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Know why: get off your couch

Benefits Of Getting Off Couch – Live Great – Great Eastern Life

We'd all like to play badminton like world number one Malaysian Lee Chong Wei, or swim like Singapore's 2016 Olympic hopeful, Joseph Schooling. But even world-class athletes have to start somewhere – here's why it's good to for all of us to get moving.

Getting of the starting blocks
The first step to getting fit is in your head, not your body. Start that new regime by getting up early before work to go for a jog. Or head for the gym or to a pilates class after work, instead of spending the whole evening slumped in front of the TV. Your efforts to improve yourself will be repaid in leaps and bounds.

A little goes a long way
One of the best things about a fitness regime, whether it's a 30-minute tai chi session or high-energy Muay Thai class, is that you'll feel the benefits almost immediately. It doesn't take long for your body to reward you with more strength and energy. Physical exercise releases endorphins – the body's own chemical ‘opiate' that give you a natural feeling of euphoria, which is a great start.

A healthier you
Exercising regularly can help protect you from developing a number of health issues, including high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis. Being more active also helps to develop healthy bones, muscles and joints, and it's a fabulous stress buster. After a bad day at work, instead of calling your friends to moan, just swim or run off your frustration. You'll feel so much better!

Make new friends

Exercising is a great way to make new friends. There are numerous sporting clubs to join where you'll learn new skills with like-minded people. Or why not join a gym? You'll come into contact with people who will encourage you to stick to your new, healthy regime. What are you waiting for? Get moving, get fit!

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