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Steamed cod with green chilli salsa

Steamed Cod Fish Recipe With Green Chilli Salsa15 – Great Eastern Life

480g Cod (ask for the fish to be cut into four fillets, de-boned and the skin removed)
100g Green chilli
100g Shallots
10g Coriander
210ml Thai lime juice
40g Fish sauce
60g Sugar
Pinch of salt
4 Red chilli padis, for the garnish
1-2 Spring onions, for the garnish


1. If you have a steamer, heat it to 70°C. If not, boil water in a large saucepan and place a steaming rack over it

2. Finely chop the chilli, shallots and coriander with a sharp knife

3. Place the chopped chilli, shallots and coriander, lime juice, fish sauce, sugar and salt into a blender and blend until the consistency is a fine puree. If you don't have a blender, combine the ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir until well mixed. Set aside

4. Season the cod fillets with a pinch of salt

5. Steam the fish for six to eight minutes. If using a saucepan and steaming rack, line the rack with greaseproof paper so that the fish doesn't stick. Remember to cover the fish with either another piece of greaseproof paper or a saucepan lid

6. For the garnish, peel a long strip from the spring onion – one strip for each piece of cod. Tie a spring onion strip around each cooked cod fillet, and knot it to hold it in place. Slide a chilli padi under each spring onion strip

7. Spoon the green chilli salsa into four serving bowls. Then carefully place the cod fillets on top of the salsa.

Singaporean chef Willin Low has five restaurants in his home city of Singapore. You can enjoy more of Willin Low's recipes on his new show, A Party Affair, showing on the Asian Food Channel.

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