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High blood pressure

Week 1: How to have a happy heart

High blood pressure is common throughout the world, but keeping it on the down low can keep you fit for life. In the first week of your 3-week programme we'll give you some handy tips about what causes blood pressure and how you can control it.

Step 1: Finding your pressure points

Finding out the best way to control your blood pressure depends on whether your hypertension has its roots in your diet, your level of physical fitness, or your genetic make-up. Take our questionnaire and see what your lifestyle says about your heart.
  • Question 1
    You’re enjoying a buffet dinner as a guest. Do you:
    A) Eat your usual portion?
    B) Over indulge a bit, but know you’ll feel sluggish next morning?
    C) Make the most of it and show the hosts their food was appreciated?
    Pick One
  • Question 2
    You have a few spare hours on a Sunday and your partner suggests a walk in the park. Do you:
    A) Decline – it’s been a busy week at work and you don’t have the energy.
    B) Pretend to be asleep on the couch.
    C) Say you’d prefer to go out for tea.
    Pick One
  • Question 3
    You’re on a beach holiday. Do you:
    A) Have a gentle swim followed by a stroll in the sand?
    B) Relax on a sun bed with a book in your hand?
    C) Take charge of getting the ice creams?
    Pick One
  • Question 4
    You’re thinking about changing your job and need to mull it over. What helps you to clear your mind?
    A) A walk in the park with my iPod.
    B) Lying on the sofa with a packet of biscuits.
    C) Sitting down with a cigarette.
    Pick One
  • Question 5
    Where do your happiest moments with the family take place?
    A) During family activities outdoors – such as a frisbee game or a leisurely stroll.
    B) At home sitting and chatting, or playing computer/board games.
    C) Where we're out looking for good food together.
    Pick One
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Step 2: Download your week 1 recommendations

What you'll find inside:

  • Techniques to help you read your blood pressure
  • Tips to keep blood pressure under control, no matter your lifestyle
  • A diary to monitor your first steps towards a happier heart.
Download Now, it's Free!
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