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Aw Yong Boon Hao
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Aw Yong Boon Hao

Male 13 Mandarin, English, Malay, Hokkien Batu Pahat, Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya
Bachelor (Hons) of Engineering Supremacy Award (2014-2020), MDRT

I graduated from University of Portsmouth, England majoring in Bachelor (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with first class honours, After graduated, I worked as a mechanical engineer in Singapore. With both enthusiasm and high expectations on myself, I joined Great Eastern in 2013 and achieved my first Supremacy Elite Award, MSA Whole Year Qualifier and AKARD Award Gold in 2014.

Based on my skills, knowledge and experience, I help customers to optimize financial plans to work towards their goals. I present myself as an ethical and responsible person who has superb communication, sales and problem solving skills. As such, I always stay abreast of current market information and product knowledge in order to provide approriate advice to fulfil customers' financial objectives.

As an individual who has been working in this industry for several years, I maintain a robust network with customers. I greatly value the loyalty of my customers who play a vital role on the way to success.

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