You may contact the 24 hours Service Centre Hotline at 03-4259 8853 (same number for Executive Second Opinion).
The key benefits are listed below. However, for more details on this benefit, you may refer to policy Endorsement No. 249 (SAssist) or contact Supreme Assist.
For customer who travels outside Malaysia for a period not exceeding 120 consecutive days on any one trip, the benefits are:
1. Arrangement and Payment of Emergency Medical Evacuation
Supreme Assist will arrange and pay for the provision of air and/or surface transportation, medical care during transportation, communications and all usual ancillary services required to move the customer in the event of Serious Medical Condition (as defined in Endorsement no. 249) to the nearest hospital where appropriate medical care is available but not necessary to Malaysia. Supreme Assist will decide whether the customer’s medical condition is sufficiently serious to warrant emergency medical evacuation.
2. Arrangement and Payment of Emergency Medical Repatriation
Supreme Assist will arrange and pay for the medically necessary and unavoidable expenses incurred for the return of the customer to Malaysia following the customer’s emergency medical evacuation for the subsequent hospitalization in a place outside of Malaysia.
3. Arrangement and Payment of Repatriation of Mortal Remains
Supreme Assist will arrange and pay for all reasonable and unavoidable expenses incurred for the transportation of customer’s mortal remains from the place of death only to Malaysia or the cost of local burial at the place of death as approved by Supreme Assist.
For customer who travels within Malaysia for a period not exceeding 120 consecutive days on any one trip, the benefits are:
4. Arrangement and Payment of Emergency Medical Evacuation
Supreme Assist will arrange and pay for the provision of air and/or surface transportation, medical care during transportation, communications and all usual ancillary services required to move the customer in the event of Serious Medical Condition (as defined in Endorsement no. 249) to the nearest hospital in Malaysia where appropriate medical care is available but not necessary to customer’s state of residence. Supreme Assist will decide whether the customer’s medical condition is sufficiently serious to warrant emergency medical evacuation.
5. Arrangement and Payment of Emergency Medical Repatriation
Supreme Assist will arrange and pay for the medically necessary and unavoidable expenses incurred for the return of the customer to the state of residence in Malaysia following the customer’s emergency medical evacuation for the subsequent hospitalization in a place outside of customer’s state of residence in Malaysia.
Executive Second Opinion is an arrangement where customer can obtained a second opinion on their diagnosis and treatment from an approved medical institution in the United States in the form of a documented report. Customer then has the option to request for a telephone consultation not exceeding one hour from the specialist. The Second Opinion service does not include treatment and only applies to the diagnosis of those medical conditions and eligibility is as defined in the policy document under Endorsement no. 278.
One time per covered condition per policy year and limited to three times per lifetime.