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Pomelo, orange & grapefruit salad

Pomelo, Orange & Grapefruit Salad15 – Great Eastern Life

1/2 cup Coconut milk
2 tbsp Garlic, minced
4 tbsp Shallots, minced
1 tbsp Lemongrass, mince
2 Chilli padi
1 Lime, juiced
Fish sauce, to taste

100g Winged beans, sliced and poached
2 tbsp Peanuts, plain, non-salted
8 Prawns, boiled, shelled and deveined
Coriander, handful
Mint, handful
2 tbsp Cranberries
2 Pomelo segments, peeled
2 Orange segments, peeled
2 Grapefruit segments, peeled
2 tbsp Garlic shallot oil


1. Using a blender, mince the garlic, shallots and lemongrass. If you don't have a blender, carefully chop the garlic, shallots, lemongrass and chilli padi very finely

2. Top and tail the winged beans by slicing off the tips at either end. Put the beans into a pot of salted boiling water and poach for 3-5 minutes. They should be tender, but not too soft. Once the beans are poached, drain the water away and put the beans in a bowl

3. Put the plain, unsalted peanuts into a frying pan without oil and dry-fry over a low heat until they begin to brown. Then remove the peanuts from the pan and put into a bowl

4. If you have fresh prawns you will probably need to shell and de-vein them. For decorative purposes, you can leave the shell on at the tip of the tail. After shelling the prawns, use a small knife to cut along the middle of the shrimp's back, about 1/2 a centimetre deep. You will probably see a thin black vein running down the back of each prawn. Use the tip of the knife to pull the vein away from the prawn and discard. Bring a pot of salted water to the boil. Put all the shelled and deveined prawns into the boiling water and cook for around 2-3 minutes. When cooked, prawns tend to float to the surface and their bodies turn translucent pink in colour. Once cooked, remove the prawns and place them in a bowl of ice water

5. In a high-sided pan, sauté the minced garlic, shallots, lemongrass and chilli padi until the garlic and shallots are transparent. Then add the coconut milk. Bring the coconut mixture to the boil and simmer for around 3-5 minutes. Set aside to cool

6. In a blender, blend the coconut mixture until it is a well-combined and smooth broth. Squeeze the lime's juice into the coconut broth, making sure to catch the seeds. Add fish sauce also. Keep the broth chilled

7. In a large bowl, mix the coconut broth dressing with the poached beans, coriander and mint

8. Add the cooked prawns, the peeled citrus fruit segments and the toasted nuts. Then drizzle with the garlic shallot oil. Enjoy!


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