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CNA938 The XX Files: Interview with Great Eastern Senior Financial Consultant Zoe Yap

Ahead of World Cancer Day, Great Eastern's Executive Senior Financial Consultant Zoe Yap spoke with CNA938’s Yasmin Jonkers on the programme ‘The XX Files’.

A four-time cancer survivor herself, Zoe shared about her journey, as well as how her diagnosis impacted her life as a mother and how it has given her a different purpose in life now. To raise awareness, she also shared the following advice with listeners:

  1. The more you share your struggles, the easier it gets to process and talk about them.
  2. Money is not everything but it does make a difference. There's no preparing for a critical illness except for early financial planning to protect one's financials while undergoing treatment. For e.g., Zoe's insurance covered all her hospitalisation and medical bills.
  3. Find a purpose in life to focus on. For Zoe, it was becoming a financial representative after her experience, to inspire and help others to plan for the unforeseen.

Listen to the radio interview here.


This radio interview with CNA938 was aired on 3 February 2023.