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Yu Siong Choo

Yu Siong Choo

Female 32 English, Mandarin, Hakka, Foochew, Cantonese Kota Kinabalu, Ranau, Keningau, Beaufort
Registered Financial Consultant 22 Years MDRT, Million Dollar Agency (2007 - 2014)

I have been with Great Eastern Life since 1992, I have my clients comprise different age groups, professions and races as I enjoy meeting people from all walks of life. It is my passion to share with them the importance of having comprehensive financial planning from fulfilling dreams to prepared for all unforeseen events in life.

I cherish every moment that I share with my clients, especially the privilege of being able to walk through their life journey with them. To me, this is a very meaningful career and I am thrilled whenever my clients acknowledge my good service and willing be to my referral.

I am proud of my career and with this in mind, I will gladly inherit this career to my next generation.

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