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Stock Information and Credit Ratings

Stock Profile


Full Company Name

Great Eastern Hldgs Ltd



SGX Stock Code


Issued & Paid-up Capital


Total Number of Issued Shares

473,319,069 ordinary shares

Group Company Secretary

Ms Jennifer Wong Pakshong
Great Eastern Holdings Limited
Group Company Secretary & General Counsel

Share Registrar

M & C Services Private Limited
112 Robinson Road #05-01
Singapore 068902

Credit Ratings

The table below highlights the current rating position of Great Eastern's business by leading rating agencies:

The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co Ltd Standard & Poor's
Insurer financial strength rating AA-
Outlook Stable
Date of last rating affirmation 22 December 2023


Great Eastern General Insurance Limited Standard & Poor's
Insurer financial strength rating AA-
Outlook Stable
Date of last rating affirmation 22 December 2023