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TravelSmart Premier

Great expectations #3

A travel series featuring travel taboos

18 Oct 2023
Great expectations #3
3 golden rules to follow when travelling abroad

Making a list of to-dos and must visit? Here’s a reminder of 3 golden rules to follow when travelling abroad. As much as the hosting country would love for you to immerse yourself in the culture of its citizens, it Is equally important for visitors to extend the same thoughtfulness.

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  1. Take time to research the cultural norms and etiquette of your destination. If you are unsure, observe how the locals act first, or simply ask politely.
    Fun fact: In contrast to many other countries, eating with hands is seen as distasteful in Brazil, signalling poor dining etiquette.
  2. Research and be aware of the regulations in place of your destination.
    Fun fact: In Portofino, one can be fined up to $400 for lingering too long at the quay for a picture, as it causes overcrowded streets and traffic jams.
  3. Be informed on the cultural traditions and customs followed during special occasions.
    Fun fact: Every year, Balinese people celebrate Nyepi, or the Day of Silence, by turning the lights out and staying indoors.
TravelSmart Premier
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