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Jump-start your career as a Financial Representative
Financial Representative
Jump-start your career as a Financial Representative
With a well-established brand name, a wealth of training resources, and structured career advancement path, we’ll help you to put your career on the right track.

Peep into the lives of our Agents

With a well-established brand name, a wealth of training resources, and structured career advancement path,
we’ll help you to put your career on the right track.

Giving you the headstart to success

Supportive and committed mentors to guide you
Supportive and committed mentors to guide you
Access to strong digital infrastructure with Great Advice and Great Planner
Access to strong digital infrastructure
with Great Advice and Great Planner
Monthly allowance of up to $5,000 for up to 24 months
Monthly allowance of up to $5,000 for up to 24 months
$500 accreditation bonus upon RNF certification
$500 accreditation bonus upon RNF certification

Frequently asked questions

At Great Eastern, we offer our Financial Representatives structured training programmes to address topics like prospecting, sales presentation and telephone etiquette. You will also receive guidance and coaching from our experienced and successful leaders and mentors.

A career as a Financial Representative is not just a product sales job. Your role is to help others achieve their financial goals through proper planning. Our proven career advancement pathway allows you to fast-track your career and move into a management position, where your primary role as a manager is to identify, nurture and develop future talent.

In other words, you’ll be an entrepreneur running your own business. To do this, you’ll demonstrate exceptional leadership abilities and bring out the best in your Financial Representatives.

Approach potential customers with a view to helping them. Any family who has lost a loved one but has still been able to maintain their lifestyle through adequate insurance protection will tell you how important that help is. 

In any job you have to deal with rejection. But as an insurance professional, the potential for rejection will be reduced if your approach is helpful.

A career in financial planning allows you to maximise your earning potential and generate a stream of passive and perpetual income that will create financial stability.

As a Financial Representative, your paycheck will correspond with your performance – and there’s no limit. The income you earn may vary from month to month, but is usually much higher than a regular salaried job.

Your family will become proud of the difference you make to the lives of others as you achieve success and recognition at work.

Similar to other types of professionals, Financial Representatives are required to pass the relevant pre-contract licensing exams to be certified. To ensure you are well-prepared, we will provide you with the following comprehensive exam support:

  • In-house tutorials
  • Sample examination papers
  • Examination clinics
  • 1-to-1 coaching
  • E-campus online mock questions

You’ll become skilled at analysing your customers’ situations and will soon be able to offer solutions to meet unique financial objectives. As a result, our Financial Representatives enjoy a fulfilling and worthwhile career.

Ready to become a financial agent?

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Career seminar

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Check out our Career Seminar