1. For Life Insurance Medical Repricing queries, contact our Careline team at +603-48133928 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


2. For General Insurance Medical Repricing queries (Easi Health and Easi HealthCare), contact our Careline team at +603-42598900 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


3. As part of Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) ongoing efforts to ensure that all Insurance and Takaful industry players uphold their commitments and deliver services as outlined in their Customer Service Charter (CSC), both BNM and the Boards and Management Committees of the Associations (MTA/LIAM/PIAM) have approved the appointment of NielsenIQ Malaysia as the research agency to conduct the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) 2024/25. Please visit our Announcement page for more information.

Updating of New (12-digit) Identity Card Number/Latest Passport Details/Other Personal Details

Your Insurance Policy is a long-term investment. To get the best out of your policy and allow us to serve you better, it is important that you inform us of any changes to your personal details.

Type of personal details changes/updates Via Form Submission Via Online

1) Change/Update of:

  • New (12-digit) Malaysian Identity Card Number
  • New or latest passport number and expiry date
  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Signature
  • Other Changes1. 
  1. Please download form: Request for Person Changes
  2. Complete the form and provide supporting documents. Refer to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for details on the supporting document requirement.
  3. Submit the documents via your agent or by mail/email to Customer Service or visit our nearest branch
Not applicable

2) Change/Update of:-

  • Address
  • Contact Number
  • Email Address
  1. Please download form: Request for Person Changes
  2. Complete the form and submit it via your agent or by mail/email to Customer Service or visit our nearest branch

For existing e-Connect User,

  1. Login to eConnect portal at https://econnect-my.greateasternlife.com
  2. Click at My Account > View Profile  to update online

Please complete all relevant fields in the form and ensure your signature is executed as per the Proposal Form or the latest recorded signature.

Important note: Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for more information.

Questions and Answers

Updating of New (12-digit) Identity Card Number/Latest Passport Details/Other Personal Details

For change of address, contact number and email address, you may update the change directly online via eConnect at https://econnect-my.greateasternlife.com/econnect-new/#/login through “My Profile” page.

For other personal details update, please complete the Request for Person Changes Form and submit the form together with a certified true copy or original sighted copy of the relevant supporting documents through mail/email to:

Mailing Address

Great Eastern Life Assurance (M) Berhad
Menara Great Eastern
No 303 Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Attn: Customer Service Department

Email Address

Alternatively, you may approach your agent for assistance or visit our nearest branch office.  Please ensure you bring along the original identification document.

For update of Personal Details such as correction of name, identification number, Date of Birth, gender or change of citizenship, please submit a copy of the Birth Certificate/Identity Card/Passport (personal detail page)/Citizenship Certificate, duly certified true copy or original sighted by a person of prominent standing such as a doctor, lawyer, magistrate, Agency Manager, agent or authorised officers of the company as supporting evidence.  For certification by an agent, customer’s signature on the document is required.

It is advisable to indicate ‘For GELM use only’ on the copy of identification document before submitting the document to us for processing.

No, you only need to submit the certified true copy of your new NRIC.

If the Assured’s name is different from the name that was originally stated in the Proposal Form, please submit a certified true copy or original sighted official document indicating the change of name from the relevant competent authority and the new identification document as supporting evidence.  However, change of name to a different person is not allowed.

This is to ensure we have policyholder’s latest specimen of signature for verification in the event of any future service request to amend/update policy contractual benefits.

You may complete the Request for Person Changes Form to change/update your new signature.If you have forgotten or are unable to execute your old signature on the form, please visit our nearest branch office for assistance.

It will take approximately 5 working days from the receipt date of the documents to process the change provided all relevant documents have been duly submitted.

Change of Signature via e-Connect

For the hassle free on updating your latest signature, you may complete using the Change of Signature form ( For submission via e-Connect only).

Benefits of using this form:

  • No more rejection of applications due to old signature differs.
  • You are NOT required to produce the old signature.
  • No witness is required.
  • You NEED NOT visit Head Office or Branches Service Centre to change signature.
  • Secured submission channel via e-Connect

There are 2 options to update / change your signature.

  1. To visit any of the nearest Great Eastern Branch Office or Head office to update your new signature.
  2. If you are an existing e-Connect user, please complete the Change of Signature Form (CSD-PSF01B_V01_082023) and submit a scanned copy of this form through eConnect > My Service Request > My Mailbox for our appropriate action. 

To download a copy of the Change of Signature Form, please click here
For Change of Signature via e-Connect Guide, please click here

No. The submission of Change of Signature via e-Connect form can only be done through the policy owner’s own e-Connect account.

The submission of Change of Signature via e-Connect form can only be done through the policy owner’s own e-Connect account.

It is to ensure your latest signature is recorded for verification and handling of any future policy changes or claims request.

No. For change of signature to thumbprint, please visit the nearest Great Eastern Branch Office or Head Office

It is advisable to keep the original form for minimum of 6 months in case the submitted copy in e-Connect is not clear or readable, which we may request for re-submission of this form

The processing time for change of signature is 8 working days. You will receive a written confirmation when your latest signature has been updated.

Your submitted change of signature could be rejected due to the following situation:

  1. Incomplete form.
  2. Submitted form is not clear or readable.
  3. Policy stated in the form does not belongs to the e-Connect user.
  4. Policy stated in the form is not an individual policy. Example: Group Multiple Benefit Scheme Policy.
