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Gan Lai Hock

Gan Lai Hock

Male 13 English, Mandarin Johor, Klang
Diploma in Economics, HELP University Supremacy Excellence 2021, Million Dollar DG 2021

I obtained a Diploma of Economic from HELP University. Since joining Great Eastern Life in 2011, I have been professional trained with high ethical standard by Great Eastern Life.

I have expertise in the field of financial planing and I strive to educate and create financial security for clients. After working with variety of clients, I realise that I enjoy helping individual and business owners to manage their health insurance and wealth accumulation.

I design my practice to help clients accomplish the following 1. Save time by shopping the market for the most suitable plan 2. Maximise the savings potential through desired plan 3. Have periodic review and revision of financial portfolio the keep it up to date.

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