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Make a total permanent disability claim

Check the policy contract for the definition of total permanent disability

You can make a claim when an accredited medical specialist certifies the life assured to be suffering from total permanent disability.

For Great Eastern Life policies, refer to the policy contract for the definition of total permanent disability.

For the Dependants’ Protection Scheme (DPS), total permanent disability refers to:

  • the inability to take part in any employment permanently, or
  • the total permanent loss of physical function for any of the following:
    • Both eyes;
    • Two limbs; or
    • One eye and one limb 

Continue to pay your premiums while your claim is being assessed.

How to make a claim

Claim includes Great Eastern Life policies only (no DPS)

Find out where and how to make the claim application depending on what you are claiming for.

What you are claiming from Where to apply and what's needed
Great Eastern Life policies only without DPS

Submission to Great Eastern Life

Follow the instructions below.


Claim includes Dependants' Protection Scheme (DPS) with or without Great Eastern Life policies

Find out where and how to make the claim application depending on what you are claiming for. 

What you are claiming from Where to apply and what's needed
DPS and either Home Protection Scheme (HPS) or Withdraw CPF due to reduced life expectancy (RLE), or both

You need to submit your application to the CPF Board directly via CPF website.

1. Submission to the CPF Board

a. Submit the online application after logging in with your Singpass.

b. Upon submission, download the Medical Assessment Report and have the accredited specialist who certified the disability to complete it (reimbursement of fee subject to approval). The medical institution will have to submit the completed Medical Assessment Report to the CPF Board directly. Thereafter, CPF Board will share a copy with Great Eastern Life for DPS claim processing. 

2. Submission to Great Eastern Life

Follow the instructions below.

DPS, with or without other Great Eastern Life policies

Submission to Great Eastern Life

Follow the instructions below.


How to make a total permanent disability claim with Great Eastern

1. Preparing supporting documents

You need to submit the following documents for your Great Eastern Life policy and/or Dependants' Protection Scheme (DPS) claims. 

Document Submission guidelines

Claimant's Statement; or 

DPS Claim Payment Instruction Form 

Claimant's Statement – Submit this when: 

  • your claim involves Great Eastern Life policies; and/or 
  • you are applying for DPS without HPS or RLE.

DPS Claim Payment Instruction Form – Submit this when:

  • you are applying for DPS; and
  • HPS or RLE or both; and
  • your claim does not include Great Eastern Life policies.
Clinical Abstract Application Submit this form for us to access your medical information.
Doctor's Statement and official receipt

Refer to the instructions below on applying for a Doctor's Statement. 

If you are claiming under DPS without applying for HPS, include the receipt for the fee charged for completion of the Doctor's Statement (reimbursement of fee subject to approval).

All available Laboratory and Test Results You need to obtain the laboratory and test results from the medical institution's medical records office or specialist clinic and pay for them.
A copy of the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) (if available) 

Submit a copy of the LPA, if the life assured: 

  • is certified to be mentally incapacitated; and
  • had made an LPA under the Mental Incapacity Act before the disability.
Employment termination documents (if available)

Submit the following termination letters:

  • Termination letter from your last employer or CPF statement showing your employment contribution for the last 1 year; and 
  • Medically boarded out letter (i.e. doctor's certification to discharge from employment on medical grounds).
Police report or newspaper clipping (if available) Submit the police report or newspaper clipping if the disability was due to an accident or unnatural causes.

Download all

How to apply for a Doctor's Statement

The process varies for restructured and private hospitals. Approach the treating doctor who certified your condition to complete the Doctor's Statement.

For restructured hospitals

a. Download and print the Doctor's Statement and bring it along with you to the hospital.

b. Apply through the hospital's Medical Report Office.

c. Make payment.

d. Your application may take approximately 6 to 8 weeks.

e. Once the statement is ready, collect it when there is no application to the CPF Board concurrently and submit it together with the rest of the documents.

For private hospitals

a. Download and print the Doctor's Statement and pass it to your treating specialist.

b. Make payment.

c. You may ask the treating specialist about the processing time of your application.

d. Once the statement is ready, collect it when there is no application to the CPF Board concurrently and submit it together with the rest of the documents.

2. Submission

By email

Submit the completed forms and supporting documents to us via email.

Attention to: Life Claims Department
Subject: Total permanent disability claim

By walk-in or post

You can also visit us at our Customer Service Centre, or send all forms and documents and supporting documents to us by post.

Attention to: Life Claims Department
The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited
1 Pickering Street
Great Eastern Centre #01-01
Singapore 048659

If you need help, please call our Customer Service Hotline at 1800 248 2888 or email us at


Payout process

Should the insured person become totally and permanently disabled while the policy is inforce, we will waive the payment of all future basic life premiums and pay the disability benefit in instalments, or one lump sum, depending on the terms and conditions stated in your policy contract.
If the insured person passes away in the midst of their annual instalments, the unpaid benefits will be paid in one lump sum to the estate of the deceased.

Questions and Answers

A medical report is required before each TPD instalment is made because, under the contract for TPD, if the life assured ceases to be totally and permanently disabled, we will discontinue all further annual payments. Therefore, there is a need to confirm that the life assured is still totally and permanently disabled before each instalment is paid out.

On the maturity due date, we will pay out the balance of the TPD instalments in one lump sum.

It is stated in the contract that if the insured person ceases to be TPD, we will discontinue further TPD benefits payments and the policy shall continue under such terms and conditions as we may decide.