merangkumi maklumat peribadi pihak ketiga yang telah anda berikan.

3. Tujuan Pengumpulan dan Penggunaan Maklumat Peribadi

Maklumat peribadi anda mungkin digunakan, direkodkan, disimpan, diarkibkan, dizahirkan atau diproses oleh atau bagi pihak Syarikat (dan penggantinya) bagi tujuan berikut:

a. untuk penyediaan perniagaan insurans, yang mungkin berkenaan dan untuk menjalankan sebarang kegiatan atau kewajipan sebagai penanggung insurans, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad pada sebarang tujuan operasi dan pengurusan dalaman;

b. untuk menilai atau memproses sebarang cadangan atau permohonan yang dibuat untuk mana-mana produk dan perkhidmatan Syarikat, termasuk sebarang pengunderaitan pada masa hadapan;

c. sebarang tuntutan atau penyiasatan atau analisis terhadap tuntutan tersebut, termasuklah memastikan sejarah tuntutan anda bagi memperbaiki proses tuntutan dan mencegah tuntutan palsu, termasuk sebarang penilaian tuntutan pada masa hadapan;

d. untuk menguruskan dan memberi perkhidmatan atas hubungan Syarikat dengan anda serta memberi perkhidmatan pelanggan yang dipertingkatkan;

e. untuk memadankan dan mengemaskini sebarang maklumat peribadi yang dipegang oleh Syarikat dan syarikat-syarikat dalam kumpulan Syarikat Great Eastern (“Great Eastern”) yang berkaitan dengan anda dari semasa ke semasa (untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari;

f. untuk menawarkan dan/atau memproses sebarang pindaan, perubahan, pembatalan atau pembaharuan sebarang produk atau perkhidmatan oleh Syarikat atau Great Eastern;

g. untuk pemasaran langsung dan pemasaran umum bagi produk insurans dan takaful serta perkhidmatan Syarikat dan Great Eastern, atau pihak ketiga, yang mungkin menarik minat anda. Syarikat akan memastikan maklumat pemasaran berkenaan dengan produk dan perkhidmatan daripada pihak ketiga hanya akan dihantar kepada anda hanya jika anda telah memberi kebenaran dengan jelas untuk perkara tersebut;

h. untuk penyelidikan dan audit termasuk tetapi tidak terhad bagi tujuan sejarah dan statistik;

i. untuk menjalankan sebarang hak subrogasi atau tuntutan pemulihan;

j. untuk mencegah, menyiasat, atau melaporkan sebarang pengubahan wang haram yang berlaku atau yang disyaki berlaku, pembiayaan pengganas, rasuah, sogokan, penipuan yang berlaku atau yang disyaki berlaku termasuk tetapi tidak terhad pada penipuan insurans, pengelakan cukai atau sekatan ekonomi atau perdagangan, dan jenayah lain atau aktiviti lain yang menyalahi undang-undang;

k. untuk insurans semula;

l. untuk tindakan undang-undang atau potensi untuk tindakan undang-undang; dan

m. jika dikehendaki dari segi undang-undang atau dengan niat baik, sekiranya tindakan tersebut diperlukan:

    untuk mematuhi sebarang penguatkuasaan undang-undang, perintah mahkamah atau proses undang-undang, dan / atau

    untuk melindungi dan membela hak atau harta Syarikat dan Great Eastern (untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari

Maklumat yang anda beri kepada Syarikat adalah perlu. Sekiranya anda tidak memberikan maklumat tersebut kepada Syarikat, Syarikat mungkin tidak dapat memberikan perlindungan insurans kepada anda atau memberi maklum balas ke atas sebarang tuntutan.

4. Pendedahan Maklumat Peribadi

Syarikat mungkin menzahirkan dan/atau memberikan maklumat peribadi anda kepada pihak-pihak berikut (di dalam dan di luar Malaysia) untuk tujuan yang dinyatakan di atas:

a. wakil-wakil yang diberi kuasa oleh Syarikat;

b. bagi polisi pihak ketiga, pemilik polisi, dan/atau hayat yang diasuranskan;

c. bagi polisi kumpulan, pemegang polisi dan/atau brokernya;

d. pembekal perkhidmatan pihak ketiga (yang menjalankan pentadbiran, telekomunikasi, komputer, pembayaran, pemprosesan atau penyimpanan data, atau perkhidmatan lain untuk Syarikat serta berkaitan dengan operasi perniagaan Syarikat) bagi memenuhi tanggungjawab Syarikat kepada anda;

e. bank dan institusi kewangan;

f. penanggung insurans atau pengendali takaful, perkhidmatan pengesanan dan pencegahan penipuan insurans, syarikat insurans semula, persatuan insurans atau takaful dan pihak berkuasa bagi pengawalan industri insurans;

g. mana-mana agensi rujukan kredit atau sekiranya berlaku kegagalan membuat pembayaran kredit, sebarang agensi pengutipan hutang;

h. mana-mana organisasi perkadaran insurans yang mengumpul maklumat berkenaan sejarah kredit, punca kemalangan, maklumat kecederaan dan jumlah yang dibayar serta berkongsi maklumat dengan syarikat insurans atau pengendali-pengendali takaful lain dan pihak lain yang berhak melihatnya;

i. mana-mana individu yang bertanggungjawab menjaga hal sulit dan telah bersetuju untuk tidak menzahirkan sebarang data sulit, yang telah dilantik Syarikat untuk menunaikan kewajipannya kepada anda;

j. mana-mana penerima serak hak atau yang dicadangkan, penerima pindahan, peserta atau peserta bersama terhadap hak atau perniagaan Syarikat;

k. mana-mana individu yang mana Syarikat bertanggungjawab membuat penzahiran mengikut keperluan sebarang undang-undang, peraturan, pengawalan, tata amalan atau garis panduan yang mengikat Syarikat, termasuk dan tidak terhad kepada mana-mana badan pengawalan, badan kerajaan, atau persatuan insurans dan selainnya apabila diperlukan undang-undang;

l. syarikat-syarikat lain yang bernaung di bawah Great Eastern dan rakan-rakan sekutu Syarikat; dan

m. mana-mana rakan kongsi perniagaan atau strategik.

5. Langkah Keselamatan pada Maklumat Peribadi Anda

Syarikat akan mengambil usaha yang munasabah untuk melindungi maklumat peribadi dalam milikan atau kawalan Pengendali Takaful dengan membuat pengaturan keselamatan yang munasabah untuk menghalang akses tanpa kebenaran, pengumpulan, penggunaan, pendedahan, penyalinan, pengubahsuaian, pelupusan atau risiko serupa. Walau bagaimanapun, Syarikat tidak dapat menjamin sepenuhnya keselamatan sebarang maklumat peribadi yang mungkin Syarikat kumpulkan daripada atau tentang anda, atau sebagai contoh tiada kod berbahaya akan memasuki tapak web Syarikat (sebagai contoh virus, pepijat, kuda trojan, perisian pengintip atau perisian iklan). Anda harus sedar tentang risiko yang berkaitan dengan menggunakan tapak web.

Walaupun Syarikat berusaha untuk melindungi maklumat peribadi anda, Syarikat tidak dapat memastikan keselamatan maklumat yang anda hantar kepada Syarikat melalui Internet, dan Syarikat menyarankan anda untuk mengambil setiap langkah berjaga-jaga untuk melindungi maklumat peribadi anda apabila anda berada di Internet. Syarikat mengesyorkan agar anda menukar kata laluan anda dengan kerap, menggunakan gabungan huruf dan nombor, dan pastikan anda menggunakan penyemak imbas yang selamat.

Di mana berkenaan, anda berjanji untuk memastikan nama pengguna dan kata laluan anda selamat dan sulit serta tidak akan mendedahkan atau membenarkan ia didedahkan kepada mana-mana orang yang tiada kebenaran, dan memaklumkan Syarikat secepat mungkin jika anda mengetahui atau mengesyaki bahawa orang lain mengetahui nama pengguna anda serta kata laluan atau percaya kerahsiaan nama pengguna dan kata laluan anda telah hilang, dicuri atau dikompromi dalam apa jua cara atau bahawa transaksi sebenar atau kemungkinan transaksi tanpa kebenaran telah berlaku. Syarikat tidak bertanggungjawab untuk sebarang kerosakan akibat daripada sebarang pelanggaran keselamatan yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan nama pengguna dan kata laluan anda tanpa kebenaran dan/atau penipuan.

6. Pengekalan Maklumat Peribadi

Syarikat mungkin menyimpan maklumat peribadi anda pada jangka masa yang dianggap perlu bagi tujuan memenuhi sebarang keperluan operasi, audit, penyiasatan, perundangan, kawal selia, cukai atau perakaunan, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada sebarang litigasi yang berpotensi, dan pengunderaitan dan untuk tujuan penilaian tuntutan masa hadapan.

7. Penggunaan Kuki dan Teknologi Berkaitan

Laman web dan platform Syarikat menggunakan kuki dan teknologi lain. Kuki ialah fail teks kecil yang disimpan dalam pengkomputeran anda atau peranti elektronik lain apabila anda melawati tapak web dan platform Syarikat untuk tujuan penyimpanan rekod. Kuki disimpan dalam direktori fail penyemak imbas anda, dan pada kali seterusnya anda melawati tapak web atau platform, penyemak imbas anda akan membaca kuki dan menyampaikan kembali maklumat ke tapak web, platform atau elemen yang pada asalnya menetapkan kuki. Bergantung pada jenis kuki itu, kuki mungkin menyimpan pilihan pengguna dan maklumat lain.

Suar web (juga dikenali sebagai tag piksel dan GIF jelas) melibatkan grafik yang tidak nyata kepada pengguna. Pautan penjejakan dan/atau teknologi serupa terdiri daripada beberapa baris kod pengaturcaraan dan boleh dibenamkan dalam tapak web atau platform Syarikat. Suar web biasanya digunakan bersama dengan kuki dan digunakan terutamanya untuk tujuan analisis statistik. Teknologi ini juga boleh digunakan untuk menjejaki corak trafik pada tapak web dan platform, serta mengetahui sama ada e-mel telah diterima dan dibuka dan untuk melihat sama ada terdapat sebarang respons.

Syarikat mungkin menggunakan kuki dan teknologi lain seperti berikut:

a. maklumat penjejakan seperti bilangan pelawat dan kekerapan penggunaan mereka, profil pelawat dan tapak pilihan mereka;

b. menjadikan tapak web dan platform Syarikat lebih mudah digunakan. Sebagai contoh, kuki boleh digunakan untuk membantu mempercepatkan interaksi masa depan anda dengan tapak web dan platform Syarikat;

c. untuk menyesuaikan produk dan perkhidmatan Syarikat dengan lebih baik mengikut minat dan keperluan anda. Sebagai contoh, maklumat kuki mungkin dikenal pasti dan didedahkan kepada vendor dan rakan kongsi perniagaan Syarikat untuk menjana pandangan pengguna;

d. mengumpul maklumat tentang carian dan sejarah penyemakan imbas pengguna;

e. apabila anda berinteraksi dengan Syarikat di tapak web dan platform Syarikat, Syarikat mungkin menerima dan merekod maklumat secara automatik pada log pelayan Syarikat daripada penyemak imbas anda. Syarikat mungkin mengumpul untuk tujuan analisis, statistik dan maklumat berkaitan tapak termasuk, tanpa had, maklumat yang berkaitan dengan cara pelawat tiba di tapak web atau platform, pelayar yang digunakan oleh pelawat, sistem pengendalian yang digunakan pelawat, alamat IP pelawat, dan maklumat strim klik pelawat dan cap masa (yang mungkin termasuk sebagai contoh, maklumat tentang halaman yang mereka telah lihat, masa halaman itu diakses dan masa yang dihabiskan untuk setiap halaman web);

f. menggunakan maklumat sedemikian untuk memahami cara orang menggunakan tapak web dan platform Syarikat, dan untuk membantu Syarikat menambah baik struktur dan kandungan mereka;

g. menggunakan kuki yang diperlukan untuk membolehkan tapak web dan platform Syarikat beroperasi, sebagai contoh, kuki yang membolehkan anda log masuk ke bahagian selamat tapak web dan platform Syarikat; dan/atau

h. memperibadikan laman web dan platform untuk anda, termasuk menyampaikan iklan yang mungkin menarik minat anda dan menggunakan maklumat berkaitan kuki untuk membolehkan Syarikat memahami keberkesanan iklan Syarikat.

Beberapa kuki yang Syarikat gunakan adalah daripada syarikat pihak ketiga untuk memberikan Syarikat analisis web dan risikan tentang tapak web dan platform Syarikat. Syarikat-syarikat ini mengumpulkan maklumat tentang interaksi anda dengan tapak web dan platform Syarikat. Syarikat menggunakan maklumat sedemikian untuk menyusun statistik tentang pelawat yang berinteraksi dengan tapak web, platform dan kandungan dalam talian Syarikat yang lain, untuk mengukur keberkesanan komunikasi Syarikat, dan untuk memberikan maklumat yang lebih berkaitan kepada pelawat.

Jika anda tidak bersetuju dengan penggunaan kuki tersebut, anda boleh melaraskan tetapan penyemak imbas anda. Melainkan anda telah melaraskan tetapan penyemak imbas anda untuk menyekat kuki, sistem Syarikat akan mengeluarkan kuki sebaik sahaja anda melawat tapak Syarikat atau mengklik pada pautan dalam e-mel sasaran yang telah Syarikat hantar kepada anda, walaupun anda telah memadamkan kuki sebelum ini.

Cara kuki boleh diuruskan bergantung pada penyemak imbas anda. Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang cara mengkonfigurasi atau melumpuhkan kuki, sila rujuk pilihan 'Bantuan' pelayar internet anda.

Jika anda tidak bersetuju dengan penggunaan kuki dan teknologi lain oleh Syarikat seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Notis ini, anda harus memadam atau melumpuhkan kuki yang dikaitkan dengan tapak web dan platform Syarikat dengan menukar tetapan pada penyemak imbas anda dengan sewajarnya. Walau bagaimanapun, anda mungkin tidak dapat memasuki bahagian tertentu tapak web atau platform Syarikat. Ini juga boleh memberi kesan kepada pengalaman pengguna anda semasa berada di tapak web atau platform Syarikat.

Analisis data, kecerdasan buatan dan pembelajaran mesin boleh digunakan untuk beberapa tujuan yang dinyatakan dalam perenggan di atas.

8. Hak Anda pada Maklumat Peribadi Anda

Anda boleh mengakses maklumat peribadi tertentu yang dipegang oleh Syarikat berdasarkan undang-undang perlindungan data yang berkaitan di Malaysia

Anda boleh mengakses maklumat peribadi anda pada bila-bila masa dengan menghubungi Pusat Perkhidmatan Pelanggan “Customer Service Care” atau melayari Portal Pelanggan Syarikat. Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan seperti menghadkan pemprosessan maklumat tertentu, termasuk membatalkan persetujuan untuk menerima maklumat pemasaran, anda boleh menghubungi Pusat Perkhidmatan Pelanggan atau menulis kepada Syarikat.

Syarikat boleh mengenakan bayaran yang berpatutan untuk pemberian akses. Jika anda mendapati bahawa maklumat peribadi yang dipegang oleh Syarikat adalah tidak tepat, tidak lengkap dan tidak dikemaskini, Syarikat akan mengambil langkah yang sewajarnya untuk memastikan maklumat adalah tepat, lengkap dan dikemaskini setelah menerima pengesahan atau maklum balas daripada anda.

Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang aduan berkenaan maklumat peribadi anda, anda boleh menghubungi Pegawai Privasi kami.

Untuk keterangan lanjut bagaimana Syarikat menggunakan maklumat peribadi anda, sila layari laman sesawang Syarikat dan baca Piagam Pelanggan Syarikat dan Dasar Polisi Privasi seperti yang dinyatakan dibawah:

Great Eastern Life Malaysia  
Laman Sesawang
Portal Pelanggan
Pusat Perkhidmatan Pelanggan 1300 1300 88
Alamat E-mel
Pegawai Privasi +603 - 4813 3796

Syarikat boleh menyemak semula dan mengemaskinikan Notis ini dari semasa ke semasa mengikut pindaan undang-undang, pindaan amalan perniagaan, prosedur dan struktur Syarikat serta Great Eastern, dan pindaan mengikut tahap jangkaan privasi oleh masyarakat. Secara amnya, Syarikat mungkin tidak dapat memaklumkan anda bagi setiap perubahan ke atas Notis ini, oleh itu, anda boleh melayari laman sesawang Syarikat untuk mendapatkan versi terbaharu Notis pada bila-bila masa.

Sekiranya terdapat sebarang percanggahan antara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan versi Bahasa Malaysia pada notis ini, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan digunakan.

Terakhir dikemaskini pada: 26 Ogos 2022


The personal information that you have provided, whether now or in the future, may be used, recorded, stored, archived, disclosed or otherwise processed by or on behalf of Great Eastern Life Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad (“Company”) (and its successors in title) for the following purposes:

  • processing your agent application form, which includes carrying out appropriate character/credit checks which may consist of a comprehensive review and investigation of your background, qualifications, experience, education, employment history, references and other information (including criminal history records);
  • for monitoring, administration of and managing your role as the Company’s agent;
  • promotional purpose including displaying and publishing your photograph or video image;
  • for research and audit including but not limited to historical and statistical purposes;
  • to prevent, investigate, or report any actual or suspected money laundering, terrorist financing, bribery, corruption, actual or suspected fraud including but not limited to insurance fraud, evasion of tax or of economic or trade sanctions, and other criminal or unlawful activities;
  • checking all the information it receives about you against information held in the Company’s records;
  • as required by relevant laws, rules, regulations, codes of practice or guidelines binding on the Company;
  • matching any data held by the Company and Great Eastern Group of Companies (“Great Eastern”) relating to you from time to time for any of the purposes set out above;
  • direct marketing and general marketing of any products and services of the Company, Great Eastern and third party products that may be of interest to you. Please be assured that marketing information in respect of third party products and services will only be sent to you if you have expressly consented to receive the same;
  • for litigation or potential litigation; and
  • if required by law or in good faith, if such action is necessary:
    a) to comply with any law enforcement, court orders or legal process, and/or
    b) to protect and defend the rights or property of the Company and Great Eastern (for information, log on to

“Personal information” means any information which relates to you and which has been provided by you to the Company and Great Eastern relating to you from time to time, including but not limited to your name, bio-data or personal profile, National Registration Identity Card number, passport number, address, telephone number, email address, images, your personal preferences, financial and banking account information and any information which may identify you, that has been or may be collected, stored, used and processed by the Company from time to time. The term “personal information” also includes sensitive personal data which means any personal data consisting of information as to physical or mental health or condition, political opinions, religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature, the commission or alleged commission of any offence.

The Company may also collect and/or verify your personal information from third parties, such as credit reference agencies, debt collection agencies, from Great Eastern group of companies and insurance associations and takaful associations.

The information that you have provided to the Company is necessary. If you do not provide the Company with the information, the Company may not be able to process, administer or manage your role as agent, including but not limited to agency business development and commission payments.

If you provide us with any personal information relating to a third party, including where you have named them as family member, by submitting such information to us, you represent to us that you have obtained the consent of the third party to you providing us with their personal information for the purposes set out herein. References to “your personal information” shall include the personal information of third parties provided by you.

The Company may disclose and/or provide your personal information to the following parties (within and outside Malaysia) for the purposes stated above:

  • the Company’s representatives, immediate officer and/or superior and agency leaders;
  • third party service providers (who provide administrative, telecommunications, computer related facilities including but not limited to the purchase of hardware or software, system enhancements, migration or maintenance, if any, payment, data processing, storage, or other services to the Company in connection with or related to the conduct or manner of operation of our business) to fulfil the Company’s obligations to you;
  • any credit reference agencies or, in the event of default, any debt collection agencies;
  • any person, who is under a duty of confidentiality and has undertaken to keep such data confidential, which the Company has engaged to fulfil its obligations to you;
  • any person to whom the Company is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law, rules, regulations, codes of practice or guidelines binding on the Company;
  • any applicable regulators, governmental bodies, or industry-recognised bodies and where otherwise required by law;
  • other companies in Great Eastern, affiliates; and any business or strategic partners (for information, please log on to; and
  • any other parties in respect of whom you have consented to the disclosure of your personal data.

You may access certain personal information held by the Company based on the applicable data protection laws of Malaysia. You also may access your personal information through the ePartner portal (

If you have any inquiries such as limiting the processing of certain information, you may contact the Company through the Internet Communication Module (ICM) in the ePartner portal.

If you have any complaints in respect of your personal information, you may contact our Privacy Officer at +603 4813 3796.

The Company may charge a reasonable fee for access. If you can show that the personal information kept by the Company is not accurate, complete and up to date, the Company will take reasonable steps to ensure it is accurate, complete and up to date upon receiving your verification or feedback.

The Company may retain your personal information for such time as deemed to be necessary for the purpose of fulfilling any operational, audit, investigation, legal, regulatory, tax or accounting requirements, including but not limited to any potential litigation.

The Company may review and update this Data Protection Notice from time to time to reflect changes in the law, changes in its business practices, procedures and structure, and changes in the community’s privacy expectations. It is not generally feasible to notify you of changes to this Personal Data Protection Notice and as such, you can log on to to obtain the latest version of the Personal Data Protection Notice at any time.

By interacting with the Company, submitting information to the Company, you consent (and where required, explicitly consent) to such use of your personal information including sensitive personal data, in the manner set out in this notice. Such consent and authorisation herein shall extend to any information obtained from your historical financial or credit records, data or information whether or not provided personally.  

In the event of any inconsistencies between the English version and the Bahasa Malaysia version of this notice, the English version shall prevail.


Maklumat peribadi yang telah anda berikan, sama ada pada masa kini atau pada masa hadapan, mungkin digunakan, direkodkan, disimpan, diletakkan dalam arkib, didedahkan mahupun diproses sebaliknya oleh Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (“Syarikat”) (dan penggantinya) bagi tujuan berikut:

  • memproses borang permohonan ejen anda; termasuk menjalankan pemeriksaan ciri / kredit bersesuaian yang mungkin merangkumi tinjauan dan penyiasatan menyeluruh terhadap latar belakang, kelayakan, pengalaman, pendidikan, sejarah pekerjaan, rujukan dan maklumat lain (termasuk rekod sejarah jenayah) bagi anda; 
  • memantau, mentadbir dan menguruskan peranan anda sebagai ejen Syarikat; 
  • tujuan promosi termasuk memaparkan dan menyiarkan imej gambar atau video anda;
  • penyelidikan dan audit yang termasuk tetapi tidak terhad pada tujuan sejarah dan statistik; 
  • untuk mencegah, menyiasat atau melaporkan sebarang pengubahan wang haram yang berlaku atau disyaki berlaku, membiayai pengganas, rasuah, sogokan, penipuan yang berlaku atau disyaki berlaku yang termasuk tetapi tidak terhad pada penipuan insurans, pengelakan cukai atau sekatan ekonomi atau perdagangan, dan jenayah lain atau aktiviti lain yang menyalahi undang-undang;
  • memeriksa semua maklumat yang diterima berkenaan anda dan membandingkan dengan maklumat yang disimpan dalam rekod Syarikat;
  • seperti yang dikehendaki undang-undang, peraturan, pengawalan, kod amalan atau garis panduan yang mengikat ke atas Syarikat;
  • memadankan sebarang data yang dipegang Syarikat dan Kumpulan Syarikat Great Eastern (“Great Eastern”) yang berkaitan dengan anda dari semasa ke semasa untuk tujuan yang dinyatakan di atas;
  • pemasaran langsung dan pemasaran am bagi sebarang produk dan perkhidmatan Syarikat, Great Eastern dan produk pihak ketiga yang mungkin menarik minat anda. Maklumat pemasaran berkaitan produk dan perkhidmatan daripada pihak ketiga hanya akan dimaklumkan kepada anda sekiranya anda telah memberi kebenaran secara jelas untuk menerimanya;
  • untuk tindakan guaman atau potensi untuk tindakan guaman; dan
  • jika dikehendaki dari segi undang-undang atau dengan niat baik, sekiranya tindakan tersebut diperlukan:
    a) untuk mematuhi sebarang penguatkuasaan undang-undang, perintah mahkamah atau proses undang-undang, dan/atau
    b) untuk melindungi dan membela hak atau harta Syarikat dan Great Eastern (untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari

"Maklumat peribadi" bermaksud sebarang maklumat yang berkaitan dengan anda dan anda telah beri kepada Syarikat and Great Eastern, yang termasuk tetapi tidak terhad pada nama anda, biodata atau maklumat peribadi, nombor Kad Pengenalan, nombor pasport, alamat, nombor telefon, alamat e-mel, gambar, kegemaran peribadi,maklumat kewangan dan akaun perbankan serta sebarang maklumat yang boleh mengenal pasti anda, yang telah atau mungkin dikumpulkan, disimpan, digunakan dan diproses oleh Syarikat dari semasa ke semasa. Istilah "maklumat peribadi" juga merangkumi data peribadi sensitif yang bermaksud sebarang data peribadi yang mengandungi maklumat berkenaan kesihatan atau keadaan fizikal atau mental anda, pendapat politik, kepercayaan agama atau kepercayaan lain yang bersifat seumpamanya, pelakuan atau pengataan pelakuan untuk sebarang kesalahan.

Syarikat mungkin mengumpul dan/atau mengesahkan maklumat peribadi anda daripada pihak ketiga, sebarang agensi rujukan kredit, sebarang agensi pengutipan hutang, dari mana-mana kumpulan syarikat Great Eastern dan persatuan insurans dan takaful.

Maklumat yang anda beri kepada Syarikat adalah penting. Jika anda tidak memberi maklumat tersebut kepada Syarikat, Syarikat mungkin tidak dapat memproses, mentadbir atau menguruskan peranan anda sebagai ejen, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada ejen pengembangan perniagaan dan bayaran komisen.

Sekiranya anda memberikan kami maklumat peribadi yang berkaitan dengan pihak ketiga, termasuklah apabila anda telah menamakan mereka sebagai ahli keluarga, dengan mengemukakan maklumat sedemikian kepada kami, anda telah menyatakan kepada kami bahawa anda telah memperoleh persetujuan daripada pihak ketiga tersebut bahawa anda akan memberikan kami maklumat peribadi mereka bagi tujuan yang dinyatakan di sini. Rujukan bagi "maklumat peribadi anda" hendaklah merangkumi maklumat peribadi pihak ketiga yang telah anda berikan.

Syarikat mungkin mendedahkan dan/atau memberi maklumat peribadi anda kepada pihak-pihak berikut (sama ada di dalam dan di luar Malaysia) bagi tujuan yang dinyatakan di atas:

  • wakil yang dibenarkan Syarikat, pegawai terdekat dan/atau atasan dan ketua-ketua agensi;
  • penyedia perkhidmatan pihak ketiga (yang menjalankan pentadbiran, telekomunikasi, kemudahan berkaitan komputer yang termasuk tetapi tidak terhad pada pembelian perkakasan atau perisian, penambahbaikan sistem, pemindahan atau penyenggaraan, jika ada, pembayaran, pemprosesan data, penyimpanan atau perkhidmatan lain untuk Syarikat yang berhubung atau berkaitan dengan pengendalian atau cara operasi perniagaan kami) bagi memenuhi tanggungjawab Syarikat kepada anda;
  • sebarang agensi rujukan kredit atau jika gagal membuat bayaran, sebarang agensi pengutipan hutang;
  • mana-mana individu yang berperanan untuk menjaga kerahsiaan dan telah memberi akujanji untuk menyimpan data sulit tersebut, yang dilantik Syarikat untuk memenuhi tanggungjawabnya kepada anda;
  • mana-mana individu yang mana Syarikat bertanggungjawab membuat pendedahan mengikut keperluan sebarang undang-undang, aturan, peraturan, kod amalan atau garis panduan yang mengikat ke atas Syarikat;
  • mana-mana badan pengawalan, badan kerajaan atau pertubuhan yang diiktiraf dalam industri dan seperti mana diperlukan undang-undang;
  • syarikat-syarikat lain di bawah Great Eastern, rakan-rakan sekutu Syarikat; dan mana-mana rakan kongsi perniagaan atau strategik; (untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari; dan
  • pihak lain yang berkenaan apabila anda telah bersetuju dengan pendedahan data peribadi anda.

Anda boleh mengakses maklumat peribadi tertentu yang dipegang oleh Syarikat berdasarkan undang-undang perlindungan data yang berkaitan di Malaysia. Anda boleh mengakses maklumat peribadi anda dengan melayari portal ePartner (

Sekiranya anda mempunyai pertanyaan seperti menghadkan pemprosesan maklumat tertentu, sila hubungi Syarikat melalui Internet Communication Module (ICM) di portal ePartner.

Jika anda mempunyai sebarang aduan berkenaan maklumat peribadi anda, anda boleh menghubungi Pegawai Privasi kami di talian +603 4813 3796.

Syarikat mungkin akan mengenakan bayaran untuk pemberian akses. Jika anda mendapati bahawa maklumat peribadi yang dipegang oleh Syarikat adalah tidak tepat, tidak lengkap dan tidak dikemas kini, Syarikat akan mengambil langkah yang sewajarnya untuk memastikan maklumat adalah tepat, lengkap dan dikemas kini setelah menerima pengesahan atau maklum balas daripada anda.

Syarikat mungkin menyimpan maklumat peribadi anda untuk tempoh masa yang dianggap perlu bagi tujuan memenuhi sebarang keperluan operasi, audit, penyiasatan, undang-undang, pengawalseliaan, cukai atau perakaunan, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad bagi sebarang potensi tindakan guaman.

Syarikat boleh menyemak semula dan mengemas kini Notis Perlindungan Data Peribadi ini dari semasa ke semasa mengikut pindaan undang-undang, pindaan amalan perniagaan, prosedur dan struktur, serta pindaan mengikut tahap jangkaan privasi oleh masyarakat. Secara amnya, kami mungkin tidak dapat memaklumkan anda bagi setiap perubahan ke atas Notis Perlindungan Data ini, oleh itu, anda boleh melayari laman sesawang untuk mendapatkan versi terbaharu Notis Perlindungan Data Peribadi pada bila-bila masa.

Dengan berurusan dengan Syarikat, serta dengan mengemukakan maklumat kepada Syarikat, anda telah bersetuju (dan jika diperlukan, bersetuju dengan jelas) ke atas penggunaan maklumat peribadi anda termasuklah data peribadi sensitif, mengikut cara yang dinyatakan dalam notis ini. Persetujuan dan kebenaran tersebut yang dinyatakan di dalam ini akan dilanjutkan bagi mana-mana maklumat yang diperoleh daripada sejarah maklumat kewangan atau rekod kredit, data atau maklumat sama ada atau tidak diberikan secara peribadi.

Sekiranya terdapat sebarang percanggahan antara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan versi Bahasa Malaysia pada notis ini, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan digunakan.


  1. By interacting with the Company, submitting information to Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (“Company”), enrolling or signing up for any products or services offered by the Company, you are providing personal information to the Company.

  2. When the Policyholder submits an application to the Company, the Company will be processing the Policyholder’s details and also personal information of any employee, member, customer and/or such other persons as may be insured under the Policy (“said Individual”).

  3. “Personal information” means any information which relates to the said Individual which has been provided by the Policyholder to the Company, including but not limited to name, bio-data or personal profile, National Registration Identity Card number, passport number, address, telephone number, email address, images, personal preferences, particulars of the said Individual or any third party life assured or beneficiary, and financial and banking account information and any information which may identify the said Individuals, any life assured, trustee or beneficiary, that has been or may be collected, stored, used and processed by the Company from time to time. The term “personal information” also includes sensitive personal data which means any personal data consisting of information as to physical or mental health or condition, political opinions, religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature, the commission or alleged commission of any offence.

  4. By submitting information relating to the said Individual or any third party including where the said Individual has named them as life assured, trustee or beneficiary to the Company, the Policyholder represents to the Company that the Policyholder has obtained the consent of the said Individual and the third party to providing the Company with their personal information for the purposes set out herein. References to “personal information” shall include the personal information of the said Individual and the third parties provided by the Policyholder.

  5. The personal information may be used, recorded, stored, archived, disclosed or otherwise processed by or on behalf of the Company (and its successors in title) for the following purposes.

    • to carry on insurance business, as may be applicable and to carry out any activity or duty as an insurer, including but not limited to any operational or internal management purposes:
    •  to assess or process any proposals or applications made for any of the Company’s products and services, including any future underwriting;
    • any claim or investigation or analysis of such claim, including to ascertain the said Individual’s claims history in order to improve claims processing and prevent fraudulent claims, including any future claims assessment;
    • to manage and service the Company’s relationship with the Policyholder and the said Individual and to provide the Policyholder and the said Individual with improved customer service;
    • to match and update any personal information held by the Company and the Great Eastern group of Companies (“Great Eastern”) relating to the said Individual from time to time (for more information on Great Eastern, log on to
    • to offer and/or process any alterations, variations, cancellation or renewal of products or services by the Company or by Great Eastern;
    • direct marketing and general marketing of insurance and takaful products and services of the Company and Great Eastern, and of third party products, that may be of interest to the said Individual. Please be assured that marketing information in respect of third party products and services will only be sent to the said Individual if the said Individual have expressly consented to the same;
    • research and audit including but not limited to historical and statistical purposes;
    • to exercise any right of subrogation or recovery;
    • to prevent, investigate, or report any actual or suspected money laundering, terrorist financing, bribery, corruption, actual or suspected fraud including but not limited to insurance fraud, evasion of tax or of economic or trade sanctions, and other criminal or unlawful activities;
    • for reinsurance;
    • for litigation or potential litigation; and
    • if required by law or in good faith, if such action is necessary:
      • To comply with any law enforcement, court orders or legal process, and/or
      • To protect and defend the rights or property of the Company and Great Eastern (for information, log on to

  6. The Company may also collect and/or verify personal information from third parties, such as agents, brokers, business partners and third parties from whom the said Individual have been referred to the Company, or third parties from whom the Company seek or receive information on the said Individual in connection with the policy, policy applications, or claims, for example, from any of the Great Eastern group of companies, other insurers or takaful providers, insurance associations and takaful associations, hospitals, clinics and the relevant authorities.

  7. The Company may retain the said Individual personal information for such time as deemed to be necessary for the purpose of fulfiling any operational, audit, investigation, legal, regulatory, tax or accounting requirements, including but not limited to any potential litigation, and future underwriting and claims assessment purposes.

  8. The information that the Policyholder has provided to the Company is necessary. If the Policyholder does not provide the Company with such information, the Company may not be able to provide the said Individual with insurance or to respond to any claim.

  9. The Company may disclose and/or provide the personal information to the following parties (within and outside Malaysia) for the purposes stated above:-

    1. the authorised representatives of the Company;
    2. the Policyholder and/or its brokers;
    3. third party service providers (who provide administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment, data processing or storage, or other services to the Company in connection with the operation of our business) to fulfil the Company’s obligations to the Policyholder;
    4. banks and financial institutions;
    5. insurers or takaful providers, fraud detection and prevention services, reinsurance companies, insurance associations or takaful associations and insurance industry regulatory authorities;
    6. any credit reference agencies or, in the event of default, any debt collection agencies;
    7. any insurance rating organisations that collect information about credit history, accident fault, injury description and amounts paid and share it with other insurance companies or takaful providers and others entitled to see it;
    8. any person, who is under a duty of confidentiality and has undertaken to keep such data confidential, which the Company has engaged to fulfil its obligations to you;
    9. any actual or proposed assignee, transferee, participant or sub-participant of the Company’s rights or business;
    10. any person to whom the Company is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law, rules, regulations, codes of practice or guidelines binding on the Company including, without limitation, any applicable regulators, governmental bodies, or insurance associations, and where otherwise required by law;
    11. other companies in Great Eastern, and the Company’s affiliates; and
    12. any business or strategic partners.

  10. The said Individual may access certain personal information held by the Company based on the applicable data protection laws of Malaysia.

  11. The said Individual may access the personal information at any time by calling Customer Service Care or visiting the Company’s Customer Portal. If the said Individual has any inquiry such as limiting the processing of certain information, including the withdrawal of consent to receive marketing information, the said Individual may contact the Company’s Customer Service Care, or write to the Company.

  12. If there any complaints in respect of personal information, the Policyholder or the said Individual may contact the Company’s Privacy Officer.

  13. For more information on how the Company deals with personal information, please log on to the Company’s website and read the Client Charter and Privacy Policy, as set out below:

  14. Great Eastern Life Malaysia


    Customer Portal

    Customer Service Care

    1300 1300 88

    Email Address

    Privacy Officer

    +603-4813 3796

  15. The Company may charge a reasonable fee for access. If it can be shown that the personal information held by the Company is not accurate, complete and up to date, the Company will take reasonable steps to ensure it is accurate, complete and up to date upon receiving verification or feedback.

  16. The Company may review and update this Personal Data Protection Notice from time to time to reflect changes in the law, changes in the business practices, procedures and structure of the Company and Great Eastern, and changes in the community's privacy expectations. It is not generally feasible to notify of changes to this Personal Data Protection Notice and as such, the Policyholder or the said Individual can log on to the Company’s website to obtain the latest version of the Personal Data Protection Notice at any time.

  17. By interacting with the Company, submitting information to the Company, enrolling or signing up for any products or services offered by the Company, Policyholder warrants that it has obtained the consent (and where required, explicit consent) to such use of the personal information including sensitive personal data, in the manner set out in this notice. Such consent and authorisation herein shall extend to any information obtained from any of the insurance policy(ies) presently provided to the said Individual, any new application to the Company for insurance, and claim processing, such historical financial or credit records, data or information whether or not provided personally.

  18. In the event of any inconsistencies between the English version and the Bahasa Malaysia version of this notice, the English version shall prevail.


  1. Apabila berurusan dengan Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (“Syarikat”), dengan mengemukakan maklumat kepada Syarikat, menyertai atau mendaftar untuk sebarang produk atau perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan Syarikat, anda telah memberi maklumat peribadi kepada Syarikat.

  2. Apabila Pemegang Polisi mengemukakan permohonan kepada Syarikat, Syarikat akan memproses butiran Pemegang Polisi dan maklumat peribadi mana-mana pekerja, anggota, pelanggan dan / atau mana-mana individu lain seperti yang mungkin diinsuranskan di bawah Polisi ("Individu tersebut").

  3. "Maklumat peribadi" bermaksud sebarang maklumat yang berkaitan dengan Individu tersebut seperti yang telah diberi oleh Pemegang Polisi kepada Syarikat, yang termasuk tetapi tidak terhad pada nama, biodata atau maklumat peribadi, nombor Kad Pengenalan, nombor pasport, alamat, nombor telefon, alamat e-mel, gambar, kegemaran peribadi, maklumat berkenaan Individu tersebut atau mana-mana hayat yang diasuranskan pihak ketiga atau benefisiari, serta maklumat kewangan dan akaun perbankan serta sebarang maklumat yang boleh mengenal pasti Individu tersebut, mana-mana hayat yang diasuranskan, pemegang amanah atau benefisiari, yang telah atau mungkin dikumpulkan, disimpan, digunakan dan diproses oleh Syarikat dari semasa ke semasa. Istilah "maklumat peribadi" juga merangkumi data peribadi sensitif yang bermaksud sebarang data peribadi yang mengandungi maklumat berkenaan keadaan fizikal atau kesihatan mental atau keadaan, pendapat politik, kepercayaan agama atau kepercayaan lain yang bersifat seumpamanya, pelakuan atau pengataan pelakuan untuk sebarang kesalahan.

  4. Sekiranya Pemegang Polisi memberi maklumat peribadi kepada Syarikat yang berkaitan dengan Individu tersebut atau mana-mana pihak ketiga, termasuklah apabila Individu tersebut telah dinamakan sebagai hayat yang diasuranskan, pemegang amanah atau benefisiari, Pemegang Polisi mewakili Syarikat bahawa Pemegang Polisi telah memperoleh persetujuan daripada Individu tersebut dan pihak ketiga bahawa Pemegang Polisi akan memberi maklumat peribadi mereka kepada Syarikat bagi tujuan yang dinyatakan di sini. Rujukan bagi "maklumat peribadi" hendaklah merangkumi maklumat peribadi pihak ketiga yang diberi oleh Pemegang Polisi.

  5. Maklumat peribadi mungkin digunakan, direkodkan, disimpan, diletakkan dalam arkib, didedahkan mahupun diproses sebaliknya oleh Syarikat atau bagi pihak Syarikat (dan penggantinya) bagi tujuan berikut:

    • untuk meneruskan perniagaan insurans, seperti yang mungkin berkenaan dan untuk menjalankan sebarang aktiviti atau kewajipan sebagai penanggung insurans, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad pada sebarang tujuan operasi dan pengurusan dalaman;
    • untuk menilai atau memproses sebarang cadangan atau aplikasi yang dibuat untuk mana-mana produk dan perkhidmatan Syarikat, termasuk sebarang pengunderaitan pada masa hadapan;
    • sebarang tuntutan atau penyiasatan atau analisis bagi tuntutan tersebut, termasuklah memastikan sejarah tuntutan Individu tersebut bagi memperbaiki proses tuntutan dan mencegah tuntutan palsu, termasuk sebarang penilaian tuntutan pada masa hadapan;
    • untuk menguruskan dan memberi perkhidmatan atas hubungan Syarikat dengan Pemegang Polisi dan Individu tersebut serta memberi perkhidmatan pelanggan yang dipertingkatkan kepada Pemegang Polisi dan Individu tersebut;
    • untuk memadankan dan mengemas kini sebarang maklumat peribadi yang dipegang oleh Syarikat dan kumpulan Syarikat Great Eastern (“Great Eastern”) yang berkaitan dengan Individu tersebut dari semasa ke semasa (untuk maklumat lanjut berkenaan Great Eastern, sila layari;
    • untuk menawarkan dan/atau memproses sebarang pindaan, perubahan, pembatalan atau pembaharuan sebarang produk atau perkhidmatan oleh Syarikat atau Great Eastern;
    • pemasaran langsung dan pemasaran am bagi produk insurans dan takaful serta perkhidmatan Syarikat dan Great Eastern, dan produk pihak ketiga, yang mungkin menarik minat Individu tersebut. Sila pastikan bahawa maklumat pemasaran berkenaan dengan produk dan perkhidmatan daripada pihak ketiga hanya akan dihantar kepada Individu tersebut hanya jika Individu tersebut telah memberi kebenaran yang jelas untuk perkara tersebut;
    • penyelidikan dan audit termasuk tetapi tidak terhad bagi tujuan sejarah dan statistik;
    • untuk menjalankan sebarang hak subrogasi atau tuntutan pemulihan;
    • untuk mencegah, menyiasat, atau melaporkan sebarang pengubahan wang haram yang berlaku atau yang disyaki berlaku, pembiayaan pengganas, rasuah, sogokan, penipuan yang berlaku atau yang disyaki berlaku termasuk tetapi tidak terhad pada penipuan insurans, pengelakan cukai atau sekatan ekonomi atau perdagangan, dan jenayah lain atau aktiviti lain yang menyalahi undang-undang;
    • untuk insurans semula;
    • untuk tindakan guaman atau potensi untuk tindakan guaman; dan
    • jika dikehendaki dari segi undang-undang atau dengan niat baik, sekiranya tindakan tersebut diperlukan:
      • untuk mematuhi sebarang penguatkuasaan undang-undang, perintah mahkamah atau proses undang-undang, dan / atau
      • untuk melindungi dan membela hak atau harta Syarikat dan Great Eastern (untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari

  6. Syarikat mungkin mengumpul dan/atau mengesahkan maklumat peribadi daripada pihak ketiga, seperti ejen, broker, rakan niaga dan pihak ketiga yang Individu tersebut telah dirujuk kepada pihak Syarikat atau pihak ketiga yang telah Syarikat dapat atau terima maklumat berkenaan Individu tersebut berkaitan dengan polisi, permohonan polisi atau tuntutan, contohnya, dari mana-mana kumpulan syarikat Great Eastern, penanggung insurans atau pengendali takaful lain, persatuan insurans dan takaful, hospital, klinik serta pihak berkuasa yang berkaitan.

  7. Syarikat mungkin menyimpan maklumat peribadi Individu tersebut untuk tempoh masa yang dianggap perlu bagi tujuan memenuhi sebarang keperluan operasi, audit, penyiasatan, undang-undang, pengawalseliaan, cukai atau perakaunan, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad bagi sebarang potensi tindakan guaman, dan tuntutan pengunderaitan serta penilaian tuntutan pada masa hadapan.

  8. Maklumat yang anda beri kepada Syarikat adalah penting. Jika Pemegang Polisi tidak memberi maklumat tersebut kepada Syarikat, Syarikat mungkin tidak dapat memberi perlindungan insurans kepada Individu tersebut atau memberi maklum balas ke atas sebarang tuntutan.

  9. Syarikat mungkin mendedahkan dan/atau memberi maklumat peribadi anda kepada pihak-pihak berikut (sama ada di dalam dan di luar Malaysia) bagi tujuan yang dinyatakan di atas:

    1. wakil yang dibenarkan Syarikat;
    2. Pemegang Polisi dan/atau brokernya;
    3. penyedia perkhidmatan pihak ketiga (yang menjalankan pentadbiran, telekomunikasi, komputer, pembayaran, pemprosesan atau penyimpanan data, atau perkhidmatan lain untuk Syarikat serta berkaitan dengan operasi perniagaan kami) bagi memenuhi tanggungjawab Syarikat kepada anda;
    4. bank dan institusi kewangan;
    5. penanggung insurans atau pengendali takaful, perkhidmatan pengesanan dan pencegahan penipuan insurans, syarikat insurans semula, persatuan insurans atau takaful dan pihak berkuasa bagi pengawalan industri insurans;
    6. sebarang agensi rujukan kredit atau jika gagal membuat bayaran, sebarang agensi pengutipan hutang;
    7. sebarang organisasi perkadaran insurans yang mengumpul maklumat berkenaan sejarah kredit, punca kemalangan, huraian kecederaan dan amaun yang dibayar serta berkongsi maklumat dengan syarikat insurans atau pengendali takaful serta pihak lain yang layak melihatnya;
    8. mana-mana individu yang berperanan untuk menjaga kerahsiaan dan telah memberi akujanji untuk menyimpan data sulit tersebut, yang dilantik Syarikat untuk memenuhi tanggungjawabnya kepada anda;
    9. mana-mana penerima serak hak sebenar atau penerima serah hak yang dicadangkan, penerima pindahan, peserta atau peserta sebahagian bagi hak atau perniagaan Syarikat;
    10. mana-mana individu yang mana Syarikat bertanggungjawab membuat pendedahan mengikut keperluan sebarang undang-undang, aturan, peraturan, kod amalan atau garis panduan yang mengikat ke atas Syarikat, termasuk dan tidak terhad pada mana-mana badan pengawalan, badan kerajaan, atau persatuan insurans dan selainnya apabila diperlukan undang-undang; dan
    11. syarikat-syarikat lain yang bernaung di bawah Great Eastern dan rakan-rakan sekutu Syarikat; dan
    12. mana-mana rakan kongsi perniagaan atau strategik.

  10. Individu tersebut boleh mengakses maklumat peribadi tertentu yang dipegang oleh Syarikat berdasarkan undang-undang perlindungan data yang berkaitan di Malaysia.

  11. Individu tersebut boleh mengakses maklumat peribadi pada bila-bila masa dengan menghubungi Pusat Perkhidmatan Pelanggan “Customer Service Care” atau melayari Portal Pelanggan kami. Sekiranya Individu tersebut mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan seperti mengehadkan pemprosesan sesetengah maklumat, termasuk membatalkan kebenaran untuk menerima maklumat pemasaran, Individu tersebut boleh menghubungi Pusat Perkhidmatan Pelanggan kami, atau menulis kepada Syarikat.

  12. Jika Pemegang Polisi atau Individu tersebut mempunyai sebarang aduan berkenaan maklumat peribadi, sila hubungi Pegawai Privasi kami.

  13. Untuk keterangan lanjut bagaimana Syarikat menggunakan maklumat peribadi, sila layari laman sesawang kami dan baca Piagam Pelanggan Syarikat dan Dasar Polisi Privasi seperti yang dinyatakan di bawah:

  14. Great Eastern Life Malaysia

    Laman Sesawang

    Portal Pelanggan

    Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan

    1300 1300 88

    Alamat E-mel

    Pegawai Privasi

    +603-4813 3796

  15. Syarikat mungkin mengenakan bayaran yang berpatutan untuk pemberian akses. Jika maklumat peribadi yang dipegang oleh Syarikat adalah tidak tepat, tidak lengkap dan tidak dikemasmkini, Syarikat akan mengambil langkah yang sewajarnya untuk memastikan maklumat adalah tepat, lengkap dan dikemas kini setelah menerima pengesahan atau maklum balas daripada anda.

  16. Syarikat boleh menyemak semula dan mengemas kini Notis Perlindungan Data Peribadi ini dari semasa ke semasa mengikut pindaan undang-undang, pindaan amalan perniagaan, prosedur dan struktur Syarikat serta Great Eastern, dan pindaan mengikut tahap jangkaan privasi oleh masyarakat. Kami mungkin tidak dapat memaklumkan setiap perubahan ke atas Notis Perlindungan Data ini, oleh itu, Pemegang Polisi atau Individu tersebut boleh melayari laman sesawang Syarikat untuk mendapatkan versi terbaharu Notis Perlindungan Data Peribadi pada bila-bila masa.

  17. Dengan berurusan dengan Syarikat, serta dengan mengemukakan maklumat kepada Syarikat, mendaftarkan atau pendaftaran bagi sebarang produk atau perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan Syarikat, Pemegang Polisi telah bersetuju (dan jika diperlukan, bersetuju dengan jelas) ke atas penggunaan maklumat peribadi tersebut termasuklah data peribadi sensitif, mengikut cara yang dinyatakan dalam notis ini. Persetujuan dan kebenaran tersebut yang dinyatakan di dalam ini akan dilanjutkan bagi mana-mana maklumat yang diperoleh daripada mana-mana polisi insurans yang diberi kepada Individu tersebut, sebarang permohonan baharu kepada Syarikat untuk insurans, dan pemprosesan tuntutan, seperti sejarah maklumat kewangan atau rekod kredit, data atau maklumat sama ada atau tidak diberikan secara peribadi.

  18. Sekiranya terdapat sebarang percanggahan antara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan versi Bahasa Malaysia pada notis ini, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan digunakan.

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