1. *Guaranteed acceptance with no medical underwriting is available during Special Promotion period only. Kindly refer to your servicing intermediary on the availability of the promotion.
2. Customers with an existing hospitalisation benefit in their Group Multiple Benefits Insurance Scheme (GMBIS) plan are allowed to purchase this rider up to 0.1% of their basic sum assured, while those without an existing hospitalisation benefit in their GMBIS plan are allowed to purchase this rider up to 0.2% of their basic sum assured
3. Disclaimer: The information provided in this page is not an insurance contract. The descriptions of cover are a brief summary for quick and easy reference. Please refer to the Product Brochure, Product Disclosure Sheet, Policy Contract and FAQ for more information on the insurance plan. The Advanced Hospitalisation Income Benefit Rider is underwritten by Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.