1. For Life Insurance Medical Repricing queries, contact our Careline team at +603-48133928 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


2. For General Insurance Medical Repricing queries (Easi Health and Easi HealthCare), contact our Careline team at +603-42598900 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


3. As part of Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) ongoing efforts to ensure that all Insurance and Takaful industry players uphold their commitments and deliver services as outlined in their Customer Service Charter (CSC), both BNM and the Boards and Management Committees of the Associations (MTA/LIAM/PIAM) have approved the appointment of NielsenIQ Malaysia as the research agency to conduct the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) 2024/25. Please visit our Announcement page for more information.

Level Up Medical Coverage Campaign

Level Up Medical Coverage Campaign

It is reassuring to know when you are protected with comprehensive coverage you deserve. Take your medical protection to the next level today with this limited time offer campaign - enjoy the enhanced benefits with no medical underwriting and no waiting period required! 

This campaign is available for selected customers only. Hurry up, upgrade your eligible standalone medical plan with us today!

How to level up:

1. Upgrade your eligible standalone medical plan/rider to our latest medical plans : 

Option 1: SmartProtect You Exclusive (SPYE) with Smart Health Protector Exclusive (SHPE) ; or

Option 2: SmartProtect You Exclusive (SPYE) with Smart Health Protector Exclusive (SHPE) + Smart Health Protector Plus Exclusive (SHPPE)


Enhanced benefits when you level up! 

Enhanced coverage with: 

  • High Overall Annual Limit up to RM18,000,000
  • No Overall Lifetime Limit 
  • Enhanced Benefits for Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment with minimal deductible every policy year
  • Coverage on Communicable Diseases
  • Extended Cancer Coverage

Note: Terms and conditions apply. 

¹The benefit(s) payable under eligible policy/product is(are) protected by PIDM up to limits. PROTECTION BY PIDM ON BENEFITS PAYABLE FROM THE UNIT PORTION OF THIS POLICY/PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).

² Waiting period will continue to be applicable in the upgraded medical plan if the waiting period has not yet passed in your existing standalone medical plan.


Product Disclosure Sheet

Smart Health Protector Exclusive

Smart Health Protector Plus Exclusive 


For more information, please contact your existing agent. Alternatively, please email to marketing-my@greateasternlife.com or call 1300-1300 38.


Additional information

What is Level Up Medical Coverage Campaign?

Level Up Medical Coverage Campaign (“Campaign”) offers Selected Customer (refer to Question 3 below) who currently has an active medical policy as per the listed medical plan(s)/rider(s) (“Existing Medical Plan/Rider”) (refer to Question 4 below) the opportunity to upgrade the Existing Medical Plan/Rider to our latest unit deducting medical rider(s), which offers enhanced medical benefits without requiring medical underwriting.


The Selected Customer can choose to upgrade their Existing Medical Plan/Rider to our latest unit deducting medical rider(s) in one of the following options:

Note: Terms and conditions apply.


What is the offer period of the Campaign?

The Campaign is available for a limited period from 13 January 2025 to 28 February 2025 (both days inclusive). Application must be submitted within the stipulated period and the Company will not accept any application submitted outside the stipulated period.


Who is eligible for this Campaign?

Only customers who received the offer letter (“Selected Customer”) are eligible for this Campaign.

Which medical plans/riders are eligible for this Campaign?

This Campaign is available for the selected medical plans/riders listed below:

*The benefit(s) payable under eligible policy/product is(are) protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).


What is the minimum and maximum entry age of SPYE / SHPE / SHPPE?

The minimum entry age is 14 days attained age and the maximum entry age is 55 years next birthday.


What is the minimum and maximum basic sum assured for SPYE?


Note: Terms and conditions apply.


What is the Room & Board (R&B) options available for the upgraded unit deducting medical rider in this Campaign?

There are two (2) R&B options offered (RM200 & RM300) for the upgraded unit deducting medical rider, and will be determined by the R&B of your Existing Medical Plan/Rider as shown in the table below:


What are the deductible options available for the upgraded unit deducting medical rider under this Campaign?

There is only one (1) deductible option of RM500 available for the upgraded unit deducting medical rider in this Campaign.


Can I opt for other Room & Board (R&B) or deductible options which is different from what is offered?

No, you can only upgrade to either one of the options in Question 1 above i.e. SPYE with SHPE or SPYE with SHPE + SHPPE as stated in the offer letter. If you wish to upgrade to another R&B or deductible option, you may choose to buy Smart Health Protector and Smart Health Protector Plus (if applicable), which offers similar benefits but requires medical underwriting and a standard waiting period shall apply.


Can I increase the basic sum assured for SPYE to a higher amount?

No, as this is a guaranteed issuance offer under this Campaign, the basic sum assured for SPYE is capped at RM100,000 (for 14 days attained age to age 5 years next birthday) or RM50,000 (for age 6 years next birthday and above) and cannot be increased. You may reduce the basic sum assured to a lower amount, subject to a minimum of RM12,000.


Can I add on other riders or change existing riders when submitting the application?

No, you are only offered an upgrade to SPYE with SHPE or SPYE with SHPE + SHPPE as stated in the offer letter. If you are interested in adding other rider(s) or changing any existing rider(s), you can only do so after the new policy is in force. You may contact your servicing agent for assistance. Please note that any changes will be subject to the standard underwriting process.


Is medical underwriting required to upgrade my Existing Medical Plan/Rider to the unit deducting medical rider offered under this Campaign? Is there any waiting period?

No, this Campaign offers guaranteed acceptance with no medical underwriting for the Selected Customer. Furthermore, waiting periods are waived provided your Existing Medical Plan/Rider has passed their waiting periods. Otherwise, the waiting period will continue to be applicable in the upgraded unit deducting medical rider(s) for the remaining term if the waiting period has not yet passed in your Existing Medical Plan/Rider.


How do I know if I am selected for the offer in this Campaign?

You will receive an SMS and/or email notification regarding this offer. If you are an e-Connect user, you may view/download the offer letter in e-Connect under My Document >> Important Notification. Your servicing agent will have a copy of your offer letter too.


If you are not currently an e-Connect user, please sign up at https://econnect-my.greateasternlife.com. You are required to sign up for an e-Connect account as e-Connect is a dedicated portal for our customers to view their insurance portfolio, perform selected transactions online and check the status of their claims.


If I am not a Selected Customer, can I appeal to the Company to upgrade my Existing Medical Plan/Rider under this Campaign?

No, the offer in this Campaign is offered to the Selected Customer only. However, if you were not selected or if you were selected but did not upgrade your Existing Medical Plan/Rider within the offer period of the Campaign, you can choose to buy Smart Health Protector and Smart Health Protector Plus (if applicable), which offers similar benefits but requires medical underwriting and a standard waiting period shall apply.


How do I accept the offer in this Campaign to upgrade my Existing Medical Plan/Rider?

Please contact your servicing agent for a detailed quotation on the upgraded medical plan/rider offered and to assist you through the upgrade process.


If my Existing Medical Plan/Rider lapsed during the Campaign period, can I still proceed with the upgrade?

Yes, you may proceed to upgrade as long as your Existing Medical Plan/Rider is reinstated during the Campaign period before you proceed with the upgrade request. However, this Campaign offer will be voided if the underwriting decision upon reinstatement reveals any substandard conditions.


What will happen to my Existing Medical Plan/Rider after I have upgraded it under this Campaign?

Your Existing Medical Plan/Rider including all secondary medical riders will be terminated automatically when the new policy of SPYE with SHPE or SPYE with SHPE + SHPPE is in force.


Can I transfer the policy ownership at the same time when I accept the upgrade offer?

Yes, as communicated in our offer letter, you will be deemed to have consented to the transfer of the policy ownership to the life assured by accepting this upgrade offer through the purchase of the new policy of SPYE with SHPE or SPYE with SHPE + SHPPE under the name of a new policy owner.


When will the SPYE with SHPE or SPYE with SHPE + SHPPE coverage take effect?

The coverage will take effect once your application is accepted and in force.


Will upgrading my Existing Medical Plan/Rider through this Campaign require an additional premium?

As your Existing Medical Plan/Rider including all secondary medical riders will be terminated and SPYE with SHPE or SPYE with SHPE + SHPPE will be offered as a new policy, you will only need to pay the new premium amount for the new policy as specified in the sales illustration provided by your servicing agent.


How do I know if my upgrade has been successfully processed?

The Company will issue an endorsement and policy documents of the new policy once it is in force.


Can I cancel my upgrade after it has been processed?

You may cancel your new policy within the free-look period, which is 15 calendar days after the new policy has been delivered to you. The Company will refund to you the unallocated premiums, the value of the units that have been allocated (if any) at unit price at the next valuation date and any insurance charge and policy fee that have been deducted. To restore the Existing Medical Plan/Rider, you have to submit a request letter to the Company within 15 calendar days from the date of cancellation of the new policy under the free-look period.


Where can I get further information or assistance?

Should you need any further information or assistance, please reach out to your servicing agent. Otherwise, you may email us at wecare-my@greateasternlife.com or contact our Customer Service Careline at 1300-1300-88 or visit our branch office nearest to you.


I had received the ‘Premium Rates Revision Letter’ earlier and have now received the ‘Level Up Medical Coverage Campaign Offer Letter’. Which letter should I refer to and what are the options available?

The purposes of these communications are different.


1 – The ‘Premium Rates Revision Letter’ is to notify you about the increase in premium rates of your Existing Medical Plan/Rider. The rate revision is mainly driven by the rising medical costs and increase of medical claims. You will need to pay the revised premium on the next policy anniversary to maintain your medical coverage.


2 – The ‘Level Up Medical Coverage Campaign Offer Letter’ provides you with an opportunity to upgrade to our latest unit deducting medical rider(s) without medical underwriting. Your Existing Medical Plan/Rider including all secondary medical riders shall automatically be terminated once the new policy is in force.


I have already paid the new premium as specified in the Premium Rates Revision Letter. Can I still apply to upgrade my Existing Medical Plan/Rider under this Campaign? What will happen to the premium that I have already paid earlier?

Yes, you can still apply under this Campaign to upgrade your Existing Medical Plan/Rider to SPYE with SHPE or SPYE with SHPE + SHPPE. Upon upgrading, your Existing Medical Plan/Rider including all secondary medical riders will be terminated automatically, and the SPYE with SHPE or SPYE with SHPE + SHPPE will take effect once the new policy is in force. Please be assured that you will be entitled to a pro-rated refund of the last premium paid for your Existing Medical Plan/Rider, as stated in your policy contract.


I have upgraded to SPYE with SHPE or SPYE with SHPE + SHPPE through this Campaign. Will I still receive the Premium Rates Revision Letter for my Existing Medical Plan/Rider?

The Premium Rates Revision Letter will be sent to affected customers 3 months prior to the policy anniversary. Please disregard the Premium Rates Revision Letter on your Existing Medical Plan/Rider if your upgrade to SPYE with SHPE or SPYE with SHPE + SHPPE has been approved.

The answers provided to the FAQs herein set out how this Level Up Medical Coverage Campaign will be administered by Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.


SPYE is an investment-linked insurance plan that provides life coverage up to age 100 years next birthday. SHPE and SHPPE are optional unit deducting medical riders offered by the Company and are attachable to SPYE. SHPPE is only attachable upon attachment of SHPE, which offers enhanced benefits beyond what is being offered under SHPE. This material contains only a brief description of the products, and is not exhaustive. You are advised to refer to the products’ Sales Illustration, Product Disclosure Sheet, Fund Fact Sheet and brochure for more details of the products before accepting the offer to upgrade your existing standalone medical plan. Please refer to the terms and conditions in the policy documents of SPYE, SHPE and SHPPE for detailed important features and benefits, exclusions and waiting periods under the policy, if any.


The terms “Great Eastern” and “Company” shall refer to Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A) is licensed under the Financial Services Act 2013 and is regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.


The information set out in this website is correct as at 13 January 2025.