1. For Life Insurance Medical Repricing queries, contact our Careline team at +603-48133928 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


2. For General Insurance Medical Repricing queries (Easi Health and Easi HealthCare), contact our Careline team at +603-42598900 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


3. As part of Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) ongoing efforts to ensure that all Insurance and Takaful industry players uphold their commitments and deliver services as outlined in their Customer Service Charter (CSC), both BNM and the Boards and Management Committees of the Associations (MTA/LIAM/PIAM) have approved the appointment of NielsenIQ Malaysia as the research agency to conduct the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) 2024/25. Please visit our Announcement page for more information.

Great is being there for every child.

Siti Hanifah found her Great when she started Indonesia’s first digital pre-school, Mungilmu, with the aim to help every child in Indonesia reach their fullest potential. Today, Hanifah’s digital pre-school touches the lives of thousands of young children – building their self-confidence and daring them to dream big. That said, Hanifah believes this is only the beginning. To her, being Great is a journey, not a destination.

Scroll down to learn more.

Scroll down to learn more.

Why did you create your digital pre-school, Mungilmu?  

My co-founders and I have a common interest in childhood education and noticed that Indonesian children tend to have low self-esteem. So, we founded our digital pre-school to help children all over Indonesia find the courage to dream.

"Greatness lives in every child... we were all created with our own uniqueness."
siti hanifah quote

Were there any difficulties you faced along the way?

For sure! Back in 2016, when we first established Mungilmu, childhood education wasn’t as popular as it is today. Many wondered if it’s possible to hold online classes, especially for young children and toddlers. But we held on to our belief and made it happen.

In your words, what is your definition of ‘Great’?

The idea of Great, to me, is about an ongoing journey, instead of a destination or result. It’s a journey that I’m still on and I'm enjoying every step of the way. I’ve learnt many things and believe there’s still so much more to uncover.

siti hanifah

Like Hanifah, we know there’s something in each of us that wants to Reach for Great. No matter what Great looks like to you, we’ll help you get there.