1. For Life Insurance Medical Repricing queries, contact our Careline team at +603-48133928 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).
2. For General Insurance Medical Repricing queries (Easi Health and Easi HealthCare), contact our Careline team at +603-42598900 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).
2. As part of Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) ongoing efforts to ensure that all Insurance and Takaful industry players uphold their commitments and deliver services as outlined in their Customer Service Charter (CSC), both BNM and the Boards and Management Committees of the Associations (MTA/LIAM/PIAM) have approved the appointment of NielsenIQ Malaysia as the research agency to conduct the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) 2024/25. Please visit our Announcement page for more information.
The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRB) introduced electronic invoicing known as e-Invoice for all commercial transactions by phases starting 1 August 2024.
e-Invoice is a digital representation of a transaction which allows businesses to electronically send invoices to IRB. This is in line with the Government’s focus on strengthening the digital services infrastructure and to digitalise the tax administration.
As for Great Eastern Life Malaysia, the self-billed e-invoice for policy benefits payout has been implemented as the phase 1 approach effective 1 August 2024. Given that the process will also require us to collect a certain mandatory supplier/customer information, hence, we shall reach out to you for the details soon.
In addition, please find our details below for your e-Invoicing purpose:
GELM Business Registration Number : 198201013982
GELM TIN : C2885638040
GELM SST Registration Number : W10-1808-32001872
GELM MSIC Code : 65111
GELM Business Activity : Life Insurance
For further information, please click here to view the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Thank you.
In line with the revision of Sales and Service Tax (SST) rate effective 1st March 2024 from 6% to 8%, the premium amount for Keyman policy due on or after 1st March 2024 that is subjected to SST will be revised accordingly.
For policy with payment method via GIRO auto-debit, it is advisable for customer to submit a fresh GIRO form for the revised premium amount (premium + 8% SST) to ensure proper authorization is provided to the Company for deduction of the new premium amount.
Alternatively, please register for credit / debit card auto-debit service.
For more payment options, please refer to Home > Personal Insurance > Customer Services > Payment. For more information and updates on SST, kindly visit Royal Malaysian Customs Department website https://mysst.customs.gov.my/
Great News, we are glad to announce that effective 21 November 2022, new operation hours for Great ID Careline is from 8.30am to 7.15pm (Monday to Friday except for Public Holidays).
By extending the operation hours of Great ID Careline, we strive to provide better accessibility and support for our policyholders.
Please take note that this extended operation hours is only applicable for enquiries related to eConnect.
As our appointment-based system has received numerous positive feedbacks from our customers due to the enhanced servicing experience, such as a shorter waiting time, servicing efficiency and most importantly, providing the convenience, comfort and a safe environment to our customers, we would continue with this appointment-based system at our Customer Service Centre at Head Office and Branches nationwide.
Please click the following for appointment booking:
Please be advised that ONLY LIMITED SERVICING SLOTS are available daily. As such, once the daily servicing slots are fully booked, we will not be able to cater for unscheduled servicing request.
We strongly encouraged you to log on to e-Connect to view your policy information or perform selected transactions.
In view of the wide-ranging premium payment options that are available to our policyholders today, please be informed that the payment counters located at Great Eastern offices nationwide will be closed permanently effective on 1st February 2022. For more information on the alternative policy related payment options, please refer to Premium Payment.
In view of the continuing current low interest rate trend and future investment outlook, please be advised that there will be a revision on interest rate for Policy Loan, Automatic Premium Loan (APL), Cash Bonus and Survival Benefits Accumulation effective 1st Jan 2022.
The revised rates are summarized below:
Current Interest Rate
(per annum)
Revised Interest Rate
(per annum)
w.e.f 1 January 2022
Policy Loan
Automatic Premium Loan (APL)
Cash Bonus and Survival Benefits Accumulation
Overdue Premium Interest (Max Multiplier, Max Step-Up)
The following year 2020 e-Statements are now available in e-Connect for policyholder’s reference:
Premium Paid Statement
Investment-Link Policy Annual Statement
Investment-Link Sustainability Statement
Universal Life Annual Statement
Universal Life Annual Sustainability Statement
As part of company’s digital initiatives to enhance customers’ convenience and speed of access to policy information, the following statement will only be available in electronic version via e-Connect:
Your eStatement is in PDF (Portable Document File) format and policyholder can access up to the last 5 years statements via eConnect. The eStatement is applicable to policy issued under Agency, Group Multiple Benefits Insurance Scheme (GMBIS) and Bancassurance. Policyholder will stop receiving physical (paper) copy of these statements.
In line with the initiative to promote e-payment and hassle free service for policyholder, we are pleased to inform that effective from 20 January 2021, policyholders who are an active e-Connect users, can now update their bank account number for direct credit of policy payments via e-Connect.
As part of company’s continuous digital initiatives to enhance customers’ convenience and speed of access to policy information in a secure manner, we are pleased to inform that effective from 23 February 2020, policyholders with e-Connect account will automatically enjoy receiving selected correspondences in electronic version (e-Correspondence) and stop receiving paper copy of these correspondence through postal mail.
An email or SMS notification will be sent to policyholder when they received an e-Correspondence. To view the e-Correspondence, just login to e-Connect and click on ‘My Document’ tab. For added convenience, e-Correspondence will be available in e-Connect up to 2 years for policyholder’s easy reference or can be downloaded and save into personal computer/device as Adobe PDF format.
As a part of our initiative to enhance customer’s awareness on their Investment-Linked Policy, this guide provides information on possible factors affecting the policy’s investment value, and recommended steps to ensure the insurance coverage is sustainable up to the full term of the policy.
To view the Investment-Linked Policy Guide, please click here for English, Malay and Mandarin version.
An electronic version of Great Eastern Life Malaysia Participating Fund Update is now available in e-Connect for policyholder’s reference.
The Participating Fund (“Par Fund”) Update provides an overview of the Par Fund Performance for each financial year (ending on 31 December) and some insights on the future outlook of the Par Fund. This update is meant for policy participating in the profits of the Company usually in the form of reversionary bonuses, cash bonuses or terminal bonuses.
For more details, please login or register to e-Connect at https://econnect-my.greateasternlife.com > My Portfolio > Reports & Updates > Participating Fund Update to view the latest Great Eastern Life Malaysia Participating Fund Update.
As part of our continuous efforts to enhance our customers’ insurance plan benefits, we are pleased to announce the TPD benefit limit will be increased to RM10,000,000 per life for all new and in-force policies (excluding Group policies) effective from 06 October 2017.
All other features and benefits as well as terms and conditions of the insurance plans remain unchanged.
For any question on the increase in TPD benefit limit, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for more information.
Your Insurance Policy is a long-term investment. To get the best out of your policy and allow us to serve you better, it is important that you inform us of any changes to your personal details.
It is a revision of medical insurance premiums due to higher medical claims than expected and increasing healthcare cost.
2. Why does healthcare cost increase?
Healthcare cost increases every year due to many reasons, for example:
higher frequency of seeking healthcare treatments
increase in surgical fees and prescription of drugs
advancement in technology and equipment for healthcare treatments
evolving lifestyle with increase in chronic illness
3. How does medical repricing take place?
Medical insurance is written based on risk sharing basis. The premiums collected are shared among the portfolio to provide payment for all medical claims. The company, Great Eastern General Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad (“GEGM”) monitors and reviews the claims performance of the entire portfolio periodically. The assessment is based on the change in number of claims, average claim amount and the average medical inflation cost. Hence, medical repricing is needed to ensure GEGM is able to provide medical coverage over the long run. Any increase in medical premiums will be applied across the entire portfolio.
4. How will medical repricing affect my medical policy?
Your premium will be revised, and you will have to pay the revised premium amount to continue enjoying the coverage. However, there will not be any change to the policy terms and conditions.
5. Can I terminate my existing medical policy and purchase another new product?
Yes, you can. However, it is not recommended to terminate your existing medical policy as you may be subject to new terms and conditions such as waiting period and higher loadings.